Descendants of Captain Thomas Nutting

Generation No. 1
1. Captain Thomas1 Nutting was born in
Somersettshire, England, and died 31 Jul 1717 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA1,2,3.
He married Elizabeth Booth4, daughter of William Booth
and Margaret, widow of Thomas Chapman. She died between 13 Sep 1733 - 15 Sep 1735 in York Co, VA5.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 15, pp 163 - 165
In the Name of God Amen I Thos. Nutting of Charles Parish in the County of York
being sick & weak of body, but thanks be to God of sound & disposing mind &
memory and considering the uncertainty of this transit life do make & ordain
this to be my last Will & Testament in manner & form following, that is to say,
First I commend my soul into the hands of God Almighty my Creator, hoping this
merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour & God to have full & face pardon of all my
sins & to inherit everlasting life. My body I commend to the earth from whence
it was taken to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executors hereafter
named. And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me
with I give & dispose thereof in manner following. Viz. Item I give unto my
daughter Jane Nutting all that plantation & tract of land whereon I now dwell to
her & her heirs lawfully begotten for ever. In the case that there be no heirs,
then I give sd plantation to my Granddaughter Eliza Shlater and the heirs of her
body lawfully begotten. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Kath Sheldon my
Plantation & Piece of Land lying at the head of Charles River adjoining to
Hayward Will to her & heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever, but in case
my sd daughter Katherine dye without such issue I give the said plantation &
land to my son-in-law Wm Sheldon during his natural life & after his decease to
come to my daughter Jane Nutting & to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten
for ever. Item I give to my daughter Eliza Doswell one Negro man named Great
Jack & one Negro girl Caither Judy, a (Nanj?) of the choice of my executors to
her & heir heirs for ever & also one Silver Carr an equal share or childs part
of what cattle I have in the island on the conditions hereafter mentioned and no
other wise. Item I give & bequeath unto my son-in-law Richd Slater my seal ring,
cane & sword. Item I give unto my son-in-law Jno Doswell one gold ring mashed P.
S. Item I give unto my daughter Jane Nutting after my loving wife Eliz Nutting
shall have had & received her due & lawfull part or share of my Negroes her
choice of four Negroes out of the remainder of them Amy Negro Jack excepted
which my Will & desire is that my loving wife shall have during her natural life
& after her decease then to return to my said daughter Jane. Item I give unto my
daughter Jane Nutting the good feather bed & sit furniture to it, my beding
horse called fax & all my money in England in whose hand forever & four cows.
Item I give & bequeath unto my Granddaughter Eliza Slater Two negro children
commonly called Will & Judy, being the children of my Negro woman Frank to her
and her heirs for ever. Item all fof the rest of my estate not herein before
given and bequeathed after my just debts & legacies paid & discharged & my said
loving wife's decease full there thereout deducted I give unto my three
daughters Mary Slater, Katherine Sheldon & Jane Nutting to be equally divided
among them share & share alike. but in case my said daughter Mary Slater should
depart this life before such division of my estate shall be made that this my
Will is that the part or share of my estate given to her shall be equally
divided among her three children Elizabeth Agnes & Mary & the same to remain in
the hand of my executors hereafter named until they shall attain to lawful age
or marriage. And if it shall please God my said daughter Mary Slater shall live
to receive enjoy of the part of my estate, it is my Will that it be paid and
delivered to her of conditions hereafter mentioned and not otherwise during her
natural life and after her decease to be divided as afore among her three
children. Item. My Will & desire is the true intent and meaning of this my last
Will that in case my said daughter Eliz Doswell & my daughter Mary Slater shall
refuse for either of them to give such sufficient discharge for their or either
of said legacies as shall be to the good liking or satisfaction of said executor
hereafter named that in said case the legacies so before give to be determined &
case refusing to have & enjoy no more of my estate than the being the legacies
before give to the parties in either of ? refusing to return to my daughter Jane
Nutting. Lastly I hereby nominate & appoint my son-in-law Wm Sheldon & my
daughter Jane Nutting to be Executors of this my last Will & Testament, revoking
& making void all former & other Wills or Testaments by my hand fore made.
Eitherly Word or Writing that this was toher be taken for my last Will &
Testament. In Witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand &" seal this eleventh
day of July 1717. Signed: Tho Nutting. Signed, sealed, published & declared by
the Testator to be his left Will & Testament in the presense of us: Robert Kerby,
Thomas Kerby, Robert Kerby Jr. At a Court held for York County 16 Sept 1717 this
last Will & Testament of Thos. Nutting Gentl decd was departed in Court by Wm
Sheldon in behalf of him self & Jane Nutting the Exec therein named & said Wm
Sheldon making oath thereto & being also proved by the oaths of all of witnesses
thereto is admitted to record, & on the motion of said Wm Sheldon per following
what is usual in such case certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate
there fore due. Test: Phi Lightfoot.
Children of Thomas Nutting and Elizabeth Booth are:
2 i. Booth2 Nutting, born 14 Feb 1680/81 in
Charles Parish, York Co, VA6; died 05 Apr 1701
in Charles Parish, York Co, VA7.
+ 3 ii. Mary Nutting, born 07 Jan 1682/83 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA.
