![]() McNair Family
Pictured Left: Cowper Hill, ancestral home of the McNair family of Maxton, Robeson Co, NC. The structure burned in a August 1, 1922 fire. Photo courtesy of Jim Patterson |
Uncovering the mysteries of the McNair family was made much easier due to the foresight of the survivors of my ggg-grandmother Eliza Jane McNair McDonald. Her tombstone at Old Carolina Presbyterian Church, Neshoba Co, MS, reads as follows: "Sacred to the memory of Eliza J, Wife of Hugh McDonald & daughter of Rev. Malcom & Jenette McNair of Robeson Co, NC. Died July 15, 1869". Who could ask for more information than the name of her parents and the location from which she had come? My McNair quest began. |
Rev. Malcom McNairMalcom McNair was born August 24, 1776 in Robeson Co, NC, the younger child of Scotland native John McNair and his 2nd wife Catherine Buie McFarland. The couple's eldest child was Sarah Ann, born in 1773. John McNair's first wife, Jennett Smylie, died in Scotland. That couple's two surviving children, Rhoderick and Betsy, made the 1770 move to the colonies with their father. McNair first settled in what was then Anson County, later making a move to a location on Drowning Creek that has been described as (1) the eventual location of the town of Alma; (2) about 1 1/2 miles east of Maxton on the Lumberton Road. Catherine was the widow of John McFarland. She brought to the 1772 marriage her McFarland children, later placed by the courts under the guardianship of John McNair. In his youth Rev. McNair was the pupil of a local schoolmaster named Nelson, attended Mr. McCorkle's school in Rowan County, and studied the classics and theology under Dr. David Caldwell of Guilford County. The Orange Presbytery took him under their care October 15, 1799. McNair was licensed to preach at Barbecue Church in Cumberland County on March 27, 1801. Legacy of the Committed by Ruth Jane Trivette (p. 30): "Immediately after he was licensed to preach, he was commissioned by Synod to serve as a missionary to the Natchez Indians for six months." On June 2, 1803 he was ordained as pastor of Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church in Richmond (now Scotland) County, and Center and Ashpole Churches in Robeson County. He served the above churches, along with Smyrna/Red Bluff for his entire ministry. Rev. McNair was elected the first moderator of the Fayetteville Presbytery. A minister who could preach and converse in Gaelic, he was known for his enthusiastic participation in the Great Revival of 1802. His congregations praised him as having been compassionate, sympathetic, organized, and one who was comfortable with people of all classes and stations in life. Centennial Address, Fayetteville Presbytery, by Rev. A. R. McQueen, p. 54-55 (Historical Foundation, Montreat NC, March 9, 1937): "...About the time of his licensure the great revival of religion of 1802 was sweeping over North Carolina in which so many thousands of people were hopefully converted. Young McNair imbibed much of the spirit of this revival, and was a most earnest, evangelical preacher of the gospel, and his labors were greatly blessed in leading many to the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. " Historical Sketch of Ashpole Presbyterian Church (1947) pages 7 relays the following information concerning Rev. McNair's ministry: "The following year (1802) Rev. Malcom McNair was called to the pastorate of Ashpole. The other members of the group were Laurel Hill and Center. The call was made April 8th, 1802, and was accepted September 29th, 1802. The ordination of Mr. McNair was ordered to take place at Center Church the first Wednesday in December, 1802, but the meeting failed because of the opposition of Rev. Colin Lindsay and Mr. McNair was ordained pastor of the churches at Fayetteville, June 2nd 1803. The coming of Mr. McNair as pastor seems to mark the real beginning of Ashpole as a full-fledged church -- he was the real Moses who led the Presbyterians out of their disorganized condition and brought order and system to Ashpole and made it the permanent and useful church it became. He seems to have been peculiarly qualified for the work. He was not only a man of extraordinary force as a preacher but he had a genius for organization. He could converse and preach in Gaelic. He was sympathetic and easy in his manner and put himself in close touch with people of all classes. All this brought to his services virtually all the people without reference to their church