Eason Family
My grandmother's given name was Eason. I have always
thought it a beautiful name. Therefore I planned to name my first daughter
for the grandmother who died before being able to mother her only child.
Since I have no daughters, my darling golden retriever bears the name
Eason. The search for the origin of my grandmother's name was a very
important one. The fact that her grandmother's name was Sarah Eason Jones
led to the discovery that Sarah Eason Jones' grandmother was Sarah Eason.
The Eason origin, once discovered, led to a family just across the state line in
North Carolina. This is their story.

Descendants of Abner Eason
Generation No. 1
1. Abner Eason (George, William) was
born about 1725 in North Carolina, and died before May 1794 in Bertie Co, NC. He
married Rachel Docton, daughter of Jacob Docton and Sarah Hunter. She was born
about 1730 in North Carolina.
Children of Abner Eason and Rachel
Docton are:
1. Jacob Eason, died before
February 1779 in Bertie Co, NC.
2. Abner Eason, Jr., died after
January 10, 1815 in Bertie Co, NC.
3. Joseph Eason, died after
January 29, 1816 in Bertie Co, NC.
4. George Eason. He married
5. Absillah Eason.
6. Sarah Eason.
7. Unknown Eason, died Bef.
Generation No. 2
2. Jacob Eason (Abner, George, William)
died before February 1779 in Bertie Co, NC. He married Mary Walton November 01,
1774 in Chowan Co, NC, daughter of William Walton and Rachel Hunter. She was
born about 1757 in Bertie Co, NC.
Children of Jacob Eason and Mary Walton
1. Rachel Eason, born about
2. Sarah Eason, born about 1777
in Bertie Co, NC and died before May 03, 1852 in Haywood Co, TN.
3. Abner Eason, Jr. (Abner, George,
William) died after January 10, 1815 in Bertie Co, NC. He married Elizabeth
Children of Abner Eason and Elizabeth
Bond are:
1. John Eason.
2. Joseph Eason.
3. Abner Eason.
4. Soloman Eason.
5. Thomas Eason.
6. Penelope Eason. She married
William Gardner December 25, 1797 in Bertie Co, NC.
7. Absilah Eason. She married
Henry A. Powell February 07, 1806 in Bertie Co, NC.
8. Rachel Eason. She married
Unknown Walford.
9. Elizabeth Eason.
4. Joseph Eason (Abner, George,
William) died after. January 29, 1816 in Bertie Co, NC.
Children of Joseph Eason are:
1. Rachel Eason. She married
Unknown Miller.
2. Jesse Eason.
3. Jennett Eason.
6. Absillah Eason (Abner, George,
William) She married John Rhoades.
Child of Absillah Eason and John
Rhoades is:
1. Rachel Rhoades. She married
Frederick Lassiter. He was born about 1773.
7. Sarah Eason (Abner, George, William)
She married Catp. Ezekial Perry, son of Benjamin Perry.
Child of Sarah Eason and Ezekial Perry
1. Docton Perry.
8. Unknown Eason (Abner, George,
William) died before 1794. She married Frederick Lassiter.
Children of Unknown Eason and
Lassiter are:
1. Robert Lassiter
2. Joseph Lassiter.
3. Sarah Lassiter. She married
Josiah Howell 1787 in Bertie Co, NC; born 1765 in Bertie Co, NC.
4. Jethro Lassiter
Generation No. 3
9. Rachel Eason (Jacob, Abner, George,
William) was born about 1775. She married Jacob Garrett December 25, 1790 in
Bertie Co, NC, son of Jesse Garrett and Rachel Walton. He was born 1771.
1800 Census Bertie Co, NC
Children of Rachel Eason and Jacob
Garrett are:
1. Rachel Garrett. She married
Blount B. Ruffin.
2. Mary Garrett. She married
Humphrey Lawrence.
3. Nancy Garrett. She married
Unknown King.
4. David Garrett.
5. Naomi Garrett. She married
John J. Choate.
6. Jacob Garrett.
10. Sarah Eason (Jacob, Abner, George,
William) was born about 1777 in Bertie Co, NC, and died before May 03, 1852 in
Haywood Co, TN. She married Col.William Jones about 1793 in North Carolina, son
of James Jones and Amilesant. He was born about 1768 in Hertford Co, NC, and
died about 1828 in Hertford Co, NC.
