Hüss Family of Kirchlindach, Switzerland There are many mysteries left to solve regarding the Hüss family of Kirchlindach. Was Daniel Hüss, father of Maria Barbara Hüss the same Daniel Hüss who was born to Samuel Hüss and Barbara Heller? A detailed search of the Kirchlindach church records find no other Daniel Hüss. His year of birth is indicative of a first marriage at the time a marriage was recorded to Elizabeth Widmer. Therefore it remains most likely that he is one and the same man. But what of the birth of Maria Barbara Hüss to Elizabeth Moser when a prior marriage exists to Elizabeth Widmer? This researcher can find no children recorded from the Elizabeth Widmer marriage. But there is also no death of Elizabeth recorded in the Evangelische-Reformierte Kirch of Kirchlindach. Further confusing matters is the fact that Barbara Widmer, the wife of the masters son in Bern, was one of the godparents of Maria Barbara Hüss, born to Elizabeth Moser. A further complication is the fact that a Barbara Elizabeth Moser was a godparent of Maria Moser's child born in December 1757. No other children can be found from the union of Daniel Hüss and Elizabeth Moser. Therefore this researcher is led to believe that the couple never married. Further information on this family would be greatly appreciated.
Descendants of Samuel Hüss Generation No. 1 1. Samuel1 Hüss He married Barbara Heller. Children of Samuel Hüss and Barbara Heller are: 2 i. Samuel2 Hüss, born 08 Dec 1707 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. + 3 ii. Daniel Hüss, born 20 Jan 1714/15 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. 4 iii. Wolffgang Hüss, born 20 Dec 1716 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland1. 5 iv. Rudolff Hüss, born 25 May 1719 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland1.
Generation No. 2 3. Daniel2 Hüss (Samuel1) was born 20 Jan 1714/15 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland1. He married (1) Elisabeth Widmer 21 Jan 1739/40 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. He had a child with (2) Barbara Eizabeth Moser, daughter of Hans Rudolph Maret/Moser and Anna Hotz. She was born 03 Sep 1728 in Jensberg, Canton of Bern, Switzerland2. Child of Daniel Hüss and Barbara Elizabeth Moser is: 6 i. Maria Barbara3 Hüss, born 17 May 1750 in Kirchlindach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland3. She married Christoph Karl Bickel 01 Feb 1775 in Jensberg, Canton of Bern, Switzerland4; born Jan 1743/44 in Neuenstadt. Wuerttemberg, Germany5; died 12 Feb 1817 in Jensberg, Switzerland.
Endnotes 1. Kirchenbuch, Evangelisch--Reformierte Kirche
Kirchlindach (Bern).
Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Kirchlindach (Bern) Samuel HUESS, u. Barbara HALLER haben tauffen
lassen Samuel zu Bern Samuel HUESS and Barbara HALLER had a child christened in Bern on the 8 Dec 1707 and the child was given the name Samuel.
As you will notice, three of the HUESS children’s baptism/christening was recorded “in a row”. For some reason they were not recorded at the actual time of their baptism, but were recorded at the same time. Perhaps a traveling minister performed the christening in the home right after they were born and recorded it on a slip of paper and later recorded them all at the same time. It seemed to be the “thing to do” because it was done to other families also.
Daniel: den 20 Jan 1715 On the 20 Jan 1715 was christened Daniel, the son of Sammuel HUESS and Barbara HALLER. Witnesses were Daniel FELLENBERG, Jacob KAUFFMAN and Maria WAEBER.
Wolffgang: den 20 Dec 1716 On the 20 Dec 1716 was christened Wolffgang, the son of Samuel HUESS and Barbara HALLER. Witnesses are Emanuel ZEHENDER, Wolffgang ZEHENDER and Anna Barbara CASTENHOFER Rudolff: den 25 May 1719 On the 25 May 1719 was christened Rudolff, son of Sammuel HUESS and Barbara HALLER. Witnesses are Brandolff EGGER, Rudolf TIELLIER, Joseph or Johannes BERBER. Den 21 Jan 1740 Daniel HUESS von hier Married on the 21 Jan 1740 were Daniel HUESS from here and Elisabeth WIDMER from Biglern.
Marey Barbara, Glaichen Sonntag, Kilchlindach
(17 May 1750) On Pentecost Sunday, the 17 May 1750 was
christened in Kilchlindach |
04/09/2006 08:40:45 PM