affiliations. He was a native of Robeson County. His parents came from Scotland and settled on Drowning Creek about where the town of Alma now is. It was during Mr. McNair's pastorate that the Great Revival of 1802 began. He approved and took part in it, and it was very probably because of his stand in this matter that Lindsay opposed his ordination. This revival was South-wide in extent and did a great deal of good to the young churches of that day. Angus McCallum thus describes it in Ashpole: "I was greatly astonished to see the exercise of the body; to see perhaps the third or fourth of the congregation being on the ground or on the floor, praying and crying for mercy, mourning and confessing their sins. They appeared to be in earnest, and young converts here and there through the congregation leaping and praising God for redeeming love; old Christians - praying and rejoicing; others standing and looking on with amazement.... Which lasted four or five years with great power. There were some tares sown among the wheat." Page 10 reads as follows: "Every time Mr. McNair would come around we would be sure to have a meeting for prayer and examination. He would leave us, that is the young men, both married and single, twenty or thirty questions written out of the Scriptures for us to answer, perhaps the next time he came around. He would meet us in some convenient place every Sabbath that he would have no preaching, to read, pray, and study the questions -- some memorizing the Shorter Catechism and some the Mother Catechism. When examination day would come on, old and young would be examined. This state of things continued in a more or less degree of rigor until the Sabbath School took place, which continues yet during the Summer." Historical Sketch of Laurel Hill and Smyrna Presbyterian Churches by G. F. Kirkpatrick (1931) pages 6 & 7 reads as follows: "The following year (1802) the church called to its pastorate Rev. Malcom McNair, a young man who had just been licensed to preach, and he was installed in June, 1803. Mr. McNair was born in Robeson County. He was the grandfather of Mr. Howard C. McNair of Maxton. His mother had been Mrs. Katherine Buie McFarland before her marriage to Rev. Malcolm McNair's father. She was the mother of several children by her first marriage, one of whom was Hon. Duncan McFarland, previously referred to in this sketch; so he and the second pastor of Laurel Hill were half brothers. Mr. McNair spent the whole of his ministerial life in this pastorate. In connection with Laurel Hill he also served Center, Ashpole, and Red Bluff. Red Bluff was then the name of the church that we know today as Smyrna; thus in Mr. McNair's pastorate there began that association of Laurel Hill and Smyrna, which has continued, except for an interval of 31 years, down to the present day. Mr. McNair was greatly beloved by his people, his pastorate being terminated only by his death in 1822 at the comparatively early age of 46. He was buried in the McFarland cemetery within sight of the church, and the congregation erected a suitable monument at his grave." Prior to 1810, Rev. McNair married Jennet Little, who was born in 1791. Legacy of the Committed by Ruth Jane Trivette (p. 31) describes her as follows: "Malcolm McNair married a native of Petersburg, Virginia, who had been left an orphan at the age of twelve years. She was reared by her mother's brother, Harrison, a man of wealth." In his July 22, 1822 Last Will & Testament, Malcom McNair mentions his wife Jennet and 4 children: Eliza Jane, Catharine, Annabella, and Murphy. The August 4, 1822 death of Rev. Malcom McNair cut short his evangelical
career. In his funeral sermon for Rev. Malcom McNair, Rev. Colin McIver states:
There was something in his mode of address so sweetly captivating, so
irresistibly alluring that his preaching was always listened to with deep
attention, even by those who, on various occasions, scrupled not to speak of the
revival, either as the offspring of misguided zeal, or as a result of diabolical
agency. In his preaching he might truly be called an eloquent man, and his
eloquences was not of the vehement, but of the persuasive kind. I can truly say
that for suavity of manners, generosity and the kindly affections, for
gentleness, meekness and patience, I have seldom seen him equaled, and never
excelled. He was a great lover of peace and a punctual member of the
