Pictured Left: Frank A. Crenshaw / Renate Mahlke Wedding
Berlin Germany, January 31, 1959

Bates-Cleveland Wedding Vows Said in Philadelphia
Mrs. Daniel J. Bates of Philadelphia announces the marriage of her daughter,
Frances to Roy O. Cleveland of the U. S. Navy. The groom is the son of Mrs.
Harvy Cleveland of this city and the late Mr. Harvy Cleveland. The single ring ceremony
was performed by Reverend Hugh C. Castle in his home on Tuesday, January 9th, at
10 o'clock A. M., which was the exact 29th wedding anniversary of the bride's
mother. The bride was becomingly attired in a two-piece suit of cascade blue.
Her accessories were black. The only attendants at the wedding were the bride's
mother and several friends. Mrs. Cleveland is a graduate of the Philadelphia
High School and for the past four years has been an employee of Mars Brothers
Department Store in Philadelphia. The groom is a graduate of Union High School
and attended the University of Texas before entering the Navy as a volunteer.
After the ceremony the young couple departed for a short wedding trip.

Married Buntyn-Howle
Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Buntyn of Union, Mississippi announce the marriage of
their daughter, Annie Margaret, to Major Robert Paul Howle, Jr. On Monday,
November 5. The marriage vows were exchanged in a simple double ring ceremony
before the altar of the First Baptist Church with the Rev. John Ira Hill,
Baptist pastor, officiating. The bride was lovely in a dress of brown with
matching accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Their attendants were
T-Sgt. And Mrs. E. C. Freeman of Great Falls Army Air Base and Union. Major
Howle is the son of Mr. And Mrs. R. P. Howle of Neshoba, Mississippi. He
recently returned from three years of service in the European theater of
operations where he was awarded the distinguished flying cross, the air metal,
six oak lef clusters and six battle stars. Immediately following the ceremony
Major and Mrs. Howle left for a honeymoon trip to New Orleans. After Major
Howle's leave the young couple will return to Stutgart Army Air Base, Stutgart,

Miss Berdie Byram and Sgt. Howard McKinion were married March 28, at Decatur, in
the home of Rev. Horne, using the double ring ceremony. Mrs. McKinion is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Byram of Union, Route 2, and Sgt. McKinion is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. McKinion of Union, Route 4. Mrs. McKinion was formerly
employed at Union Dry Cleaners and Sgt. McKinion has just returned from
overseas, having served 35 months in England, North Africa, and Italy. Those
attending the wedding were Miss Johnie Kilpatrick, Miss Hycinth Byram and Mr.
Dovie Smith. Sgt. McKinion returned to Santa Ana, Calif., to be reassigned and
his wife will join him later.

Miss Buckley and Mr. Blount Exchange Vows
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Buckley announce the marriage of their only daughter, Eloise,
to Mr. Bennie Joe Blount, son of Mr. And Mrs. J. M. Blount of Decatur, Miss. The
simple, but impressive double ring ceremony was preformed Wednesday afternoon,
February 20 at 2 o'clock in the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. James
R. Grisham of Decatur. The bride was lovely in a dusty rose suit with brown
accessories and corsage of pink camellias. Mrs. Blount, a senior of Union High
School, attended Jackson Commercial College and at the time of her marriage was
employed by the Gulf, Mobile, and Ohio Railroad Company at Philadelphia, Miss.
Mr. Blount, senior of Decatur High School is now serving with the United States
Merchant Marines. The couple left immediately following the ceremony for a
honeymoon trip on the coast, and upon their return will be at home in Decatur
for the remainder of Mr. Blount's leave.

