Marriage Notices
Abstracted from
The Virginian Pilot
Virginian Pilot & Norfolk Landmark, Wednesday, April 5, 1933; Page 5; Portsmouth Weddings - Lauinger/Beresford. Word has been received here of the marriage, March 16, last, of Miss Alberta Frances Beresford of Bentley avenue, Beverly, N. J. to Frederick J. Lauinger, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Lauinger, of Warren street, Beverly. The ceremony was performed in the parsonage of the First Baptist Church, the pastor, the Rev. Millard O. Pierce, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Lauinger are making their home temporarily with the bride's parents. |
Virginian-Pilot & Norfolk Landmark, Sunday, August 7, 1921 - Weddings - Holland & Dickson - The marriage of Emmett N. Holland, of Portsmouth to Ellianora Dickson, of Ottumwa, Ia., took place in the residence of Rev. G. W. Sawyer, 522 South street, Portsmouth. Mr. Sawyer officiated. After the bridal tour they will reside at 1044 Glasgow street, Portsmouth. |
Virginian Pilot & Norfolk Landmark, Tuesday, August 20, 1918. Page 8. City of Portsmouth Section. Marriages. Kaplan - Steinman. Announcement was made yesterday of the marriage of Mrs. R. L. Steinman of this city to Dr. Bernard M. Kaplan of New York. |
Virginian Pilot & Norfolk Landmark, Thursday, April 6, 1933; page 7; Licensed To Wed - William Harry Martin, of Shields, and Mary Virginia Johnson, of R.F.D. 3, Portsmouth, obtained a marriage license yesterday in the office of the Norfolk County Clerk. |
The Virginia Pilot, Norfolk, VA.
October 19, 1881 Married. Wilson-Smith. October 18th at St. Luke’s Church by Rev. J. B. Newton, Thomas V. Wilson to Agnes M. Smith. Baltimore papers please copy. |
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