judicatories of the church; Rev. McNair was buried adjacent to his parents in the McFarland Cemetery, located in a cotton field near the church that once belonged to his half brother Duncan McFarland. The congregation of Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church erected a monument which reads as follows: "Sacred to the memory of the Revd. Malcom McNair, Late Pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Centre, Ashpole, Laurel Hill & Red Bluff, who departed this life on Sunday the 4th day of August 1822, in the 46th year of his age & 20th of his Ministry. A zealous advocate of sacred truth; a pattern for old age; a guide for youth; Mild, meek & patient, courteous & kind; of temper uniform; of solid mind; Modestly shrinking from men's vain applause; Yet, faithful in his Master's holy cause; His counsel oft did comfort the forlorn; T.M.M.A.N. UEL'S image did his life adorn." Rev. McNair's widow Jennet never remarried. She died June 23, 1879; and is buried at Centre Presbyterian Church in Robeson County. Daughter Eliza Jane married Hugh McDonald and removed to Neshoba Co, MS. The Neshoba County pioneers lived in a community named Laurel Hill for their North Carolina homeland. The cemetery in which they are buried is at Old Carolina Presbyterian Church. Her tombstone includes the following inscription: "... daughter of Rev. Malcom & Jenette McNair of Robeson Co, NC." Catherine married Archibald MacKay and removed to Alabama. Anabella married John McNair. Murphy married Margaret Elizabeth Stubbs. Legend of the Committed by Ruth Jane Trivette (p. 31) reports the following: "The McNair's had one son, Murphy C. McNair, who was born 1818 at the McNair homestead, Cowper Hill, near Maxton, North Carolina. Murphy attended the University of North Carolina and was graduated at the age of sixteen. He studied law and practiced at Bennettsville, South Carolina." Will - The Revd Malcom McNair Fayetteville Presbytery Minutes, p. 268, September 27, 1822 Before I was able to make my own trip to the gravesites of Rev. Malcom McNair and his parents John McNair & Catherine Buie, I was treated to a wonderful description of the same by a very nice young man who grew up in that area of North Carolina. He wrote as follows: December 28, 1998 |
John McNairFrom Legacy of the Committed by Ruth Jane Trivette (p. 4): "Between 1768 and 1771 approximately sixteen hundred Highlanders settled in the greater Cape Fear region of North Carolina which had been designated as the "Scotch Settlement." In the summer of 1770 it is recorded that fifty-four shiploads of Highlanders migrated from the Western Isles. Among them was John MacNair, the father of Laurel Hill Church's second pastor. Mr. MacNair left the following account: "I am a native of Scotland, was born in the Year of Our Lord 1735, in (missing), a small village of that name in the Parish of Kilkenny in the Shire of Argyle, North Britain. I was the youngest son of Neill MacNair. My mother's name was Sally McGill. I was married to Jannet Smylie, daughter of John Smylie, December 1763. My oldest son, Roderick was born October 1764. My daughter, Betsy was born January 1766. My third child, Neill was born in 1768. My first wife died September same year. I came to North Carolina in America in the year 1770 and bought a plantation at Hitchcock in Anson County (now Richmond) and lived there some time. I married my second wife, Catherine Buie McFarland, daughter of Donald Buie from Jura Scotland in 1772. My eldest daughter, Sallie by my second wife was born in 1773. My first son by my second wife, Malcom was born August 1776. My second wife died August 1787." From Legacy of the Committed by Ruth Jane Trivette (p. 29): "Malcolm's father was described as "very pious" and was an elder in Centre Presbyterian Church. He was also a Royal Arch Mason." Tombstone Inscription: Here lie the bodies of John McNair & Catherine McNair his wife, he departed this life June 30th 1819, aged 84. And she in August 1787, aged 51. Female descendants of John McNair qualify for membership in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution based on his having rendered aid for which he received payment in 1783. (NC Revolutionary Army Accounts, Vol V, p. 56, folio 3) |
Descendants of Neill McNair Generation No. 1 1. Neill1 McNair was born and died in Scotland. He married Sarah McGill. She was born and died in Scotland. Children of Neill McNair and Sarah McGill are: + 3 ii. John McNair, born 1735 in Parish of Kilkenny, Shire of Argyle, North Brittian; died 30 Jun 1819 in Cowpers Hill, near Maxton, Robeson County, NC.