Captain Allen Bruce Cleveland and Miss Katherine Janette Carson surprised their
friends and relatives at the wedding reception of his sister, Sunday afternoon,
October fourteenth, when they were quietly married. Quickly grouping together
the Cleveland-Bencivenga wedding party in the living room, the Rev. John I.
Hill, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiated, suing the single ring
ceremony. Mrs. Carl Cloer, cousin of the bridegroom, served as matron of honor,
and Sgt. Francis J. Bencivenga, his brother-in-law, as best man. The bride wore
a floor length gown of white princess satin and net, and fringe tip vail which
fell from a coronet of seed pearls. Preceding the ceremony Misses Marjorie
Ozborn, pianist and Nancy Hagan, soloist, presented a program of nuptial music.
Miss Hagan sang "Because" and Miss Ozborn softly played Liszt's "Liesbestraum"
during the ceremony. Other attendants were Miss Joyce Sigrest and Mrs. Fred
Speed as bridesmaids and Sgt. W. G. Luke, Army Air Corps. Misses Carol Lane and
Lanette Taylor served as flower girls and Master Clayton Taylor Lewis of
Philadelphia, was ring bearer. Mrs. Cloer was gowned in Yellow net and she
carried an arm...

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Luke of Preston, announce the marriage of their daughter,
Nellie Luke, to T.-Sgt. James W. Cook, son of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Cooke
of Preston. The double ring ceremony was solemnized August 11 at the home of the
Rev. W. J. Walters of Philadelphia, who officiated. The bride wore a two-piece
model of aqua with brown accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Immediately
after the ceremony Sgt. And Mrs. Cook left for a visit to New Orleans. The groom
has just returned from 33 months of overseas service. He will report to San
Antonio for reassignment and Mrs. Cook will return to Union where she is
employed by Luke and Company.

Union Senior is March Bride
Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Crenshaw of Neshoba, announce the marriage of their
daughter, Mary Ruth, to Robert Edwards Mills of Union. The marriage was
solemnized in Union on March 28th with the Rev. Mr. McAdory performing the ceremony
at his home in the presence of a few close friends of the bridal couple. For her
wedding the bride chose a dress of soft blue worn with beige accessories. The
bride is a member of the senior class of the Union High School. The groom is the
son of Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Edwards. He is a graduate of the Union High School
and is now an employee of the Taylor Dry Cleaning Co. in Union, where the young
couple will reside.

Miss Evans is Bride of S/Sgt. Rayburn
Of interest to many friends and relatives of the bride and groom is the marriage
of Miss Hazel Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe I. Evans, Route 2, Union, to
S/Sgt. John Austin Rayburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rayburn, Bush,
Louisiana, on October 16, in the home of Rev. W. L. Milling. Rev. Milling
officiated in the impressive single ring ceremony in the presence of the
families of the bride and groom and a few close friends. The home was
beautifully decorated with ferm and yellow dahlias. Miss Evans chose Miss
Grace Williams as maid of honor. Mr. Frank Fountleroy, uncle of the groom,
served as best man. The bride chose a gold costume with rust
accessories. Miss Williams wore tan and brown with red accessories.
Mrs. Rayburn will return with her husband to Los Angeles, California, where the
groom is stationed in the U. S. Army Medical Corps.

French-Barnes Wedding
A lovely pre-Christmas nuptial was quietly solemnized Wednesday evening.
December 20, at 7:15 o'clock uniting Miss Martha Sue Barnes and Grady Clifton
French, of Union. The single ring ceremony was said in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. V. Addy, where the bride was rooming, in the presence of relatives and a few
close friends, by the Rev. John Ira Hill, pastor of the Union Baptist Church.
The vows were exchanged before a setting of Christmas greenry interspersed with
white tapers and a brilliant Christmas tree added cheer to the setting. Miss
Clara Barnes, sister of the bride, and Miss Rosie French, sister of the groom,
entered and lighted the candles. The bride and groom entered together. The bride
was lovely in a blue wool coat dress, with which she wore a....immediately
following the ceremony. It was announced that all the gifts which had been
placed under the tree were for the new bride and groom. These were opened and
admired. Cake and coffee were served the guests by Miss Mary Jewel Sessums,
Clara Barnes, Mrs. Mabel Mitchell and Mrs. Hugh Chambers. After a brief wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. French will be at home in Union.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gardner, of Union, are announcing the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Willie Maud Gardner, to Joe Cleveland, son of Mr. And Mrs. W. V.
Cleveland of Union. The ceremony took place in the evening at 6:30 o'clock,
August 23, at the home of W. H. Rainer, grandfather of the groom, who
officiated. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland have reassumed
their places of employment, Mrs. Cleveland being an employee of Alexander's
Pharmacy and Mr. Cleveland an employee of Nicholson's Dry Cleaners.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs of Newton, Miss., announce the marriage of their
youngest daughter, Evelyn Inez, to Orel Freeman of Union, Miss. The single ring
ceremony took place in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walton by Rev. Raymond
Herrington of Clinton, Miss., on December 23 at 5:30 o'clock. The attendants
were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walton, Mrs. Raymond Herrington, Lizzie Mae and Gladys
Gibbs. They will make their home in Union.

