Southern Claims Commission

Beginning March 3, 1871 Congress allowed
Southerners to file claim for losses during the War Between the States if (1)
that individual was a Union loyalist; or (2) property was seized by
the Union Army. Copies of the claims and their supporting documents can be
obtained from the National Archives and Record Administration.
Newton Co, MS
Name |
Claim Number |
Amount Claimed |
Anderson, James |
2105 |
1,698 |
Auzborne, Penelope |
2107 |
860 |
Box, James B |
12183 |
565 |
Boyd, Carolinus |
1237 |
1,947 |
Brown, Randolph |
9556 |
517 |
Davidson, Chatman |
4976 |
1,089 |
Davison, John |
2110 |
250 |
Day, Charles W. |
12177 |
940 |
Gilbert, Evan S. |
18404 |
1,081 |
Hammock, Paschal D. |
22271 |
887 |
Herd, Samuel |
4115 |
3,640 |
Moore, Lemuel D. |
2115 |
287 |
Pointer, Phillip |
2116 |
280 |
Pullen, Wiley N. |
12178 |
426 |
Sessions, Franklin |
5004 |
210 |
Vance, James I |
2118 |
1,023 |
Willis, John |
2119 |
491 |
Scott Co, MS
Name |
Claim Number |
Claim Amount |
Bobbitt, Turner |
5872 |
1,037 |
Burnham, Doctor J. |
10931 |
12,515 |
Bustin, R. H. |
7326 |
524 |
Canady, James |
7846 |
252 |
Leake Co, MS
Name |
Claim Number |
Claim Amount |
Collins, James |
17324 |
587 |
Davis, John |
15201 |
250 |
Kemper Co, MS
Name |
Claim Number |
Claim Amount |
Abney, Mary T. |
15441 |
1,028 |
Adams, Estate of Sylvanus |
8540 & 22243 |
1,000 |
Addington, Isaac |
17670 |
460 |
Addington, Jesse |
17496 |
2,996 |
Alderson, Wm M. |
9951 |
500 |
Allen, Benjamin D. |
8761 |
1,837 |
Alvis, Gabriel M. |
4668 |
1,344 |
Anderson, Andrew |
9939 |
790 |
Andrews, Estate of E. |
21501 |
4,402 |
Archer, Peter F. |
9943 |
775 |
Arnold, Estate of Mary M. |
8762 |
2,275 |
Barry, William H. |
9944 |
1,300 |
Bigger, Joseph W. |
8511 |
392 |
Black, Sarah A. |
8541 |
2,030 |
Blakely, R. D. |
17253 |
6,391 |
Bowles, Elisha |
17459 |
4,943 |
Bowles, Wm M. |
19346 |
1,533 |
Browning, Albert G. |
10272 |
1,212 |
Browning, John A. |
4671 |
901 |
Browning, Heirs of Jones-Browning |
8580 |
14,110 |
Browning, Robert S. |
8543 |
1,274 |
Bryston, Robert M. |
9945 |
2,505 |
Bunch, Wm. S. |
8536 |
1,974 |
Butler, Branch |
10072 |
1,403 |
Butler, Estate of Charles G. |
18278 |
1,147 |
Butler, Margaret J. |
9955 |
1,529 |
Caldwell, James L. |
18690 |
200 |
Campbell, Lewis H. |
9956 |
1,005 |
Cantwell, Elijah |
20828 |
745 |
Cardwell, George W. |
20167 |
2,494 |
Carter, Mary E. |
8497 |
4,980 |
Cathey, John W. |
8553 |
646 |
Cathey, Estate of Robert F. |
8542 |
2,178 |
Clarke, Kenith |
8552 |
2,926 |
Collins, James D. |
8591 |
1,522 |
Cook Barbara P. |
8535 |
2,123 |
Cook, Elizabeth |
8547 |
836 |
Cook, James F. |
