Descendants of Robert Booth
Estate papers have not been found for Robert Booth (many times
referred to as Dr. Robert Booth / Bouth) in York Co, VA records. Therefore
the children listed below are those individuals thought to be his descendants by
most contemporary researchers. This researcher would very much like to
obtain primary source records documenting parentage of children thought to be
from the marriage of Robert Booth and Frances (Gibson / Gibeons / Gideon??).
Further information on this family would be greatly appreciated.

Generation No. 1
1. Robert1 Booth was born 1616 in England1,
and died 1657 in York Co, VA2,3. He married Frances.
She died Aft. 1668 in York Co, VA6.
York Co, VA Records 1659 - 1662 p. 85.
In Oct. 1859 it was ordered that Edward Creeke pay Mrs. Frances Bouth, widow and
Adm'x of Mr. Robert Bouth, dec'd 535 lbs, the remainder of a greater debt.
Judgment this day ordered agst Creeke.
York Co, VA Records 1659 - 1662 p. 126
Certificate is granted to Mrs. Frances Bouth for 2000 acres of land for
importation of 40 persons into this colony, vizt: George Williams, Henry Bowles,
Elizabeth Broadrock, Cornelius Lowers, Melior Bles, Robert Heton, Robert Monroe,
William Kelliman, William Monroe, Saunders Smith, John Bankes, Richard
Woebshoute, John Bankes, John Monroe, Robert Jones, Reuben Asborne, Richard
Deverell, Henry Price, Thomas Tailor, Thomas Perine, Mary Gardner, Maudlin Frith,
Frances Sibella Darby, Margaret Powell, John Fulcher, Robert Atkins, Rice Robert
Whitaker, John Wattills, Stephen Cowgells, Robert Porter. (first 20 assigned to
William Hichman)
York Co, VA Records 1665 - 1672 p. 305. Francis Booth, age 49 says that mr.
Thomas Reade, Undersheriff, coming to Mr. Patrick Napier's to receive his
levies, after much discourse about payment, Reade told Napier that in case he
should pay him elsewhere, he did utterly disclaim the hogshead that he then
received and would have nothing to do with it. Signed: Fra. Booth. 24 June 1668.
Eleanor Booth, age 19, says same as above. Elnor Booth. 29 June 1668.
Children of Robert Booth and Frances are:
+ 2 i. William2 Booth, J.P. who died 16 May 1692
in Charles Parish, York Co, VA.
+ 3 ii. Elizabeth Booth
4 iii. Robert Booth, born 1644 in York Co, VA; died 16927.
He married Ann Bray7.
5 iv. Anne Booth, born 07 Mar 1646/47 in York Co, VA; died 04
Mar 1716/17 in New Kent Co, VA. She married (1) Thomas Dennett.
She married (2) William Clopton 1677.
Generation No. 2
2. William2 Booth, J.P. (Robert1) died 16
May 1692 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA9,10. He married
Margaret, widow of Thomas Chapman, on 12 Aug 165711,12.
She died 26 Jun 1697 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA13.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8, 1687 - 1691, pp 159-60. 9 June 1688.
William Booth of the New Pocoson Parish, York County, Gentleman, and Margarett
his wife unto our loveing son in law John Tomer whoe marryed our daughter Hope,
deceased. For natural love and affection. 50 acres, all that old feild whereon
hee now liveth... which old feild is bounded between two branches, the one
commonly called Horick's brnach on the north side, the other the maine brnach of
Ladon's Creeke.... In case there bee noe timber att all left upon the premises
then itt shall be lawful for him to take timber upon any parte of the rest of
the divident of land for the plantation's use... The above mentioned land wee
give unto our son in law John Tomer till such time his now daughter Mary Tomer
attaine to the age of seaventeene or bee marryed and noe longer, then the land
to Mary Tomer. In case shee dyeth without heires not capable of possessing by
law, then wee give the land to John Tomer Junr. sonn of our daughter Hope and in
case hee dyeth without heires wee give the land to Mary Nutting daughter of our
son in law Thomas Nutting by his wife Elizabeth our daughter and in case shee
dyeth without heires the land to fall to the next child male or feemale
successively of our daughter Elizabeth Nutting. Signed: William Booth, Margrett
Booth. Wit: Stephens Honn, Willm (X) Spindler, Alice Turner. 24 Sep 1688.