Wedding Announced - Mrs. Thomas Glenn Weaver
Mr. And Mrs. Otis L. Gordon of Union, announce the marriage of their daughter,
Evelyn, to Mr. Thomas Weaver, son of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Weaver of Conehatta. The
impressive ceremony was solemnized on February 16th in the home of Rev. John Ira
Hill, the officiating minister. The bride was attired in Heaven blue with black
accessories and her corsage was of pink carnations. Those present for the
occasion were Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Adolph Shealy and Miss Ruth Gordon
of Union, and Miss Willie Mae Gordon of Edwards, Miss. Mrs. Weaver at the time
of her marriage was a member of the faculty of Conehatta High School where Mr.
Weaver is a student. She is now employed at Alexander's Pharmacy. At the end of
the school term the young couple will take a short honeymoon; then they will
make their home in Union.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Griffis of Union, Miss., announce the marriage of their
daughter, Virginia Ann, to Earl Douglas Vance, A.R.M.1/c, son of Mr. and Mrs.
David H. Vance of Decatur, Miss. The single ring ceremony took place at the home
of Rev. C. E. Bailey, December 26, 1944 at 8 P. M., in the presence of Mrs.
Billy Griffis and Miss Bernett Vance. The bride wore a lovely frock of luggage
tan with matching accessories. Petty Officer and Mrs. Vance will make their home
in Corpus Christi, Texas where the groom is now stationed.

Hansford - Curry
A wedding of much widespread interest is that of Miss Geneva Curry, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Curry of Sebastopol, to William C. Hansford, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Hansford of Union. The ceremony occurred Saturday afternoon at
7:00 P. M. In the home of the Rev. Allen Cook of Decatur. The single ring
ceremony was used. The bride chose a white chiffon dress trimmed in lace,
with white accessories. Her corsage was of white roses. The groom wore his
uniform of the U.S. Navy. He received a medical discharge from the navy some
time ago. The only attendants were Mrs. A. V. Terrell, sister of the
groom, and Miss Ruth Galloway. The couple left for a short wedding trip after
the ceremony. Mrs. Hansford is an employee of Millers Beauty Shop.
The groom is a student at East Central Junior College at Decatur. The
couple will make their home with the groom's parents until the groom completes
his school work at Decatur.

Donald Bynum, Yeoman 2/c, and Miss Verna Ruth Harrison were married Saturday
afternoon, April 28, at the Union Methodist parsonage, with Rev. R. L. Lane
officiating. Yeoman Bynum is in the Naval Air Corps and is stationed at
Pensacola, Fla. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Bynum of Decatur, and is a
graduate of Beulah Hubbard High School. Mrs. Bynum is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Harrison of Little Rock, having graduated this year from Beulah
Hubbard High School. Yeoman Bynum, accompanied by his wife, returned the first
of the week to his post of duty at Pensacola where they will make their home for
the present.

Miss Opal Earle Harbour and Mr. Cobert Heflin were married Wednesday night at 9
o'clock at the home of Rev. R. L. Lane, pastor of the Union Methodist Church.
Mrs. Heflin is the daughter of Mrs. Ruby Harbour and finished High School here
last spring. Mr. Heflin is a son of Mr. Barto Heflin and is employed by
Nicholson Dry Cleaners. Among those who attended the wedding were Mrs. Billy
Heflin of Sebastopol, Mrs. Quention Rigdon, Miss Geneva Heflin and Miss Dorothy
McCraw. Mr. And Mrs. Heflin will make their home here in Union.