1820 Hertford Co, NC Census, p.180
1850 Haywood Co, TN Census #217-217
Children of Sarah Eason and William
Jones are:
1. Unknown Male Jones, born
about 1794.
2. Nancy Jones, born about 1795
in Hertford Co, NC; died after 1839 in Greensboro, AL. She married Dr,
William Jones about 1815.
3. Mary Jones, born 1796 - 1800
in Hertford Co, NC; died before 1844. She married Unknown Spears befire
4. Dr, James Cherry Jones, born
about 1798 in Hertford Co, NC and died betweeb January 25, 1868
and April 1968 in Brownsville, Haywood Co, TN. He married (1) Lavinia
Brickell September 06, 1820 in Bertie Co, NC. He married (2) Elizabeth
Whitelaw before 1836 in Tennessee. She was born 1805 - 1807 in
Virginia and died before December 20, 1886 in Brownsville, Haywood Co,
5. Eason Jones, born about 1802
in Hertford Co, NC and died before May 23, 1870 in Haywood Co, TN. He
married Belinda Frances Cherry November 04, 1839 in Haywood Co,
TN. She was born about 1824 in Tennessee and died November 13,
1853 in Tennessee.
6. Willie Jones, born 1804 -
1806 in Hertford Co, NC. He married Hannah Mariah Turner; born 1815 -
1816 in North Carolina.
7. Unknown Male Jones, born
1804 - 1809.
8. Jacob Jones, born 1808 in
Hertford Co, NC; died February 25, 1889 in Haywood Co, TN. He married
Cornelia Owen June 15, 1838 in Haywood Co, TN. She was born
January 16, 1820 near Richmond, VA and died January 19, 1877 in Haywood
Co, TN.
9. Sarah Jones, born about 1809
in Hertford Co, NC. She married Henry A. Bass before 1831. He was
born about 1797 in Sussex Co, VA.
10. Abner Jones, born 1811 -
1813 in Hertford Co, NC; died after 1886 in Jones Switch, Autauga or
Dallas Co, AL. He married (1) Joannah before 1839. She was born
June 22, 1821 and died January 08, 1845 in Alabama. He married (2) Jane
R. Bogle August 25, 1846 in Dallas Co, AL. She was born 1830 -
1835 in Alabama and died in Jones Switch, Autaga or Dallas Co, AL.
11. Eliza B. Jones, born 1813 -
1815 in Hertford Co, NC and died after 1886. She married William Jones
March 24, 1867 in Haywood Co, TN.
12. Lovenia Jones, born 1817 in
Hertford Co, NC and died after 1886.
13i. Benjamin Franklin Jones,
born September 24, 1818 in Hertford Co, NC; died July 1885 in West
Point, White Co, AR. He married Mary Garland Goodwin before 1848 in
Haywood Co, TN. She was born May 01, 1814 in Hanover Co, VA
abd died before 1880 in West Point, White Co, AR.

Legal Records of
Jacob Eason
Bertie Co, NC Deed Book M, p. 291, Moses Spivey of
Craven County to Jacob Eason of Perquimons Co, 2 ?? 1776 50 pounds proclamation.
128 acres joining Cashy Swamp, William Bryan, John Rhoads, Abner Eason, Mill
Branch. Also signed by Elizabeth Spivey. Wit: Abner Eason, John Rhoads.
Perquimans Co, NC Deed No. 114, July Court 1777.
Jacob Eason of Perquimans for 170 pounds paid by Abraham Sumner of same sold 260
acres adjoining Thomas Docton & Jacob Docton. Test: Joseph Riddick, Thomas
Bertie Co, NC, Feb Court 1779, Ordered that Mary
Eason have leave to administer on the Estate of Jacob Eason, deceased on her
giving Security in the Sum of Three Thousand pounds proc which Security is
accordingly given by Frederick Lassiter and Timithy Walton. Ordered that Mary
Eason, Admrx. of Jacob Eason, Deceased have leave to sell so much of the
perishable part of the said deceaseds Estate as will discharge Debts and make
return of an account of Such Sale to next Court.