Acknowledged by Mr. Wilm Booth and Saml Toplady by vertue of a power from
Margarett Booth. 9 June 1688. Margarett Booth appoint my loveing freind Samuel
Toplady my attorney to acknowledge in York Court one deed of gift of land to our
son in law John Tomer. Signed: Margarett Booth. Wit: Tho Roberts, Rose Robert.
Recorded 24 Sep 1688.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 9 p 130
In the Name of God Amen, I Willm Booth being very weak of body but of perfect
sent & mind and memory do ordain this my Last Will & Testament to be in manner
and form followeth. First I bequeath my soul to God whose goodness in certain
hope of salvation...To my daughter Elizabeth Nutting all such monys and goods as
are in the hands of Mr. Edward Calthorpe in Southwarke adjacent to London, the
quantity and sume not knowne. To Booth Nutting my seal ring as alsoe my
roysussold ring to inlarge itt and my silver hat band. Two thirds of my personal
estate to the foure daughters of Thomas Nutting and Elizabeth his wife, to witt
Mary, Elizabeth, Hope, Katherine, the division to be made immediately after the
probate of this will from my wife's thirds and shee to give an inventory of the
whole estate upon oath to the Court and to remaine in the executor's hands till
such time as he shall think fitt to devide itt amongst them. If any one of them
should dye, the survivors to enjoy the share. As for my land, I give two thirds
to Booth Nutting with all benefitts as houseing, fenceing, orchards, and that
the division of the two thirds from my wife's third be imediately after the
probate of the will, and the land remain in the occupation of the executor until
Booth Nutting shall be att the age of one and twenty. In case he dyeth without
heirs then Mary Nutting to enjoy the land and soe successively to the next or as
many as my daughter hath or shall have. After my wife's decease the other third
of the land to be Booth Nutting's. My loveing son in law Thomas Nutting
executor. Willm Booth. Test: Thomas Curson, John Moore, John Pond. York County
May 24th 1692, proved in Court by the oath of all the witnesses and ordered to
be admitted.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 10 p 386.
Mr. Robert Hay and John Hayward being at the house of Mrs. Margrett Booth 21
February 1696/97 did hear Mrs. Margrett Booth make a verball will. She gave to
Mary Tomer daughter of Mr. John Tomer all her wearing lining and one silver box
with a diamond ring in it and did say that the diamond ring cost £5 in England.
And she gave to Mary Tomer one paire of sheets. her table lining shee gave
between John Tomer and his sister Mary Tomer. All the rest of her estate to be
equally shared between John Tomer and Mary Tomer except one young mare shee gave
to the said Hope Tomer and the old mare to Mary Tomer. Signed: Robert Hay, John
Sheppard. 24 March 1696/97. Proved in Court by both the witnesses.
Children of William Booth and Margaret are:
+ 8 i. Elizabeth3 Booth, died Bet. 13 Sep 1733 -
15 Sep 1735 in York Co, VA.
+ 9 ii. Hope Booth, died 19 Jan 1685/86 in York Co, VA.
3. Elizabeth2 Booth (Robert1) married
Dr. Patrick Napier.
Children of Elizabeth Booth and Patrick Napier are:
+ 10 i. Robert3 Napier.
11 ii. Francis Napier.
Generation No. 3
8. Elizabeth3 Booth (William2, Robert1)
died Bet. 13 Sep 1733 - 15 Sep 1735 in York Co, VA15. She
married (1) John Griggs; (2) Peter Plovier; (3) Captain Thomas Nutting16. He was born in
Somersettshire, England, and died 31 Jul 1717 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA17,18,19.