December Bride and Groom
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Holder of this city are announcing the marriage of their
youngest daughter, Rose to S/Sgt. Raph Steiner, son of Mr. And Mrs. Joe Steiner
of Aridon, North Dakota. Mrs. Steiner has been employed with the Camp Exchange
at Camp Shelby, for the last three years. Sgt. Steiner has been stationed in
Camp Shelby until recently. He has been shipped to New York where he will be
shipped from for overseas duty.

Mr. Johnnie D. Vance, son of Mr. T. J. A. Vance of Conehatta, and Miss Imogene
Horn, daughter of Mrs. Lula Horn of Union, were married Wednesday evening, May
19th at the Baptist parsonage here in the presence of a few close friends and
relatives. Rev. Chester M. Savage performing the single ring ceremony. Mrs.
Vance will continue to make her home in Union, while her husband, who left last
Friday to join the U. S. Armed Forces, is in service.

Former Union Boy Marries in California
Mr. And Mrs. H. Kappmeyer of 1015 N. Parton, Santa ana, California, announce the
marriage of their eldest daughter, Loneal Arline Kappmeyer to James D. Horton of
136 North Olive, Orange, California, on Tuesday, November 16 at 8:30 P. M. The
ceremony was performed in the home of the brides parents by Rev. W. C. Gesch.
The living room was decorated with lovely flowers. The bride was smartly attired
in a blue crepe frock, worn with black accessories and a corsage of gardenias
and rose buds. The groom wore the sailors uniform of his country. He is a
graduate of Union High School and is now on the U. S. S. Ajax, which will sail
soon. The bride will make her home with her parents.

Engagement Announced - Miss Lataine Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Houston announce the engagement and approaching marriage of
their daughter Gertrude Lataine to T/Sgt. Fred Powell of Mobile, Ala. The
ceremony to take place at the Spring Hill Methodist Church in Mobile in the late
afternoon of Sunday, October 28 at five o'clock. The bride-elect is the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Houston. She graduated from Union High School in April
1944 and since that time has been doing clerical work for the G. M. & O. R.
R. Co. In Mobile.

Union WAC Marries Laurel Sailor
Cpl. Jewell L. James, daughter of Mrs. Etta James, of Union, and Torpedoman 2/c
Harrell Flowers, of Laurel, were married Saturday night, October 7, 1944, in
Laurel, Miss. The happy young couple have been spending their honeymoon visiting
relatives here and at Laurel. After their leave from the service expires they
will return to their respective posts of duty, Mrs. Flowers to Washington, D.
C., where she is stationed with the WAC, and Mr. Flowers to San Francisco where
he will report to the Navy for duty on a submarine. He has been in the Navy five
years and said his submarine had been credited with 25 Jap ships sunk.

Mr. And Mrs. R. J. Jenkins of Union announce the marriage of their daughter,
Eleana, on Oct. 6 to John V. Matlock, Cox, of the U. S. Navy. The groom is the
son of Mr. And Mrs. E. N. Matlock of Little Rock.

Johnson - Smith
Pfc. W. L. Johnson spent Christmas with his family, and on Christmas eve he
married Miss Evelyn Smith, who with his family, is anxiously awaiting his return

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna Lois,
to Pfc. Morris H. Reagan, son of Mr. And Mrs. Clarence Reagan on Feb. 3 at 9:00
A. M. In the home of the groom's parents. The impressive double ring ceremony
was performed by the Rev. R. L. Lane with only the immediate family present. The
bride wore a blue suit with black accessories and corsage of pink carnations.
Immediately following the ceremony the couple left for a brief trip to the
coast. Mrs. Reagan is a graduate of Union High School. She was formerly employed
at Kasdan's. Pfc. Reagan is spending a thirty days furlough after having served
27 months overseas duty with the Army.