Bertie Co, NC 9 February 1779, Inventory of Estate
of Jacob Eason, deceased, by Mary Eason
Bertie Co, NC 31 July 1779, Sale of Estate of Jacob
Eason, deceased by Mary Eason.
Bertie Co, NC 6 August 1779, Persuant to order of
Court to us Derected we the subscribers have Divided the Estate of Jacob Eason
Decd in the following Manner to wit: After Debts & Expenses to Mary Eason
Widow of the Deceased We find one Negro woman Rose & Child and other Estate
to the Amount of 1466 Lbs-2- 6. The other two parts we find 2932 lbs-5 for the
Two Children Rachel & Sary Eason we leave undevid by Reason the negros Davey,
levsey, Tom, Cherry & Jinney being un Equal we therefore farther Pray the
Descreton of the Court. August 6 Day 1779. Signed: David Button, Charles King,
Thomas Perry.
Bertie Co, NC 3 March 1791, Persuant to an order of
Court we have Divided the Negroes of Jacob Eason Deceasd between his two
Daughters (to wit) Rachal Garrett and Sarah Eason, as follows: Lucy, Jenne, Ben,
Peter to Rachel Garrett. Dave, Tom, Cherry, Miles to Sarah Eason. Signed: Abner
Eason, Thos Perry, William Cherry.
Bertie Co, NC Deed Book R, p. 434.
Garrett & Jones to Chas. King. This indenture made this 20th day of February
one Thosand seven hundred and ninety seven between Jacob Garrett Rachel Garrett
his wife, Wm Jones & Sarah Jones his wife, Jacob and Rachel of the County of
Bertie and State of N. Carolina Wm & Sarah of the County of Hertford and
State aforesaid of the one part and Charles King Senr of the County of Bertie
and State aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that for and in Consideration
of the sum of one hundred and twenty dollar to us in hand paid before the Ensealing hereof by Charles King the receipt whereof we do acknowledge our
selves there with fully satisfide and paid and have by these presents given
granted bargained sold aliend conveyed and confirmed unto the said Charles King
his heirs and assigns forever a piece parcel or Tract of Land situate lying in
Bertie County aforesaid on the south side of Chasy swamp containing by
Estimation sixty eight acres be it the same more or less Bounded as followeth to
wit, Beginning at a cypress a corner tree standing in Cashy Swamp, in or near
the ? Mence by a line of marked trees alon William Bryans line to a pine a
corner tree in John Rhodes line thence along the P. Rhodes line to a Read Oak a
corner tree standing in Abner Easons line along the P. Eason line to a pine in
the head of the Mill Branch thence down the P. branch to Cashy swamp thence the
several courses of the P. Swamp to the first stateion. To have and to Hold the
P. granted and bargained premises with all appertenances priviledges and
comosities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the P.
Charles King and his heirs and assigns forever, and we Solomon Cherry & Mary
his wife do give up all our wright of Dower and Power of thirds in P. Land and
premises unto him the P. Charles King his heirs and assigns forever, and furth
we the P. Jacob Garrett, Rachel Garrett his wife, William Jones & Sarah
Jones his wife our selves our heirs Executors or admr do covenant and Engage the
above demised premises to him the P. Charles King his heirs and assigns forever
against the Lawfull claims or demands of any person or persons whatsoever clear
of all manner of Incumbrance of any kind or nature whatsoever. In witness where
of I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written. Signed:
Jacob Garrett, Rachel Garrett, W. Jones, Sarah Jones, Solm Cherry, Mary Cherry.
Signed, Sealed & delivered in presents of: Amasa perin & Ralph Outlaw.
State of North Carolina, Bertie County. November Term 1797. The within Decd from
Jacob Garrett and others to Charles King was proved in Open Court by the Oath of
Amasa Perin one of the subscribing Witnesses and ordered to be registered.
(This is the Jacob Eason property inherited by his wife and daughters.)