Generation No. 2 3. John2 McNair (Neill1) was born 1735 in Parish of Kilkenny, Shire of Argyle ,North Brittian1,2,3,4, and died 30 Jun 1819 in Robeson County, NC5,6,7,8,9. He married (1) Jennet Smylie Dec 1763 in Scotland10,11,12,13, daughter of John Smylie. She died Sep 1769 in Kilkenny, Argylshire, Scotland14,15,16. He married (2) Catherine Buie 1772 in Cumberland County, NC17,18,19, daughter of Donald Buie. She was born Abt. 1735 in Jura, Argylshire, Scotland20, and died Aug 1787 in Robeson County, NC20,21,22,23,24. Both John & Catherine are buried in McFarland Cemetery, near Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Richmond (now Scotland) Co, NC. Children of John McNair and Jennet Smylie are: + 4 i. Rhoderick3 McNair, born Oct 1764 in Argyl Shire, Scotland; died 06 Apr 1839 in Robeson Co, NC. 5 ii. Betsey McNair, born Jan 1766 in Argyleshire, Scotland25,26. 6 iii. Neil McNair, born Jan 1768 in Argyleshire, Scotland27,28; died Dec 1769 in Argyleshire, Scotland28. Children of John McNair and Catherine Buie are: + 7 i. Sarah Ann3 McNair, born 1773 in NC; died in Union Church, Jefferson Co, MS. + 8 ii. Malcom McNair, Rev., born 24 Aug 1776 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC; died 04 Aug 1822 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC.
Generation No. 3 4. Rhoderick3 McNair (John2, Neill1) was born Oct 1764 in Argyl Shire, Scotland29,30,31, and died 06 Apr 1839 in Robeson Co, NC32,33,34. He married Mary McGill. She was born 1773 in Robeson Co, NC, and died 06 Mar 1857 in Robeson Co, NC35. Both are buried in McFarland Cemetery, near Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Richmond (now Scotland) Co, NC. Children of Rhoderick McNair and Mary McGill are: 9 i. Neill4 McNair, born 22 Sep 1795 in Robeson Co, NC; died Abt. 1801. 10 ii. Jennet McNair, born 19 Jun 1797 in Robeson Co, NC; died 03 Jun 1873. 11 iii. Margaret McNair, born 02 Jul 1799 in Robeson Co, NC; died 27 Apr 1852. She married John Smith. + 12 iv. Elizabeth McNair, born 30 May 1801 in Robeson Co, NC; died 15 Jul 1832. + 13 v. Mary McNair, born 31 Dec 1803 in North Carolina; died 16 Jan 1878 in Reilly Springs, Hopkins Co, TX. 14 vi. Sarah Ann McNair, born 15 Dec 1805; died 18 Dec 1879. 15 vii. John McNair, born 25 May 1808 in North Carolina36; died 1890 in Prob. Robeson Co, NC. He married Anabella McNair 28 Aug 1843 in Robeson Co, NC37; born Bet. 1815 - 1816 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC38,39; died 20 Oct 1891 in Prob. Robeson Co, NC. 16 viii. Evander McNair, born 07 Apr 1811 in North Carolina; died 11 Jan 1886 in Prob. Robeson Co, NC. 17 ix. Neill McNair, born 19 Sep 1814 in Robeson Co, NC. He married Elizabeth A. Harlee 1849.