+ 4 iii. Elizabeth Nutting, born 10 Oct 1686 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA; died 24 Sep 1727 in Charles Parish, York
Co, VA.
5 iv. Hope Nutting, born 19 Jan 1688/89 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA8; died 27 Jan 1688/89 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA9.
6 v. Hope Nutting, born 11 Feb 1689/90 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA10.
7 vi. Catherine Nutting, born 31 Mar 1692 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA10. She married (1) William
Sheldon, Captain. She married (2) Robert Armistead.
8 vii. Ann Nutting, born 01 Feb 1694/95 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA10; died 07 Jul 1696 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA11.
9 viii. Jane Nutting, born 23 Aug 1698 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA12. She married William Lowry.
Generation No. 2
3. Mary2 Nutting (Thomas1) was born 07
Jan 1682/83 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA12. She married
Richard Schlater. He died 07 Nov 171813.
Children of Mary Nutting and Richard Schlater are:
10 i. Elizabeth3 Schlater, born 04 Oct 170313.
She married (1) James Schlater. She married (2) Daniel Moore.
11 ii. Agnes Schlater, born 06 May 170713,14.
She married Edmund Smith; died Bef. 18 Mar 1750/51 in York Co,
12 iii. Mary Schlater, born 09 Mar 1711/1215.
4. Elizabeth2 Nutting (Thomas1) was born
10 Oct 1686 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA16, and died 24 Sep
1727 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA17,18. She married John
Doswell19, son of John Doswell and Catherine. He died 20
Nov 1718 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA20,21.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders Wills Book 16 p 506
In the name of God Amen. The last Will of Elizabeth Doswell deceased. Imprimis.
I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Doswell one Negro Woman named Moll to her and
her heirs for ever. I Give unto my Daughter Mary Doswell one negro woman named
Rachael to her and her heirs for ever. Item. I Give unto my son Thomas Doswell
one Negro boy named Paul to him and his heirs for ever. Item I give my Grandson
John Moss ten pounds in money. Item I Give to my son Edward Doswell one young
hoof. Item I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Doswell one large gray mare. Item I
Give to my son Edward Doswell four draft steers the Car and furniture. Item
after my debs and legacys are paid my Will is that all my estate be equally
divided among my children share and share alike. Item I appoint my sister
Katherine Sheldon whole and Sole Extrix of this my last Will and Testament. In
Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of September
in the year of our Lord 1727. Signed: Elizabeth Doswell (Seal). Test: John
Chisman, Davis Holloway, Susannan Tavernor. At a Court held for York County
January 15th 1727 This Will and testament of Elizabeth Doswell Decd was
presented in Court by Katherine Sheldon the Extrix therein named wheremade oath
it being proved by the Oaths of David Holloway and Susanna Tavernor Witnesses
thereto and admitted to record. Test Phi Lightfoot Clk.
Children of Elizabeth Nutting and John Doswell are:
13 i. Nutting3 Doswell, born 29 Sep 1703 in
Charles Parish, York Co, VA22,23; died 29 Sep
1703 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA24,25.
14 ii. Edward Doswell, born 18 Dec 1706 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA26; died 07 Mar 1739/40 in York Co,
15 iii. Richard Doswell, born 12 Oct 1708 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA29; died 13 Oct 1708 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA30.
16 iv. Elizabeth Doswell, born 23 Dec 1709 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA31,32; died Bef. 175933.
She married John Goodwin, Captain 172734; born
17 v. Mary Doswell, born 19 Jan 1711/12 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA36. She married Charles Brown37.
18 vi. John Doswell, born 15 Jun 1714 in Charles Parish, York
Co, VA38; died 13 Nov 1732 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA39,40.
19 vii. Thomas Doswell, born 29 Nov 1717 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA41; died Bef. 01 Jan 1778 in
Hanover Co, VA42,43,44,45. He married Rebecca
Drummond Bef. 1743 in York Co, VA; born 172646,47,48;
died Aft. Feb 1783 in Hanover Co, VA49,50,51,52.
1. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
2. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
3. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 15, 163 - 165.
4. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
Goodwin Families of American Supplement 1897. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p.
5. York Co, VA Will Book 18, 230.
6. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
7. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
8. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
9. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
10. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
11. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
12. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
13. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
14. Virginia M. Meyer & John Frederick Dorman, Adventurers of Purse and Person
Virginia 1607-1624/5, (Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987), 173.
15. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
16. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
17. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
18. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 16, 506.
19. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
20. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
21. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 15, 365-367.
22. Doswell Family in America.
23. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
24. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
25. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
26. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
27. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
28. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
29. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
30. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
31. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
32. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
33. WFT CD#4 Pedigree 3127.
34. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
35. Beale Family Genealogy p. 18
36. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
37. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
38. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
39. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
40. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
41. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 81.
42. DAR File/Mary Josephine Smith Underwood
43. William & Mary Quarterly Vol II, 182.
44. DAR File #229988/Supplemental.
45. Hanover Historical Society Bulletin, "Will of Thomas Doswell," May 1972,
Number 6: 4,5.
46. Doswell Family in America, 7.
47. DAR File #229988/Supplemental.
48. DAR File #674324.
49. Doswell Family in America, 7.
50. William & Mary Quarterly Vol II, 182.
51. DAR File #229988/Supplemental.
52. DAR File #674324.