Descendants of
William Dickey
Pictured Left: Jane Dickey, daughter of
William Dickey

William Dickey died 1808 in
Anderson Co, SC. It is thought that his wife Ann (born about 1762)
was Ann Sherard, daughter of Alexander Sherard. William Dickey's South
Carolina neighbor Alexander Sherard is mentioned in William Dickey's Last Will
& Testament "his brother Alexander Shearard." More
information on this family would be greatly appreciated.
1790 Pendleton District, SC Census, p. 82
1800 Pendleton District, SC Census 11101-41110-00
Children of William Dickey and Ann
Sherard are:
1. John Dickey.
2. Ann Dickey.
3. William Dickey.
4. Alexander Dickey.
5. Elizabeth Dickey.
6. Jennet Dickey.
7. Martha Dickey, born August
25, 1780 in Northern Ireland; died January 25, 1865. She married James
Turner about. 1803. He was born January 02, 1773 in Pendleton
District, Anderson Co, SC and died January 25, 1849 in Bloomington,
Monroe Co, IN.
8. Jane Dickey, born 1792 in
Anderson Co, SC; died May 09, 1875 in Anderson Co, SC. She married
Alexander Sherard, Jr. about 1810. He was born about 1794 in
Anderson District, SC and died about 1817 in Moffattsville, Anderson Co,
1820 Anderson Co, SC Census
1830 Anderson Co, SC Census
1840 Anderson Co, SC Census
1850 Anderson Co, SC Census
1860 Anderson Co, SC Census
1870 Anderson Co, SC Census
Anderson Co, SC. 5 Dec. 1839. Purchased from the estate of Freeman Wiles,
9. Sarah Dickey, born 1792. She
married Charles Cook April 29, 1809 in Anderson Co, SC.

Historical Outline of the Family Dickie (or Dickey), Upperlands, County Deery, Ireland, 1942 by John W. Dickie: "William and Ann Sherard Dickey had the following children: Ann, James, Martha, Jeanette, Jean (or Jane) and Sarah Dickey. One little boy sickened and died on the voyage from Ireland to America and was buried at Sea. The family originally came from Scotland thence to Ireland and to America in 1790."
Pendleton District, SC Will Book A, p. 99, Recorded & Proved August 15, 1808, John Harris, O. P. D.:
In the Name of God Amene, I William Dickey of Penltone Districk and State of South Carrolina being weake of Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for his mercies and Calling to mind the mortality of My Body and that it is Appointed for All Men once to die first I Allow My Body to be decently Buiried by my Executors and all my Just Debts to be paid Next I Dispose of my worldly property in the maner following Viz 1st to my wife Ann I L the Care and management of the plantation I now Live Upon with the Cattle and Other property Except what is hereafter mentioned that She may thereby be Supported and be enabled to raise and Instruct the family as Longe as she Remains my widow If she married to have a Childs part. to my Son John I leave my plantation on Rockey River but Allowing to pay Unto the hands of his mother one hundded and Ten Dolars to Answer the Legacies Left to my Children by their Grand Mother In the following Maner Viz Forty Dollars to My Daughter Ann and Ten Dollars to Each of My Other Children to my Daughter Ann I Leave the young horse Colt and one Cow as soon as She has need of them by Marriage or otherways to My Daughter Martha Turner having Allready Given her according to my Ability I allow her to Get that ten Dollar's by her Grandmother and allso one Cow more as a token of my Love to her. To my Sone William I leave the Mare Colt and Sadle and his Gun. And at the Death or before the Second Mariage of my wife Ann I Allow and Leave my plantation and Mill to be equaly Divided between my two Sons William and Alexander and all my Other Cattle property and plantation got from James kerr to be Equally Divided between my Other Children, Sarah, Jane, Elizabeth and Jennet Moreover I Allow that if Any of My Children would Act Dissobediently or Disgracefuly they forefeit their Right and it is in their Mothers power to Do with them as She thinks proper. And I do Impower my wife Ann and Brother Allexander Shearard as my whole and Sole Executors of this my Last will and Testament and Disanuling all other wills whatsoever I do Confirm this as my Last and only will and Testament in Witness whereof I have Set Hereunto my hand and Seale this twenty Ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight-Hundred and Six. Willie Dickey (Seal) Signed, Sealed And Confirmed in Presence of Us: Robert Irwin, John Steward Elizabeth (her mark) Stewart.