7. Sarah Ann3 McNair (John2, Neill1) was born 1773 in NC40,41,42, and died in Union Church, Jefferson Co, MS. She married Peter Wikinson Abt. 1794 in North Carolina43. He was born Abt. 1764, and died 1860 in Union Church, Jefferson Co, MS. They are both buried at Union Church Presbyterian Cemetery, Jefferson Co, MS. Children of Sarah McNair and Peter Wikinson are: 18 i. Daniel4 Wikinson. 19 ii. Malcom Wikinson. 20 iii. Neill Wikinson. 21 iv. John Wikinson. 22 v. Catherine Wikinson. 23 vi. Nancy Elizabeth Wikinson. 24 vii. Mary Wikinson.
8. Rev. Malcom3 McNair (John2, Neill1) was born 24 Aug 1776 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC44,45,46,47, and died 04 Aug 1822 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC48,49,50,51,52,53,54. He married Jennet Little Bef. 181055,56, daughter of Neil Little and Jane Dickson. She was born 1791 in Petersburg, VA57,58,59, and died 23 Jun 1879 in Robeson Co, NC60. Rev. McNair is buried in McFarland Cemetery, Richmond (now Scotland) Co, NC. Jennet Little is buried at Centre Presbyterian Church, Robeson Co, NC. Rev. Malcom McNair Census Records Jennet Little McNair Census Records Children of Rev. Malcom McNair and Jennet Little are: + 25 i. Eliza Jane4 McNair, born 1811 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC; died 15 Jul 1869 in Laurel Hill, Neshoba County, MS. + 26 ii. Catherine Buie McNair, born 26 Aug 1812 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC; died 08 Feb 1883 in Alabama. 27 iii. Anabella McNair, born Bet. 1819 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC61,62; died 20 Oct 1891 in Robeson Co, NC. She married John McNair 28 Aug 1843 in Robeson Co, NC63; born 25 May 1808 in North Carolina64; died 1890 in Prob. Robeson Co, NC. 1850 Robeson Co, NC Census, Southern Division, p. 413, #928-928, Farmer, 3000 + 28 iv. Murphy Calvin McNair, born 18 Apr 1818 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC; died 11 Jan 1881 in Robeson Co, NC.
Generation No. 4 12. Elizabeth4 McNair (Rhoderick3, John2, Neill1) was born 30 May 1801 in Robeson Co, NC, and died 15 Jul 1832. She married Duncan McNair. Children of Elizabeth McNair and Duncan McNair are: 29 i. Duncan5 McNair, died 17 Sep 1863. He married Mollie Ramsey 10 Jan 1860. 30 ii. Malcolm McNair, born 18 Dec 1826; died 11 Jul 1862. 31 iii. Rory McNair, born 01 Aug 1828; died 15 Dec 1868. 32 iv. Robert Morrison McNair, born 02 May 1830; died 11 Aug 1902. He married Rebecca Jane McCallum 27 Jan 1859; born 17 Nov 1836; died 31 Jan 1904.
13. Mary4 McNair (Rhoderick3, John2, Neill1) was born 31 Dec 1803 in North Carolina65,66, and died 16 Jan 1878 in Reilly Springs, Hopkins Co, TX. She married Neill McDonald, son of John McDonald and Margaret McDougal. He was born 18 Sep 1803 in North Carolina66, and died 22 Jun 1852 in Neshoba County, MS. He is buried in Old Carolina Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Neshoba Co, MS. 1850 Neshoba Co, MS Census #392-411 Children of Mary McNair and Neill McDonald are: + 33 i. Jane Smiley5 McDonald, born Abt. 1831; died 22 May 1869 in Hopkins Co, TX. 34 ii. Margaret McDonald, born Abt. 1834 in North Carolina66. + 35 iii. Mary Eliza McDonald, born 15 Nov 1835 in North Carolina; died in Riley Springs, TX. 36 iv. John R. McDonald, born Bet. 1838 - 1839 in North Carolina67,68. 37 v. Evander McDonald, born Bet. 1839 - 1840 in Mississippi69,70. 38 vi. Caroline McDonald, born Bet. 1842 - 1843 in Mississippi71,72. 39 vii. Neill Archibald McDonald, born Bet. 1845 - 1846 in Mississippi73,74. 40 viii. William Paisley McDonald, born Bet. 1847 - 1848 in Mississippi75,76.
