Descendants of John Tiplady

Generation No. 1
1. John1 Tiplady was born in England, and died Bef.
24 Feb 1669/70 in York Co, VA1,2,3. He married Ruth.
She died Bef. 24 Nov 1697 in York Co, VA5.
Cavaliers & Pioneers Vol I p 116: Christopher Boyse, 300
acres, Charles River Company, Oct 23 1639 p 681. North upon the head of the New
Poquoson River, East upon George Hadderill. Due for his per adv and transport of
5 persons: John Crispe, Mordecay Cooke, John Tiplady, William Venice, John
York Co VA Records 1659 - 1662, p. 117
Mr. Nicholas Clarke and Mr. John Tiplady were this day sworn as Churchwardens of
York Parish.
Ordered that John Tiplady pay to use of York County at next leavy 350 lbs.
tobacco for his contempt of court in not attending to answer complaint of John
Lewis, and further ordered to appear at next court to answer said Lewis.
York Co, VA Records 1659-1662 p. 120
Ordered that John Tiplady, attorney of John Cumber, repay John Lewis 312 lbs
tobacco received by him in part for a parcel of land sold with warranty, which
he now refuseth to perform; and that he also deliver in the said Lewis's bill to
be cancelled.
John Tiplady's fine is remitted, it appearing that Maj. Thomas Beale told him
last court was ended, which occasioned his non attendance.
Justice of York County, 1677 (VA Magazine of History & Biog. Vol 37, p 163)
Church Warden of York Parish April 1661.
Deed of William Smith, citizen and weaver of London, appoints in his place Mr.
John Tiplady, of York River, in Virginia, planter, to receive all sums, etc.,
due him by virtue of one writing in covenant from Moses Davies, in the penalty
of 20 hogsheads of tobacco. (September 8, 1668.) Witnesses: John Smith, Wm
Swinnerton, Tho. Swinnerton
York Co, VA Record Book 4 p. 380(280)
At a Court Held for York County, 24 Feb 1669/70
Administration of estate of Mr. John Tiplady, dec'd grated to his relict Ruth
Tiplady, and estate to be divided by Mr. Edward Mosse, Mr. Thomas Roberts,
Charles Dunn & George Johnson.
Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 4], 1665-1672 (Reel 2a)
p. 280. Adms. bond rec. [24 Feb. 1669].
p. 301. Estate division ordered 10 Nov. 1670.
York Co, VA Records 1665 - 1672 p. 425
Ruth Tiplady deposes she heard William Allen say Mr. James Moore was a forsworne
man and deponent replied she had rather he was in his grave.
London, 10th August 1678
Mrs. Ruth Tiplady
I have yours with a bill of exchange to receive of Jn Presson wch money you
ordered to discharge another bill of exchange drawne on me. I severall tymes
Demanded the money of said Presson wch he absolutely denyed soe have sent you
the enclosed ptest. That bill you drawne on me I could do noe other then to deny
that, haveing no money from Presson, but if you had given me order to pay it in
case that had been denyed I would a done it in fabour to you. If you had sent
home tobacco it would have come to aa good markett. I sold my cox Mosses tobo at
6d 1/4 lb and it is now worth as much and I believe will beare a good price next
year. I shall be glad to serve you or any of yor friends. my service to yor
selfe and sonne I am.
Yor sert
Richard Banckes
Recorded March 19th 1679/80
Will of Ruth Tiplady proved November 24, 1698. Aged and infirm; daughter
Elizabeth Lucas, grandsons John Read, Thomas Read, John Smyth; granddaughters
Redley, Elizabeth Lucas, Margaret Lucas, Ruth Roscow, Sarah Vauson, Sarah Smyth
and Susanna Tiplady; gives to William James "if he stayes to finish ye Crop, one
cow calfe & hoe to be clothed from head to foot, and if tobaccoe bee made" 30
shillings shall be raised to buy rings for Henry Smyth, John Lucas & Elizabeth
Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 10], 1694-1697 (Reel 4a)
p. 473. Exors. bond rec. 24 Nov. 1697.
p. 481-482. Will pro. 24 Nov. 1697.