Miss Vernett Vance, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mittie Vance and the late L. W.
Vance of Union, became the bride of Edsell F. Johnson, son of Mrs. Susan Johnson
and the late W. D. Johnson of Little Rock, in a quiet ceremony at the home of
the officiating minister, Rev. Roy L. Lane, pastor of the Union Methodist
Church, on the evening of Friday, Oct. 19 at 6:30 o'clock. The double ring
ceremony was performed in the presence of a few close friends. For the ceremony,
the bride chose an aqua frock with brown accessories. She carried a small white
bible. Miss Glenda Ruth Walker, the bride's attendant, was dressed in a Navy
suit with Navy accessories. Mrs. Cecil Hataway, sister of the bride, wore a
black suit with fuchsia accessories. M/Sgt. John Yarbrough of Florence, South
Carolina attended the bridegroom as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left
immediately after the ceremony by motor for a wedding trip. Mrs. Johnson
graduated from Union High School where she was a popular student and until a few
months ago was employed by the U. S. Engineers at Mobile, Ala. Mr. Johnson
graduated from Beulah Hubbard and has just returned from four years service in
the European theatre. He was recently discharged at Camp Shelby under the point
system with 117 points.

Mr. And Mrs. Lee Moore Moore of Little Rock, Miss., Route 1, are announcing the
marriage of their daughter, Miss Lorene Moore, to Bruce Nicholson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Nicholson of Union, Miss., Route 4. The marriage was
solemnized March 9, by Rev. Truly Reynolds, using the impressive double ring
ceremony, with only a few close friends and relatives present. The bride
was lovely in a medium blue wool suit with brown accessories and corsage of pink
gladiola, matching her blouse and flower on her hat. Mr. Nicholson served
three years in the Navy, being discharged January 30, 1946. He is now
employed with Nicholson Dry Cleaners. The young couple will make their
home in Union.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Nicholson announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary
Julia, to Mr. Rudolph Skinner on May 26. The ceremony was performed at the
Methodist parsonage at Union, with Rev. R. L. Lane officiating. Mr. Skinner is
the son of Mrs. Mittie Skinner and the late Louis Skinner of the County Line

Engagement Announced - Miss Edna Earl Ozborn
Mr. C. M. Ozborn of Union, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of
his daughter, Edna Earle, to Bobbie Lee Moore, son of Mr. And Mrs. R. L. Moore,
also of Union. Miss Ozborn is a graduate of Union High School, and has attended
Mississippi State College for Women the past three years, and is now enroller
there as a Junior. Mr. Moore is a graduate of Union High School and has attended
Tulane University of Louisiana for two years and is now enrolled in the School
of medicine at the University of Mississippi. Following their marriage in June
they will continue their education at the University of Mississippi.

Union Girl Married in Meridian - Mr. And Mrs. Leon Anderson
Meridian, Miss–The marriage of Miss Johnnie Rue Ozborn, daughter of Mr. And
Mrs. J. E. Ozborn of Union and Leon Anderson, son of L. C. Anderson and the late
Mrs. Katherine Anderson of Quitman Drive, was solemnized on February 9. The
marriage took place at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. H. G.
Johnson, pastor of the Sixth Street Church of God in Meridian with the
impressive double ring ceremony being used. The bride chose a suit of green with
brown accessories and she wore a corsage of pink rosebuds. The maid of honor was
Mrs. J. E. Bucalew, sister of the groom and J. E. Bucalew served as best man.
Mrs. Anderson is a graduate of Union High School where she also received her
diploma in music and previous to her marriage was a sophomore at Anderson
College, Anderson, Indiana. Mr. Anderson is a graduate of Clarksdale High School
and has received a recent discharge from the Navy, having just returned from 18
months of overseas duty. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony
for a wedding trip. They will reside on Quitman Drive until next fall, when they
plan to go to Indiana to continue their education.

54th Wedding Anniversary Celebrated
Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Rainer celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary Sunday,
December 10th at their home near Little Rock, Mississippi. A host of relatives
and friends attended the celebration and enjoyed the bounteous dinner. Mr. and
Mrs. Rainer received many useful gifts. Rev. Rainer has been an active Baptist
pastor for 30 years or more. At present he is pastor of the Hopewell Baptist
Church. They have ten living children. All of the children attended the reunion
except Walter Rainer, who is employed in the shipyard at Mobile, Ala.; Ernest
Rainer, who is a defense worker in Mobile, and Pvt. Alton E. Rainer, who is
serving his country in the U. S. Army in Holland and Germany. The following
grand sons could not attend the reunion because they are away in service: S 1/c
W. A. Rainer, serving in the South Pacific; Pvt. Charles H. Rainer, stationed in
La.; Pvt. William H. Rainer, in service in Italy; Pvt. Durward B. Rainer,
attached to Receiving Station, Camp Shelby, Miss. The following grand
sons-in-law are away serving our country also: Cpl. Thurman E. Sharp, stationed
in Georgia; Pfc. Robert O. Heflin, recovering from wounds in hospital in
England; Seaman Thomas Galloway. Rev. And Mrs. Rainer are looking forward to
their 55th wedding anniversary and hoping and praying all the relatives and
friends in service will be able to attend.