25. Eliza Jane4 McNair (Malcom3, John2, Neill1) was born Bet. 1810 - 1814 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC77,78, and died 15 Jul 1869 in Laurel Hill, Neshoba County, MS79,80. She married Hugh McDonald 25 Feb 1839 in Robeson Co, NC81, son of Daniel McDonald and Flora Douglas. He was born 13 Feb 1813 in Chesterfield Co, SC82,83,84,85,86,87,88, and died 12 Jun 1894 in Laurel Hill, Neshoba County, MS89,90,91. They are buried in Old Carolina Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Neshoba Co, MS. 1850 Neshoba Co, MS Census #439-459 Children of Eliza McNair and Hugh McDonald are: + 41 i. Catherine L.5 McDonald, born 19 Nov 1839 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 07 Feb 1902 in Neshoba or Leake Co, MS. + 42 ii. Frances Annabella McDonald, born 12 Mar 1842 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 03 Mar 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS. + 43 iii. Hugh W. McDonald, born 15 Dec 1844; died 08 May 1897 in Neshoba Co, MS. 44 iv. Malcolm D McDonald, born 29 Sep 1846 in Neshoba Co, MS92,93; died 26 Jan 1858 in Neshoba Co, MS94,95. + 45 v. John D McDonald, born 02 Mar 1849 in Mississippi; died 22 Nov 1876 in Neshoba County, Ms/Carolina Cemetary. + 46 vi. James M McDonald, born 24 Sep 1851 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 15 Mar 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS. 47 vii. Marsellus A. McDonald96, born Abt. 1855 in Mississippi97,98,99.
26. Catherine Buie4 McNair (Malcom3, John2, Neill1) was born 26 Aug 1812 in Maxton, Robeson Co, NC100,101,102, and died 08 Feb 1883 in Alabama102. She married Col. Archibald Sellers MacKay 29 Oct 1835 in Cowper Hill, Robeson Co, NC103. He was born 25 Sep 1808 in Richmond Co, NC104, and died 02 Dec 1865 in Henry Co, AL104. Marriage & Death Notices 1816 - 1840 Abstracted from the Fayetteville Observer
- November 5, 1835 Child of Catherine Buie McNair and Col. Archibald Sellers MacKay is: 48 i. Francis Naomi5 MacKay.
Pictured Right: Margaret Elizabeth Stubbs. Photo courtesy of Jim Patterson1860 Robeson Co, NC Census, #993-956 Children of Murphy Calvin McNair and Margaret Elizabeth Stubbs are:
2 i.
+ 3 ii. Caroline Virginia McNair, born 02 Oct 1850 in Robeson Co, NC; died 25 Jun 1915. 4 iii. Charles Bleck McNair, born 16 Oct 1852 in Robeson Co, NC; died 26 Dec 1895 in Robeson Co, NC. 5 iv. John Laurence McNair, born 23 Dec 1854 in Robeson Co, NC; died 11 May 1889. 6 v. Murphy McNair, born 07 Dec 1856 in Robeson Co, NC; died 25 Apr 1905. He married Loula McNeill 21 Jul 1881. 7 vi. Walter S. McNair, born 04 Feb 1859 in Robeson Co, NC; died 21 Dec 1911. He married Mary Smith 16 Oct 1884. 8 vii. Estelle McNair, born 11 Feb 1861 in Robeson Co, NC. She married James T. Eason. + 9 viii. Howard Campbell McNair, born 23 Oct 1863 in Robeson Co, NC. 10 ix. Frederick Nash McNair, born 13 Oct 1866 in Robeson Co, NC; died 23 Jun 1883 in Robeson Co, NC. 11 x. Jennie Elzabeth McNair, born 18 Mar 1869 in Robeson Co, NC. 12 xi. Augustus McNair, born 10 Apr 1871 in Robeson Co, NC. He married Cammie McCaskill 18 Jan 1911. Generation No. 5 33. Jane Smiley5 McDonald (Mary4 McNair, Rhoderick3, John2, Neill1) was born Abt. 1831, and died 22 May 1869 in Hopkins Co, TX. She married Thomas Joseph Thadius Stribling. She is buried in Reilly Springs Cemetery, Reilly Springs, TX. Child of Jane McDonald and Thomas Stribling is: 59 i. Thomas Edwin6 Stribling, died 06 Jul 1939 in Blue Ridge, TX128.