Children of John Tiplady and Ruth are:
+ 2 i. Capt. John2 Tiplady died Bef. 07 Nov 1689
in York Co, VA.
+ 3 ii. Elizabeth Tiplady.
+ 4 iii. Unknown Tiplady, died Bef. 1687.
+ 5 iv. Ann Tiplady, died Bef. 1698.
6 v. Unknown Tiplady. She married Unknown Roscow.
Generation No. 2
2. Capt. John2 Tiplady (John1) died Bef.
07 Nov 1689 in York Co, VA6. He married (1) Elizabeth Beale
Bef. 1680, daughter of Col. Thomas Beale and Alice. He married (2) Rebecca
Wythe Aft. 07 May 1687 in York Co, VA7,8, daughter of
Unknown Wythe and Rebecca.
Cavaliers & Pioneers Vol II p 270: William Cole, Esqr., one of
his Majestie's Councill of State, 618 acres, in the County & Parish
of York, 20 Nov 1683, p 336 Beg. on W side of Beech Br., out of the
S sisde of Wormeley's Cr., parting this & land of Capt. Ralph
Wormeley, Esqr; along Mr. Tho. Cheesman; to the Church old field &
c. 500 acres purchased by Robert Kinsey about 30 years since,, biz:
100 acres of Col. George Ludlow; 250 acres of Hugh Allen; 100 acres
of Richard Glover; & 50 acres of John Pouncey; which descended to
his brother & heire Hugh Kinsey who sold to Henry Gooch 14 Oct 1656,
who sold to Jonathan Newell, merchant, 3 Mar 1664, after whose death
said land came to David Newell, his brother & heire, who sold to
William Cole, Esqr 28 Nov 1679; and also Capt. John Tiplady &
Elizabeth, his wife, who was the relict of said Jonathan Newell, by
deed dated 14 April 1681 assigned their right to said Cole; 180
acres for transfer of 3 persons: Wm. East, Jon. Cook, Richd Hewes.
Land Office Patents No. 7, 1679-1689 (v.1 & 2 p.1-719), p. 443
(Reel 7).
Location: York County.
Description: 345 acres beginning and extending belonging to Thomas
Cheeseman, thence and extending to a corner hickory it stands on the
west side of the road that leads to the Poquoson Mill. 20 April 1685
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, pp 484-485. 5 May 1687. Bond of
Rebeccah Wythe of the County and Parish of York unto Elizabeth Tiplady and
Rebeccah Tiplady, both the daughters of John Tiplady of the county and parish
aforesaid, Gentleman. For £300 sterling to be paid when Elizabeth and Rebeccah
Tiplady is come to age or married. There is a marriage intended shortly to bee
solemnized between John Tiplady and Rebeccah Wyth and John Tiplady doth before
marriage by the free consent of Rebeccah Wythe confirme part of his personall
estate unto his daughters Elizabeth and Rebeccah Tiplady. Rebeccah shall deliver
unto each an able younge Negroe man and each a good feather bed well furnished
besides their part of the remainder of the whole estate. If either dye before of
age or married, then both the Negroes and feather beds with furniture shall be
safely paid unto my daughter which shall be longest survivor. Signed: Rebecca
Wythe. Wit: Jno Phillips, Henry Watkins. Proved 24 Sep 1690 by Henry Watkins.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, p 471. 7 May 1687. Mrs. Rebecca
Hethersall of the county and parish of York, widdow, to John Tiplady. In the
good likeing of a marriage intended to bee shortly solemnized between John
Tiplady of the county and parish aforesaid and my well beloved daughter Rebecca
Wythe and with my free consent unto the marriage. One halfe royally of all my
goods and chattles, specialtyes, necessaryes, sums of money and other things on
this side or beyond the seas that I am now possest with or shall bee att the
houre of my death, that is to say £25 lawfull money of England or full value
thereof in such goods and chattles as hee shall finde usfull. And for the
remainder part of the royall halfe of my estate, I bind my heires, executors or
assignes to pay to John Tiplady after my decease. Signed: Rebecca Hethersall.