Miss Louise Sessums and Bernard Roebuck, S 2/c, were married in Norfolk, Va., on
July 10th. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mertis Sessums, and the groom is
the son of Mr. And Mrs. Carter Roebuck. They will make their home in Norfolk,
where the groom is stationed.

Engagement Announced - Miss Pollie Staton
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Staton of this city announce the engagement of their only
daughter, Pollie, to Captain Harry W. Barrick, Jr., son of Colonel and Mrs.
Harry W. Barrick of the United States Army. Miss Staton is a graduate of
Union High School and attended The Commercial Art School in Nashville,
Tennessee, Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and The
Ringling Art School in Sarasota, Florida. At the present Miss Staton is employed
in Sarasota. Prior to entering the Service Captain Barrick attended
Princeton. Since entering the Army Air Corps he has seen action in Italy,
Sicily, India, and China; and is the wearer of the Purple Heart, The
Distinguished Flying Cross, and The Air Medal. The wedding will take place
in Sarasota, Florida on the evening of Sunday November 18th. The couple will
make their home in Victoria, Texas where the groom has recently been stationed
after completing Command and General Staff School in Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas. Relatives and friends are invited through the press.

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Stribling are announcing the marriage of their daughter Mary
Blanche, to P.F.C. William E. Stribling, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stribling of
Mobile, Alabama. The ceremony was performed Friday afternoon, November 19, in
the parlor of the St. Francis Street Methodist Church, Mobile, Ala., with the
Rev. J. F. McLeod, pastor, officiating. The couple was attended by Mrs. J. F.
Biggert, sister of the groom, and Mrs. J. G. Hindsman of Mobile. P.F.C.
Stribling is with the Army Air Forces stationed at Brookley Field,

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Webb announce the marriage of their daughter, Jessie Mae to
Cpl Frank K. Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Lewis. The double ring ceremony
was read by Dr. Henry T. Brookshire at the First Baptist Church, Gulfport. The
bride wore a heavenly blue suit with black accessories and a corsage of pink
rose buds. Her only ornament was a gold bracelet of her mother's. Miss Edna Earl
Ozborn, a student at M. S. C. W. Served as maid of honor. She was gowned in
tomato red gabardine with black accessories and a corsage of white carnations.
A/S Bob L. Moore, U. S. N., served the groom as best man. Mrs. Webb, the bride's
mother, wore pink crepe with black accessories and white carnations. Mrs. Lewis,
mother of the groom, was attired in a brown three-piece suit with accessories to
match, and she also wore white carnations. Mrs. Lewis graduated from Union High
School in 1943 and has been a student at M. S. C. W. For the past three
semesters. Cpl. Lewis also graduated from Union High School in 1943 and is now
serving with the U. S. Army Air Force. He recently received his silver wings
from Kingwan, Ariz., and is now stationed at Gulfport Field. Cpl. and Mrs. Lewis
are at Home at 3518 Southward Drive, Gulfport, Miss. Others attending the
wedding were Mesdames Claude Miller, Madge Ferguson, Misses Mary Fox, Kathryn
Calahan, Aletha Anne King and Messrs. J. D. Webb, Sr. and C. G. Lewis.

Graham - Dunn - (The Union Appeal - June 1, 1944)
A marriage of much interest to their many friends and relatives was quietly
solemnized May 20 in the home of Rev. Lane of Union, when Miss Olivia Graham
became the bride of Kelly Claude Dunn, MM 3/c of the U. S. Coast Guard.