35. Mary Eliza5 McDonald (Mary4 McNair, Rhoderick3, John2, Neill1) was born 15 Nov 1835 in North Carolina129, and died in Riley Springs, TX. She married Wesley Lewis. He was born 18 Feb 1835 in Leake Co, MS, and died 21 May 1901 in Neshoba County, MS/Carolina Cemetary. He is buried in Old Carolina Cemetery, Neshoba Co, MS. Child of Mary McDonald and Wesley Lewis is: 60 i. Sarah Roberta6 Lewis, born Jan 1858 in Mississippi130; died 30 Jun 1914. She married Thomas Henry Luby Abt. 1880130; born 15 Mar 1847 in Tipperary Co, Ireland130; died 26 Jan 1937 in Leake Co, MS.
41. Catherine L.5 McDonald (Eliza Jane4 McNair, Malcom3, John2, Neill1)131 was born 19 Nov 1839 in Neshoba Co, MS132,133,134,135,136,137,138, and died 07 Feb 1902 in Neshoba or Leake Co, MS139,140. She married John M. McMillan 1856 in Mississippi141, son of Neill McMillan and Mary McDonald. He was born 26 May 1832 in Tuscaloosa Co, AL142,143,144,145,146,147,148, and died 30 Aug 1913 in Leake Co, MS149,150,151. They are buried in Old Carolina Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Neshoba Co, MS. Children of Catherine L. McDonald and John M. McMillan are: 61 i. William M.6 McMillan, born 06 May 1858 in Neshoba Co, MS152; died 10 Oct 1860 in Neshoba Co, MS152. 62 ii. James Frank McMillan, born Abt. 1860 in Neshoba Co, MS153,154. He married Eula C. Spivey Abt. 1892 in Neshoba Co, MS155; born Abt. 1871 in Mississipi155,156. 63 iii. Mary Anabell McMillan, born 12 Sep 1861 in Leake County, MS157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164; died 15 Feb 1948 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS165,166. She married James Raymond Winfield167 21 Feb 1878 in Leake Co, MS168,169,170; born 15 Apr 1855 in Neshoba Co, MS171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179; died 08 Sep 1933 in Newton Co, MS180. 64 iv. Hugh N. McMillan, born Jul 1866 in Neshoba Co, MS181,182,183. He married Alice Williams 1897 in Mississippi184; born Sep 1877 in Mississippi185. 65 v. John M McMillan, born Apr 1870 in Neshoba Co, MS186,187,188,189. He married Katie Barnett 1896 in Mississippi190; born Oct 1877 in Mississippi191,192. 66 vi. Eliza Lydia McMillan, born Jul 1872193,194. 67 vii. Murray McMillan, born 05 Jul 1876195,196,197; died Abt. 1957 in Houston, Harris Co, TX198. He married Maggie Ingram.