Wit: John Wythe, Henry Watkins. Proved 24 June 1690 by John Wythe and Henry
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8 p 328. 7 Nov 1689
The Last Will & Testament of Capt. John Tiplady was proved by Charles Atcins,
Henry Watkins and Thomas Warde.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8 pp 331-333, Recorded 7 Nov 1689
Will of John Tiplady of the parish and county of York Octobr ye 23 Day Anoq.
Decem 1688, being very sick and weake in body. Unto each of my daughters
Elizabeth and Rebecca Tiplady one younge Negroe man a peice and alsoe to each a
good feather bed well furnished, besides their equall part of the remainder of
my estate according to an agreement made betweene my loveing wife Rebecca
Tiplady and my selfe before the day of our marriage, made 3 May 1687, Whereas
there shall appear a firme agreement 7 May 1687 confirmed with my mother
Hethersall's hand and seale being her voluntary act for the halfe part of her
estate, itt being my wife Rebecca's portion and due to be wholy paid att my
mother hethersall's decease, and 25 lbs thereof being due to be paid within
three yeares ensueing the date aforesaid, the 25lbs may bee added unto my proper
estate and be equally devided betweene my loveing wife Rebecca Tiplady and my
three daughters Elizabeth, Rebecca and Susannah Tiplady, the aforesaid Negroes
and feather beds excepted. As for the remainder part of the halfe of my mother
Hethersall's estate, itt may bee equally divided between my loveing wife and my
daughter Susanna. My loveing wife alsoe being bigg with child, be it male or
female, these three to have an equall part therein. If either my loveing wife or
the child shee now goeth withall or my daughter Susannah dye, their part to bee
equally divided betweene the other two. If the child where with my wife now
goeth bee an heire male, then unto him all my land, tenements, houses and
orchards. For want of such heire my land, houseing and orchards unto my loveing
wife and my two daughters Elizabeth and Rebecca Tiplady to be divided dureing
the life of my loveing wife and after my wife's decease my two daughters
Elizabeth and Rebecca Tiplady shall injoye all my land and make a division
therein upon the line which divideth the land of Mr. Henry Watkins and my owne
land, that each may have a part in the runing brooke and lotts to be cast for
that part the houseing and orchard standeth on, and shee to whom the houses and
orchard shall fall shall allow unto the other soe much as shall be adjudged by
four honest men to bee the worth of the houses and orchard. My loveing wife
Rebecca Tiplady may be possest coequall with all my children in all my personall
estate, the Negroes and feather beds excepted. The Negroes and feather beds well
furnished shall continue unto the survivour of my two daughters Elizabeth or
Rebecca Tiplady if either of them depart this life before of age or married, soe
likewise either of their parts to fall to the survivour. My two daughters
Elizabeth and Rebecca tiplady shall continue with my loveing wife untill they
are of eighteen yeares of age or married, unlesse any of their relations are
willing to keepe them, but not without the consent of my loveing wife and my
overseers hereafter named. Unto York Parish 1000 pounds of tobacco or 5lbs
sterling to buy a peice of plate with my name engraven thereon. This tobacco or
money shall be paid unto my overseers within three yeares after my decease and
then to bee ordered according to their discretion. Unto my naturall mother Ruth
Tiplady one horse called George which horse I had by the marriage of my late
wife. Unto my sister Elizabeth Lucas twenty shillings to buy her a ring. Unto
each of my overseers twenty shillings to buy each of them a ring. Unto John
Read, son of Thomas Read, deceased, of Warwick County, one gun, which of mine
hee hath already in possession, unto Robert Lucas and Charles Lucas sons of John
Lucas of Warwick County between them to be divided. My loveing wife Rebecca
Tiplady executrix. My well beloved and trusty freinds Mr. Edward Mosse and Mr.
