On Dec. 19, 1915, the death angel visited the home of Bro. J. M. Smith and took there from, his sister, Miss Francis Smith. Miss Francis was born June 20th, 1836. She joined the Missionary Baptist Church in her youth and remained a consistent and faithful member until death. Miss Francis was a faithful Christian ever ready to attend her church. She being a cripple from her youth. She was was often heard to say, "If I can only pass through the narrow gate, I can walk as well as any one" And I am ready to go. Therefore be it resolved 1st that in the death of Sister Smith, the church has lost a faithful member, her relatives and acquaintances, a kind and loving friend. 2nd that the church at Neshoba extend to the sorrowing ones relatives their sincere sympathy and condolence in this sad hour of bereavement and point them to him who has said, He will never leave them not forsake them. 3rd, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and the Miss. Baptist be requested to publish same, also That it be copied on the church record. Done by order of Church in conference. Jan. 1916. Com.: Miss Ora Lewis, Mrs. R. E. James, Mrs. A. C. Walton.