42. Frances Annabella5 McDonald (Eliza Jane4 McNair, Malcom3, John2, Neill1) was born 12 Mar 1842 in Neshoba Co, MS199,200,201, and died 03 Mar 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS. She married Micajah Pope Sanders. He was born 14 Nov 1844 in Georgia201, and died 22 Jan 1924. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, #974-974 Children of Frances Annabella McDonald and Micajah Pope Sanders are: 68 i. Will6 Sanders. 69 ii. John Sanders, born 24 Apr 1864; died 18 Nov 1945. 70 iii. Hugh Willis Sanders. He married Mattie Thomas. 71 iv. Arantha Sanders, born Abt. 1869201.
43. Hugh W.5 McDonald (Eliza Jane4 McNair, Malcom3, John2, Neill1) was born 15 Dec 1844202,203,204, and died 08 May 1897 in Neshoba Co, MS204. He married Anna Elizabeth Fincher. She was born 20 Jan 1846204, and died 13 Nov 1898 in Neshoba Co, MS204. They are buried in Old Carolina Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Neshoba Co, MS. Children of Hugh W. McDonald and Anna Elizabeth Fincher are: 72 i. Ola6 Fincher. 73 ii. Lessie Fincher. 74 iii. Fannie Fincher. She married Thurman Hooper. 75 iv. Luther Fincher. 76 v. John Fincher.
45. John D5 McDonald (Eliza Jane4 McNair, Malcom3, John2, Neill1) was born 02 Mar 1849 in Mississippi205,206,207, and died 22 Nov 1876 in Neshoba County, Ms/Carolina Cemetary207. He married Mary Ella Hays Bef. 1870, daughter of Hays. She was born 30 Jun 1852 in Alabama208, and died 16 Sep 1907. He is buried in Old Carolina Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Neshoba Co, MS. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4 #916-816 Children of John D. McDonald and Mary Ella Hays are: 77 i. Walter6 McDonald, died 10 May 1871. 78 ii. Mary McDonald, died 04 Apr 1872. 79 iii. Edna McDonald. She married Oscar M. Mabry. 80 iv. Hugh H McDonald, died 07 Apr 1875 in Neshoba Co, MS209.
46. James M5 McDonald (Eliza Jane4 McNair, Malcom3, John2, Neill1) was born 24 Sep 1851 in Neshoba Co, MS210,211, and died 15 Mar 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS211. He married Caroline McNair Bef. 1870. She was born 08 Jun 1853 in Georgia211, and died 01 Apr 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS211. Was living in the 1870 Neshoba Co, MS household of his brother John D. McDonald. Child of James M. McDonald and Caroline McNair is: 81 i. Infant Son6 McDonald, born 07 Jan 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS211; died 28 Mar 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS211.
50. Caroline Virginia5 McNair (Murphy C.4, Malcom3, John2, Neill1, EdwardA) was born 02 Oct 1850 in Robeson Co, NC212,213, and died 25 Jun 1915213. She married Thomas Jones Wooten, son of Richard Wooten and Eliza Williams. He was born in Bladen Co, NC. Child of Caroline Virginia McNair and Thomas Jones Wooten is: 82 i. Frank McNair6 Wooten. He married Aline Brady.
51. Howard Campbell2 McNair (Murphy Calvin1, MalcomA, JohnB, NeillC, EdwardD) was born 23 Oct 1863 in Robeson Co, NC. He married Susannah Morrison 12 Jan 1888, daughter of Daniel Morrison and Susannah McLean. She was born 08 Feb 1866, and died 14 Aug 1956. Children of Howard Cambell McNair and Susannah Morrison are: 14 i. John Franklin3 McNair. 15 ii. Walter Scott McNair. 16 iii. Howard Campbell McNair. He married Martha T. Compton 1930. 17 iv. Donald Murphy McNair. 18 v. Margaret Elizabeth McNair. She married James T. Patterson. 19 vi. Lillian McNair. She married Ernest P. Williams. 20 vii. Sue Morrison McNair. She married Fred Randle.
Endnotes 1. T.R.Buie/Scott Buie, The Family Buie -
Scotland to North America, (Chelle-Kirk Printing, Arlington, TX), 39. |
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