Robert Reade to be overseers of this my last will and testament. Signed: John
Tiplady. Wit: Charles Minnes, Henry Watkins, Thomas (X) Warde. Proved by the
witnesses 7 Nov. 1689.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, p. 351
Coll. Thomas Beale setting forth by his petition that in 1679 he gave unto his
grandchilde and God daughter Elizabeth Tiplady daughter of Capt. John Tiplady,
deceased, one Negroe boy aged betweene 6 and 6 yeares called George, which
Negroe is now in the custody of Mrs. Rebecca Tiplady, whoe doth seeke wholy to
dispossess the child thereof, but itt being proved by severall witnesses that
George was the gift of Coll. Tho Beale unto Elizabeth Tiplady, itt is the
oppinion of this Court that the Negroe boy doth belonge to Elizabeth Tiplady.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, p. 352
Itt is ordered that Capt. Thomas Cheeseman, Mr. Thomas Ballard, Mr. Tho
Mountford and Mr. Robert Leightonhouse appraise the estate of Capt. John Tiplady
on 16 January next.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, p. 364
John Tiplady, Inventory. Items not valued: Includes two Negroes, "things never
in my custody which my husband told mee of (a bed and suite of curtains in my
mother Tipladyes; one ball of candle wick which Madam Beale had; one pair of
taned leather gloves Mr. Patteson hath)"; items in the milk house. Signed:
Rebecca Tiplady. 18 Dec 1689. Sworn by Rebecca Tiplady.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, pp 401-03. Capt. John Tiplady.
Inventory 16-17 Jan 1689/90. Total valuation £138.08.01. Other items not
appraised include those in Mrs. Tiplaydes Senr. custody with many other things
that wee know not of, one ball of cotton wicke att Maddam Beale's, one pair of
gloves, Mr. Pattisson, and a parcel of planck appointed to cover the dwelling
house. Signed: Thomas Cheesman, Tho Ballard Junr., Tho Mountfort, Robt
Leightonhouse. Appraisers sworn by mr. Edward Moss 16 January, 24 Feb. 1689/90.
Produced in Court.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 9 p. 113
Willm Watkins as marrying the relict of Capt. John Tiplady, which said relict
being appointed executrix in the testator's will which was proved by the
overseers nominated in the will contrary to the consent of the executrix, and
the same being returned to the Secretary's Office but noe probate thereof sett
signed or recorded as Mr. Edward Chilton averred to this Court whoe appeared
attorny in behalfe of Watkins, whoe upon his petition hath order granted for a
commission of administration with the will annexed. John Wyth and Henry Watkins
became willm Watkins' security.
Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 8], 1687-1691 (Reel 4a)
p. 328. Will was proven 7 Nov. 1689.
p. 331-333. Will pro. 7 Nov. 1689.
p. 351. Inv. of estate ordered [17 Dec. 1689].
p. 354. Exors. bond rec. 18 Dec. 1689.
p. 364. Inv. rec. 18 Dec. 1689.
p. 401-403. Inv. & appr. rec. 24 Feb. 1689/90.
Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 9], 1691-1694 (Reel 4a)
p. 113. Adms. bond rec. [24 Mar. 1691/2].
p. 121. Adms. bond rec. 24 Mar. 1691/2.
Children of John Tiplady and Elizabeth Beale are:
+ 7 i. Elizabeth3 Tiplady, born in York Co, VA;
died 21 Dec 1705 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA.
+ 8 ii. Rebecca Tiplady, born in York Co, VA; died Bef. 21
Nov 1748 in York Co, VA.
Children of John Tiplady and Rebecca Wythe are:
9 i. Susannah3 Tiplady, born Abt. 1688 in York Co,
10 ii. Unknown Tiplady, born 1690 in Prob. York Co, VA9.
3. Elizabeth2 Tiplady (John1) She married
(1) Thomas Reade 10 Nov 167010. He died Bef. 168810.
She married (2) John Lucas10.
Children of Elizabeth Tiplady and Thomas Reade are:
+ 15 i. Thomas3 Reade II.
16 ii. Francis Reade.
17 iii. John Reade
Children of Elizabeth Tiplady and John Lucas are:
11 i. Robert3 Lucas.
12 ii. Charles Lucas.
13 iii. Elizabeth Lucas.
14 iv. Margaret Lucas.
4. Unknown2 Tiplady (John1) died Bef.
1687. She married John Smyth. He died Bef. 24 Feb 1687/88 in York Co, VA12.
York Co, VA - Power of attorney from Thomas Reade to his friend and brother,
John Smyth, 1675.
