
Newton Co, MS


Charter members of
Greenland Missionary Baptist Church

Little Rock, Beat #2, Newton Co, MS

Jim Herrington, Deacon
Betty Herrington
Bill Gordon, Church Clerk
Molly Gordon
Gene Gordon
Nettie Gordon
John Smith, Deadon
Delta Smith
Tom Smith
Barbara Smith
Ada Smith

The church was organized at the old Gordon School house the first Sunday in January 1907.  Bill Gordon elected Church clerk, Jim Herrington and John Smith deacon's.  Nettie Gordon gave the name Greenland.  Reverend Jessie Nelson was elected Preacher for the year.  Reverend Reube Cleveland, Moderator.  Services were to be the first Saturday and Sunday of each month until the location of the Church could be decided and Church built.

02/10/2007 01:38:56 PM