William W. Johnson
Died January 13, 1869
Aged 59 Y'rs 5 Mo's 14 Da's
1849 Member North Mount Pleasant Masonic
Lodge No. 99
1850 US Census Marshall Co, MS #224-224
Marshall Co, MS Marriages, p. 48
William Johnson & Susan D. Hail. The State of Mississippi,
Marshall County. To any minister of the Gospel, Judge of the
State of Mississippi, or Judge Justice or another Officer of
Marshall County authority to celebrate marriage Greeting - You
are hereby authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony
between William Johnson and Susan D. Hail, a certificate of the
solemnization, thereof you will transmit herewith to the Clerk
of the Probate Court of said County, within six months from the
date hereof. Witness: Gordentia Waite, Clerk of said Court and
the seal thereof, the 24th day of September A. D. 1841.
Gordentia Waite, Clerk. Marshall Co, MS Marriages, p. 49 -
In virtue of the above the rites of matrimony between William
Johnson and Susan D. Hail were duly celebrated by me on the 30th
day of September 1841. W. L. McAlister, M.G.
Wm Johnson from W W Hale, Nov 23,
1865/December 28, 1865 K-460
Wm Johnson from Nancy L & Roger H Poe July 9 1866 July 10 1866
Wm Johnson from George Hale December 29 1865 Dec 6 1866 Sec 36
T7 R5 L-366
Wm Johnson from J C Gee and wife, Dec 26 1866 Jan 7 1867 L-409
Wm Johnson from Wm C West Adm Jan 16 1867 Mar 11 1867 S3 T6 R6
Wm Johnson from T B Mosely Jan 5 1866 Mar 11 1867 J161
Last Will and Testament of William Johnson
In the name of God Amen, I William Johnston near West Point in
the county of White and State of Arkansas being of sound mind
and memory and considering of this frail and transitory life. Do
therefore make ordain and publish and declare this to be my last
will and testament. That is to say I appoint my beloved wife
Susan D Johnson and Macklin B. Johnson my second son to be my
lawful representatives after the said Macklin B. Johnson shall
become of age. First of all. My just debts to be paid. Second,
my homestead plantation with (80) eighty acres of land lying and
being situated West of West Point to remain in the hands of my
representatives above named until my last child becomes of age.
The remaining part of my Estate in the County of White to be
sold whenever my representatives consider it best for the
interests of my Estate. With all other Real Estate which may
fall in my Estate, my unsettled business in Mississippi to be
settled up as soon as the law will admit and parties due in the
County of White not to be distressed only to secure debts as may
be necessary for the sustenance of my family and to be paid in
as my representatives may call for it, all moneys falling into
the hands of my representatives to be paid out at interest, and
my children as they become of age. All assistance granted these
without inquiry to the Estate. In witness whereof I have
hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 9th day of
June in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Sixty Eight. Witness: Chas. Bell, J. W. Arnold.
The above written instrument was subscribed by William Johnson
in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us and he at
the same time published and declared the above instrument so
subscribed to be his last Will and Testament and we at the
Testators request and in his presence have signed our names as
witnesses hereto and written opposite our names as witness
hereto our respective places of Residence. Chas. Bell, West
Point, Ark. Jno. W. Arnold, West Point, Ark.
State of Arkansas, County of White. On this day comes Mrs. Susan
D. Johnson and Maclin B. Johnson as Executors of the last will
and Testament of William Johnson, deceased, late of White
County, Arkansas, who departed this life on about the 13th day
of January AD 1869 and presents the same here in open court. In
vacation for probate, and also comes Chas Bell and J. W. Arnold,
the two attesting witnesses thereto and made oath as follows:
That they saw said Testator subscribe said will and Testament at
the time thereof and in the presence of each thereof, and that
said Testator aforesaid, did declare that said instrument so by
him subscribed was hi Will and Testament, and that this said
Chas Bell and J W Arnold the two subscribing witnesses thereto,
did sign their names each as witnesses thereto in presence of
and at the request of said Testator at the time. To all of which
we the undersigned subscribing witnesses do solemly swear, so
help us God. Charles Bell, West Point, AR, Jno W. Arnold, West
Point, Ark.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of January AD
1869. John A. Cole, County Clerk |