Will of John Smyth, of York county. Gives his land in New Kent, purchased of
Capt. William Smyth of Bristol, to be equally divided between his two sons,
Henry and John Smith; to his daughter Sarah Smyth land on Back Creek, in York
county; his housing and land at a place called Walton, fifteen miles from
London, to be sold and the proceeds to be invested in negroes to stock his
plantation in New Kenty county; his plate to be sold after his decease and the
proceeds to be converted into nails and axes for the benefit of the said
plantation in New Kent; legacies of horses to his three children and to his
daughter-in-law Ann Dixon, the wife of Richard Dixon, who is to have all her
mother's apparel; makes brothers Ralph Walker and John Rogers executors. Dated
December 22, 1687; proved Feb 24 1687/8.
Inventory of John Smyth deceased, £209, 12s, 6d. Among the items "4 hhds of tob.
which lyeth in the hands of Mr. Tiplady in England."
Children of Unknown Tiplady and John Smyth are:
18 i. John3 Smyth.
19 ii. Sarah Smyth.
20 iii. Henry Smyth.
5. Ann2 Tiplady (John1) died Bef. 1698.
She married Arthur Vanson.
Children of Ann Tiplady and Arthur Vanson are:
21 i. Richard3 Vanson, born 01 Jun 1677 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA13; died 26 May 1678 in
Charles Parish, York Co, VA14.
22 ii. Elizabeth Vanson, born 03 Oct 1679 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA15; died 18 Aug 1699 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA16.
23 iii. Sarah Vanson, born 09 Jan 1679/80 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA17.
24 iv. Mary Vanson, born 06 Oct 1682 in Charles Parish, York
Co, VA17; died 01 Oct 1684 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA18.
25 v. Arthur Vanson, born 21 Dec 1684 in Charles Parish, York
Co, VA19.
Generation No. 3
7. Elizabeth3 Tiplady (John2, John1)
was born in York Co, VA, and died 21 Dec 1705 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA20.
She married Isaac Powell. He died 16 Dec 1705 in Charles Parish, York Co,
Children of Elizabeth Tiplady and Isaac Powell are:
26 i. Elizabeth4 Powell, born 11 Apr 1690 in
Charles Parish, York Co, VA21.
27 ii. William Powell, born 09 Nov 1693 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA21; died 04 Apr 1718 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA22.
8. Rebecca3 Tiplady (John2, John1)
was born in York Co, VA, and died Bef. 21 Nov 1748 in York Co, VA23.
She married Peter Goodwin Bef. 1694 in York Co, VA24,
son of James Goodwin and Rachel Porter. He was born 1662 in Back Creek, York Co,
VA, and died Bef. 20 Mar 1731/32 in York Co, VA25,26.
November 24th, 1698. Peter Goodwin & Rebecka, his wife, dautghter and Legatee
of John Tiplady, deceased. Arresting William Watkins & Rebecka his wife, Admr of
ye last Will & Testament of John Tiplady, deceased, to this Cort ina n account
upon ye case for one-fourth part of ye Testatre estate amounting to ye sume of
nineteen pounds, five shillings and three pence or thereabouts, and ye Defts
failing to appe & answere y same ordor is granted agt Capt. Thomas Barbar, High
sherr and ye next Cort to be Confirmed, if he causeth not ye said Deft then to
appe & answere ye same.
Will of Rebecca Goodwin, of York-Hampton Parish. Legacies of plate and negroes
to son John Goodwin and his brother James Goodwin, granddaughters Rebecca
Goodwin and Alice Goodwin, daughters of Capt. John Goodwin, daughter Rachel
Charles, son Peter Goodwin's three daughters - Rebecca, Mary & Anne Goodwin,
grandson Peter Goodwin. Rest of estate to be divided into 5 parts: 3 parts to my
children John Goodwin, Rachel Charles & James Goodwin; & the other two parts,
one for my daughter Anna Goodwin's two daughters, Rebecca Goodwin & Alice
Goodwin, to be divided at age; but if either should die, her part to go to
grandson John Goodwin, son of Capt. John Goodwin, and the other part to be
divided between my son Peter Goodwin's 3 daughters as aforesaid. My 2 sons John
& James Goodwin executors. Dated September 12, 1748, Proved 21 Nov. 1748. Wit:
William Aduston Rogers, Elizabeth Burcher, Barbary Aduston Rogers.
