Is if possible to efficiently type on one’s laptop while hiding under the bed to escape the meltdown of our economy? And won’t the sinus infection from which I currently suffer be worsened by the dust that my political activities have allowed to amass under the same said bed?
The current economic crisis isn’t really a situation that should be made humorous or interesting. It is, instead, a cause for grave concern in the minds of all Americans. We are each affected, regardless of one’s individual stock market portfolio or lack of investments.
This crisis is the worst single issue to face most of us in our lifetime. Only those who are a surviving member of the Greatest Generation have faced similar experiences. You not only suffered through the Great Depression, but also made huge sacrifices during World War II to assure the freedom of our planet.
The time for blame is not now. That can come later – when the crisis is solved. Wise choices, made by the leaders we have chosen to make decisions on our behalf, are the key to preserving the world in which we have always walked.
Not only is judgment and leadership required, but also the decision to surround oneself with the wisest counsel available. There has never been a more important time for correct choices to be made.
November 4th is the date when the future of our great country will be decided.
Will the choice be that of a continuation of unqualified, partisan, political appointees? Or will the choice be, instead, that of electing an individual who will surround himself with the most qualified advisors, regardless of political persuasion.
We The People will make that choice.