19185 |
1,601 |
Cook, Milas J. |
21499 |
2,597 |
Cook, Nat |
17841 |
3,000 |
Cooper, Emily D. |
13261 |
357 |
Corbin, G. Lane |
18743 |
3,225 |
Couch, Drury |
19347 |
2,947 |
Craig, Ellen |
9952 |
200 |
Davidson, Abraham W. |
21502 |
795 |
Davis, Estate of John B. |
16279 |
7,425 |
Davis, Waller |
8764 |
9,993 |
Dowk, Estate of A. M. |
21952 |
5,000 |
Fondren, Urcilla |
8581 |
33,057 |
Foster, John |
21503 |
643 |
Frazure, John I |
10071 |
1,281 |
Frierson, Jennett |
17254 |
1,350 |
Fudge, James P. |
10539 |
457 |
Fudge, S. M. |
10538 |
975 |
Gallegly, Wm T. |
8766 |
6,096 |
Garrett, Thomas L. |
4679 |
350 |
Godfrey, Mary E. |
8767 |
2,039 |
Gooch, John M. |
8,512 |
586 |
Goodwin, Isaiah |
21504 |
371 |
Goodwin, Joseph H. |
4682 |
438 |
Gray, Benjamin S. |
8579 |
568 |
Gray, Charles H. |
1305 |
3,313 |
Groce, John J. |
8587 |
3,636 |
Hale, Elijah |
9954 |
400 |
Hamilton, James |
5040 |
540 |
Harding, Amanda M. F. |
8583 |
540 |
Harmon, Sarah A. |
8592 |
1,865 |
Herod, Sarah D. |
16280 |
3,960 |
Hewlett, Tamer |
9948 |
200 |
Hickey, Joseph |
8760 |
2,162 |
Higginbotham, Edmond |
8514 |
1,744 |
Higginbotham, J. G. |
4684 |
4,609 |
Higginbotham, Wm. G. |
4,683 |
1,435 |
Higginbotham, Wm W. |
8768 |
880 |
Holcomb, Hosea N. |
18502 |
1,029 |
Holcombe, John B. |
8490 |
300 |
Hope, Levi |
17893 |
5,436 |
Houston, Martha |
9941 |
1,194 |
Howard, Mary A. |
21066 |
607 |
Howry, James M. |
19292 |
2,876 |
Hudgins, Jesse E. |
9940 |
411 |
Humphreys, Jesse |
18691 |
2,180 |
Irby, Thomas |
8067 |
1,575 |
Jolly, Wm G. |
8582 |
6,496 |
Jones, John W. |
8563 |
3,245 |
Kenneday, David J. |
19280 |
4,990 |
Kimmons, Hugh H. |
17610 |
959 |
King, Benjamin F. |
8515 |
2,490 |
King, Peyton |
8492 |
658 |
Kinright, E. J. |
18141 |
850 |
Lamb, Wm T. |
8513 |
787 |
Lane, Martha G. |
8510 |
780 |
Langston, John M. |
15341 |
6,725 |
Lewis, James M. |
9959 |
2,285 |
Lindsey, Estate of John Thomas |
14317 |
1,675 |
Livermore, John B. |
8550 |
1,121 |
Livingston, John |
19543 |
697 |
Logan, Tyler |
14363 |
16,080 |
McCain, Mary A. |
4686 |
1,383 |
McCorkle, Samuel E. |
8546 |
2,840 |
McEachin, Malcom |
8770 |
9.968 |
McEwin, Cyrun |
60 |
1,976 |
McGehee, Susannah |
16276 |
2,317 |
McGuire, Michael J. |
8771 |
6,096 |
McKee, Mary W. |
4687 |
7,178 |
McKee, Estate of James |
17611 |
9,193 |
Market, James E. |
8596 |
9,715 |
Matthews, Eliza |
8509 |
19,083 |
Matthews, Lucy |
8551 |
2,575 |
Medders, Jane |
9957 |
833 |
Miles, Ansel |
10192 |
550 |
Miller, Wm T. |
14794 |
819 |
Montgomery, Robert D. |
17612 |
1,684 |
Mooney, Estate of Jacob |
19132 |
260 |
Moore, Wm H. |
8548 |
680 |
Morrison, James |
4688 |
5,784 |
