Enondale Cemetery Southwest Kemper County, MS
Mary Josephine Camber Boler Pierce Abt. 1833 - May 27, 1917 Mary Josephine Camber married James Boler, son of Wesley Boler, prior to 1850. He was killed in the Siege of Vicksburg during the Civil War. She had a short second marriage to Frank Pierce, who is reported to have left one day and never returned. More information concerning Mr. Pierce would be appreciated. (Note: Although her marker reads
she died at 94 years of age and her death certificate reads she was born
"about the year of 1825" in Greene Co, AL, those dates are not consistent with her early
census records and the age of her first husband. 1850 & 1860 censuses indicate
she was born about 1833. ) There is an unexplainable birth date on the Confederate soldier burial record card for James Boler at the Mississippi Archives. It lists his birth date as March 18, 1830. His father's Bible lists his birth date as October 12, 1831. The birth date on the card is listed directly under the "next of kin" section which indicates Mary J. Boler, Enondale, MS. Could she have misunderstood the question and given them her birth date instead of his? It is probably a question we will never have an answer for. Mary J. Pierce's Enondale Cemetery marker is a very small metal plate attached to a small square section of concrete. You can see the location of the marker by the picture to the right. Next to her is her son Frank L. Boler, who has a similar marker. |
Willie Ann Boler Harrington Knight Dec. 10 1856 - Nov. 13 1923 Henry C. Knight Co. D Jeff Davis Legion C.S.A. (Note: Henry C. Knight's 1900 Kemper Co, MS census enumeration lists his birth as July 1841 in Alabama. Willie Ann Boler's birth was during the family's Scott Co, MS sojourn. Pictured to the left are Willie Ann Boler and her 2nd husband, Henry C. Knight.) Willie Ann had 3 children by her first husband William Thomas Harrington: Minnie, Nannie Manonia, & Mary Elizabeth "Donie". Her only child with Henry C. Knight was Eva P, who married Samuel Calvin Hatcher, and died 20 April 2000 in Riley Hospital, Meridian, MS. 1900 Kemper Co, MS Census, Beat 2, Oak Grove, Vol 25, No. 4, Sheet 12, Line 91 |
Frank L. Boler January 4 1862 - October 1917 Franklin Lee Boler was a son of James Boler and his wife Mary Josephine Camber. To this writer's knowledge he never married. 1910 Kemper Co, MS Census Beat 2, ED 27, Sheet 23B #67-68 |
James Hilry Boler June 14, 1860 - June 17, 1890 Roddie Boler Slaton Dec. 21 1867 - March 8, 1936 James Hilry Boler was a son of James Boler and his wife Mary Josephine Camber. Roddie, whose maiden name is unknown married first James Hilry Boler. After his death she married John T. Slaton. 1900 Kemper Co, MS Census, Beat 2, Oak Grove, Volume 25, ED 3, Sheet 10, Line 93 |
William Robert Boler U. S. Army World War I August 31, 1884 - March 29, 1943
William Robert Boler was a son of James Boler and his wife Roddie. |