Last Will &
Testament of Abner Eason
Bertie Co, NC May Term 1794
In the Name of God Amen: I Abner Eason of the State of North Carolina and County
of Bertie being of Sound and disposing mind and memory Thanks be to Almighty God
for the same but calling to mind human frailty and that it is appointed for all
men to die do constitute make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament. In
maner and form following to wit: Item. I leave the use of one third part of my
land and plantation I now live on to my Beloved Wife Rachel Eason During her
widowhood or natural life but at her marriage or death I give the said land to
my son George Eason. I also leave my said Wife the use of three negros during
her natural life namley Capt Dinar & Hastey and my sorrell Meir side saddl
& Gridle one feather bed and furniture but at her death I leave the said
negro men with their Inereye and the other goods & chatter to be sold and
the money arising therefrom to be Equally Divided to and amongst my children
namley Abner Eason Joseph Eason George Eason Absillah Rhoads & Sarah Perry
and their heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Abner Eason two
negros namley Will and Cate they and their Increase I say unto him and his heirs
forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Eason one half of my Land
Lying in conereticy(?) firocosan(?) adjuoining James Wood, line I say unto him
and his heirs forever I allso give unto my G.son Joseph Eason two negros namley
Daviey bought of Sleight and mol ?? and their Increase I say unto him and his
heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son George Eason the plantation
where on I now live with all the Land thereunto adjoining I say unto him and his
heirs forever I allso give unto my said son George Eason my water griss mill and
saw mill with all the utensells thereunto belonging I say unto him and heirs
forever I allso give unto my son George Eason one half of my land ying in
coneritirs procoson I say unto him and his heirs forever I allso give unto my
son George Eason two negroes namely Ned and Davey with one feather bed and
furniture and my blacksmith ?? say unto him and his heirs forever. Item. I give
unto my Daughter Absillah Rhoads two negros namley Hagar and Miles they and
their Increase I say unto her and her heirs forever. Item. I give unto my
Daughter Sarah Perry two negros namley Priss and Abram they and their Increase
unto her and heirs forever. Item. I give unto my Grandson Jethro Lassiter two
negros namley Philles & Edey they and their Increase unto him and his heirs
forever. Item. I give unto my grandson Robert Lassiter one negro boy named Isom
unto him and his heirs forever. I give unto my two Grandaughters, Rachel Garrett
and Sarah Eason, Daughters of Jacob Eason, Decd., five shilling, Each. The
Reason I give them no more I have allreadey given their parts. Item. I leave my
stock of cattle hogs and sheap to be equally Divided between my wife Rachel
Eason and my son George Eason the one half to my wife During her widowhood or
natural Life and there to be Divided amongst my Children namley Abner Eason,
Joseph Eason, George Eason, Absillah Rhoads & Sarah Perry and my Grandson
Jethro Lassiter to them and their heirs forever, the other half to my son George
Eason and his heirs forever. Item. My will and desire is that my Executor
hereafter named sel at there non discersson as many of the negros not given away
in Legacies as will pay my Just Debts after my decease. Item. All the Residue of
my Estate not given away in Legises after my Just debts being paid be at of what
natureeakn(?) dower I Leave to be Equally Divided between my beloved wife Rachel
Eason and my Chidlren namley Abner Eason, Joseph Eason, George Eason, Absillah
Rhoads, Sarah Perry and my Granson Jethro Lassiter, share and share alike my
wife having a childe part her part after her death to be Divided amoungst the
Children above sd the other parts to them and their heirs forever. Lastly I
nomonate constitute and appoint my two sons Abner Eason and Joseph Eason my
whole and sade Executors to this my last Will and Testament to be the same duly
compled with and I do hereby Revoke and Dysmiss all other former Wills by me
made Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and
Testament. It Witness, whereas of I have here unto Set my hand and afixed my
seal this seventh day of November One thousand seven hundred and ninety two;
Signed sealed published pronounced and Declared by the said Abner Eason as his
Last Will and Testamant. In Presense of us: William Cherry, Thomas Bond, Ezekiel
State of North Carolina, Bertie County, May Term 1794. The Last Will &
Testament of Abner Eason, Decd. was proved in Due form of Law by the Oath of
Thomas Bond & Ezekiel Thomas, two of the subscribing Witnesses and Ordered
to be Recorded. Steven Gray, Cl.