Mullins, Martin |
9.958 |
275 |
Morrow, Eli |
19981 |
2,416 |
Nabors, Sina D. |
21960 |
200 |
Nerres, Benjamin |
21498 |
931 |
Newell, David H. |
8598 |
9430 |
Nunnally, Eldred |
8779 |
19415 |
Nunnally, John V. |
9950 |
400 |
Nunnally, Thomas |
4689 |
6,631 |
Orr, Mary Ann |
4690 |
2,004 |
Owen, Estate of Wm |
20317 |
8,076 |
Parks, Mrs. Mahaley J. |
18143 |
1,287 |
Powell, Bluford |
8773 |
1,365 |
Powell, Jesse S. |
7678 |
200 |
Price, Ben |
20490 |
9,706 |
Price, John |
9947 |
502 |
Quick, Nathan |
10069 |
1,428 |
Randle, Martha P. |
20162 |
5,014 |
Redwine, James A. |
8774 |
2,222 |
Reeves, Estate of William A. |
21500 |
578 |
Robertson, Drury |
18750 |
3,306 |
Robinson, Josiah |
4692 |
315 |
Sanders, Permelia A. F. |
9953 |
1,360 |
Saunders, James W. |
17613 |
3,384 |
Shipp, Felix G. |
8777 |
3,000 |
Shive, Allen |
9949 |
500 |
Shultz, Samuel |
108 |
1,686 |
Simmons, Robert E. |
8538 |
1,212 |
Simmons, Wm E. |
8491 |
416 |
Simmons, Wm. B. |
8595 |
5,137 |
Singleton, Adams |
10070 |
337 |
Sisk, Jesse |
4696 |
841 |
Sloan, Sarah Ann |
4697 |
1,350 |
Smith, Estate of E. W. |
17255 |
5,357 |
Smith, Semiramis M. |
8776 |
9,540 |
Smith, Wm. A. |
8584 |
5,857 |
Smith, Wm L. |
8594 |
3,117 |
Smither, Wm H. |
17410 |
6,614 |
Snipes, Elbert |
8493 |
3,727 |
Spairs, Sidney W. |
8593 |
2,942 |
Spears, Benjamin F. |
8544 |
1,953 |
Spears, James M. |
8545 |
2,282 |
Springer, Dennis |
17645 |
855 |
Spears, Jane |
4695 |
2,822 |
Stockard, Mary E. |
19186 |
994 |
Strawhun, nancy E. |
20165 |
1,548 |
Strong, Nelson |
17664 |
1,548 |
Sugg, Andrew M. |
8775 |
4,100 |
Tabor, Aquilla |
17671 & 8778 |
13,838 |
Talliafero, William |
8780 |
2,565 |
Tatum, Caroline |
4699 |
2,416 |
Thacker, Richard B. |
8590 |
13,937 |
Trapp, Julia |
13247 |
1,040 |
Truett, Melinda A. |
11147 |
1,379 |
Turner, Elizabeth |
8586 |
9,645 |
Turner, William |
20166 |
7,906 |
Varner, Rufus M. |
8516 |
1,826 |
Viser, James H. |
19922 |
2,766 |
Waldrick, Caroline |
8539 |
1,267 |
Walker, John |
8781 |
6,600 |
Walton, Allen B. |
19538 |
735 |
Weatherby, Joseph A. |
8585 |
2,999 |
West, Holeman F. |
4701 |
1,731 |
West, Sarah A. R. |
5046 |
1,515 |
Wheeler, Drummond |
21965 |
1,111 |
Wheeler, James E. |
19539 |
622 |
Wheeler, Thomas W. |
19134 |
477 |
White, John H. |
4702 |
380 |
Wilcox, Joseph D. |
17614 |
5,443 |
Williams, Charles H. |
17616 |
2,322 |
Williams, Judge A. |
20163 |
2,070 |
Williams, Estate of Roderick |
8549 |
1,095 |
Williams, Samuel |
19695 |
860 |
Wilson, Jason C. |
8537 |
2,259 |
Wilson, Judith |
9938 |
1,282 |
Wimberly, Lewis |
9946 |
4,530 |
Wright, William |
21966 |
266 |
Young, Henry S. |
8782 |
2,624 |