Settlement of the Estate of Rebecca Goodwin, by which it appears that Capt. John
Goodwin for Rebecca & Alice Goodwin received one-fifth part of the estate, Jno
Goodwin Jr. received one-fifth, James Goodwin the same, Thos Charles for his
wife one-fifth and Rebecca Goodwin, Mary Goodwin & Ann Goodwin received
one-fifth. February 20, 1748.
Children of Rebecca Tiplady and Peter Goodwin are:
28 i. Peter4 Goodwin. He married Mary Robinson;
died 09 May 1747 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA27.
29 ii. Rachel Goodwin. She married Thomas Charles.
30 iii. Anne Goodwin.
31 iv. John Goodwin, Captain, born 169828.
He married (1) Anne. He married (2) Elizabeth Doswell 172729;
born 23 Dec 1709 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA29,30;
died Bef. 175931.
32 v. Elizabeth Goodwin, born 02 Feb 1700/01 in St. Peter's
Parish, New Kent Co, VA32.
33 vi. James Goodwin, born Aug 1704 in York Co, VA; died 08
Nov 1757 in York Co, VA33,34. He married (1)
Diana Chisman Bef. 1735 in York Co, VA35; born
12 Oct 1715 in York Co, VA35,36; died 30 Nov
1735 in York Co, VA37,38. He married (2)
Elizabeth Chapman Abt. 1736; born 28 Dec 1709 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA39,40,41; died Bef. 17 Jun 1782 in
York Co, VA42,43,44.
15. Thomas3 Reade II (Elizabeth2 Tiplady,
John1, MatthewA)
Child of Thomas Reade II is:
34 i. Thomas4 Reade III. He married Elizabeth
1. The Genealogy of the Beale Family, p. 15
2. Abstracted & Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger III, York Co, VA Records
1665-1672, (1987).
3. Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 4], 1665-1672 (Reel 2a), 280,301.
4. The Genealogy of the Beale Family, p. 15
5. Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 10], 1694-1697 (Reel 4a), 473,
6. Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 8], 1687-1691 (Reel 4a, 328.
7. Beale Family Genealogy p. 22
8. Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., [Records No. 8], 1687-1691 (Reel 4a, 331-333.
9. Capt. John Tiplady Last Will & Testament.
10. The Genealogy of the Beale Family, p. 15
12. Last Will & Testament of John Smyth.
13. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 189.
14. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 251.
15. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 189.
16. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 251.
17. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 189.
18. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 251.
19. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 189.
20. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 238.
21. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 154.
22. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 238.
23. Last Will & Testament of Rebecca Goodwin.
24. Judge John S. Goodwin, The Goodwin Families In America, (William & Mary
Quarterly Historical Magazine Supplement, October 1897), 9.
25. Goodwin Families in America. William & Mary Quarterly Supplement. 1899.
26. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 17, 267-270.
27. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish, York County, VA History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond VA), 218.
28. Beale Family Genealogy p. 18
29. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
30. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
31. WFT CD#4 Pedigree 3127.
32. C. G. Chamberlayne, The Vestry Book & Register of St. Peter's Parish, New
Kent County, Virginia, (Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1997), 357.
33. Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person
Virginia 1607-1624/5, (Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987), 174.
34. York Co, VA Wills & Inventories Book 20, 454-456.
35. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. 1 No. 2, October
1892 p. 98
36. Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person
Virginia 1607-1624/5, (Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987), 174.
37. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. 1 No. 2, October
1892 p. 98
38. Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person
Virginia 1607-1624/5, (Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987), 174.
39. Virginia Genealogist Vol. 34, p. 137.
40. Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person
Virginia 1607-1624/5, (Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987), 173.
41. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 62.
42. Colonial Americans of Royal & Noble Descent p. 107
43. Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person
Virginia 1607-1624/5, (Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987), 173.
44. Last Will & Testament of Elizabeth Goodwin.