York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 8 1687 - 1691 p. 16 - 17 12 April 1687
Thomas Nutting of New Poquoson Parish, York County, tobacco planter, and
Elizabeth his wife, the late wife of Peter Plovier of same, chirrurgion,
deceased, to William Booth of same, Gent. For a valuable consideration 100 acres
that Peter Plovier purchased of Thomas Kirby, late of the same parish aforesaid,
deceased... bounded as in a conveyance for the same bearing date 28 Jan 1659.
(Also) Moiety of 196 acres 16 chaines and 78 decimall parts granted to Peter
Plovier by patent 15 Feb. 1663 (1664) adjoying upon the 100 acres purchased of
Thomas Kirby (of which Peter Plovier) did sell one moiety or half unto Henrick
Vandoverick, and Peter Plovier by his last will and testament 10 Jan. 1677 did
give unto Elizabeth his then wife all his estate, proved in York County 25 Feb.
167?. Since the death of Peter Plovier and probate of his will, Thomas Nutting
intermarryed with Elizabeth. Signed: Thomas Nutting, Elizabeth Nutting. Wit:
John Tomer, Robert Kirby, Robert Baker. 24 Aug. 1687. Acknowledged by Thomas
Nutting and Elizabeth Nutting.
Children of Elizabeth Booth and Thomas Nutting are:
12 i. Booth4 Nutting, born 14 Feb 1680/81 in
Charles Parish, York Co, VA21; died 05 Apr
1701 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA22.
13 ii. Mary Nutting, born 07 Jan 1682/83 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA23. She married Richard Schlater;
died 07 Nov 171824.
14 iii. Elizabeth Nutting, born 10 Oct 1686 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA25; died 24 Sep 1727 in
Charles Parish, York Co, VA26,27. She married
John Doswell28; died 20 Nov 1718 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA29,30.
15 iv. Hope Nutting, born 19 Jan 1688/89 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA31; died 27 Jan 1688/89 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA32.
16 v. Hope Nutting, born 11 Feb 1689/90 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA33.
17 vi. Catherine Nutting, born 31 Mar 1692 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA33. She married (1) William
Sheldon, Captain. She married (2) Robert Armistead.
18 vii. Ann Nutting, born 01 Feb 1694/95 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA33; died 07 Jul 1696 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA34.
19 viii. Jane Nutting, born 23 Aug 1698 in Charles Parish,
York Co, VA35. She married William Lowry.
9. Hope3 Booth (William2, Robert1)
died 19 Jan 1685/86 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA28. She
married John Tomer. He died 09 Jan 1716/17 in Charles Parish, York Co, VA28.
Children of Hope Booth and John Tomer are:
20 i. Mary4 Tomer, born 30 Jun 1683 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA29.
21 ii. John Tomer, born 02 Aug 1685 in Charles Parish, York
Co, VA29; died 31 Jan 1716/17 in Charles
Parish, York Co, VA30.
10. Robert3 Napier (Elizabeth2 Booth,
Child of Robert Napier is:
22 i. Booth4 Napier.
1. The Jamestowne Society, Register of Qualifying Seventeenth
Century Ancestors, (Richmond, VA July 2004), 3.
2. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 5, p. 142.
3. The Jamestowne Society, Register of Qualifying Seventeenth Century Ancestors,
(Richmond, VA July 2004), 3.
6. WfT CD#5 Pedigree 3901.
7. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 234.
9. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
10. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 204.
11. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
12. Genealogies of Virginia Families from Tyler Quarterly History and Genealogy
Magazine Volume I, (Genealogical Publishing Co, Balto, MD.), 174.
13. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 204.
14. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
15. York Co, VA Will Book 18, 230.
16. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
Goodwin Families of American Supplement 1897. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p.
17. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
18. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
19. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 15, 163 - 165.
20. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 234.
21. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
22. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
23. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
24. William & Mary Quarterly Vol 2, p. 11.
25. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
26. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
27. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 16, 506.
28. William & Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers Vol. XX!V (1915), 55.
29. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 212.
30. York Co, VA Deeds, Orders, Wills Book 15, 365-367.
31. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
32. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
33. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.
34. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 234.
35. Landon C. Bell, Charles Parish York County, Virginia History and Registers,
(Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA, 1932, 1984, 1996), 143.