Southern Claims Commission

Beginning March 3, 1871 Congress allowed Southerners to file claim for losses during the War Between the States if (1) that individual was a Union loyalist;  or (2)  property was seized by the Union Army.  Copies of the claims and their supporting documents can be obtained from the National Archives and Record Administration.

Newton Co, MS


Claim Number

Amount Claimed

Anderson, James 2105 1,698
Auzborne, Penelope 2107 860
Box, James B 12183 565
Boyd, Carolinus 1237 1,947
Brown, Randolph 9556 517
Davidson, Chatman 4976 1,089
Davison, John 2110 250
Day, Charles W. 12177 940
Gilbert, Evan S. 18404 1,081
Hammock, Paschal D. 22271 887
Herd, Samuel 4115 3,640
Moore, Lemuel D. 2115 287
Pointer, Phillip 2116 280
Pullen, Wiley N. 12178 426
Sessions, Franklin 5004 210
Vance, James I 2118 1,023
Willis, John 2119 491

 Scott Co, MS


Claim Number

Claim Amount

Bobbitt, Turner 5872 1,037
Burnham, Doctor J. 10931 12,515
Bustin, R. H. 7326 524
Canady, James 7846 252

Leake Co, MS


Claim Number

Claim Amount

Collins, James 17324 587
Davis, John 15201 250

Kemper Co, MS


Claim Number

Claim Amount

Abney, Mary T. 15441 1,028
Adams, Estate of Sylvanus 8540 & 22243 1,000
Addington, Isaac 17670 460
Addington, Jesse 17496 2,996
Alderson, Wm M. 9951 500
Allen, Benjamin D. 8761 1,837
Alvis, Gabriel M. 4668 1,344
Anderson, Andrew 9939 790
Andrews, Estate of E. 21501 4,402
Archer, Peter F. 9943 775
Arnold, Estate of Mary M. 8762 2,275
Barry, William H. 9944 1,300
Bigger, Joseph W. 8511 392
Black, Sarah A. 8541 2,030
Blakely, R. D. 17253 6,391
Bowles, Elisha 17459 4,943
Bowles, Wm M. 19346 1,533
Browning, Albert G. 10272 1,212
Browning, John A. 4671 901
Browning, Heirs of Jones-Browning 8580 14,110
Browning, Robert S. 8543 1,274
Bryston, Robert M. 9945 2,505
Bunch, Wm. S. 8536 1,974
Butler, Branch 10072 1,403
Butler, Estate of Charles G. 18278 1,147
Butler, Margaret J. 9955 1,529
Caldwell, James L. 18690 200
Campbell, Lewis H. 9956 1,005
Cantwell, Elijah 20828 745
Cardwell, George W. 20167 2,494
Carter, Mary E. 8497 4,980
Cathey, John W. 8553 646
Cathey, Estate of Robert F. 8542 2,178
Clarke, Kenith 8552 2,926
Collins, James D. 8591 1,522
Cook Barbara P. 8535 2,123
Cook, Elizabeth 8547 836
Cook, James F. 19185 1,601
Cook, Milas J. 21499 2,597
Cook, Nat 17841 3,000
Cooper, Emily D. 13261 357
Corbin, G. Lane 18743 3,225
Couch, Drury 19347 2,947
Craig, Ellen 9952 200
Davidson, Abraham W. 21502 795
Davis, Estate of John B. 16279 7,425
Davis, Waller 8764 9,993
Dowk, Estate of A. M. 21952 5,000
Fondren, Urcilla 8581 33,057
Foster, John 21503 643
Frazure, John I 10071 1,281
Frierson, Jennett 17254 1,350
Fudge, James P. 10539 457
Fudge, S. M. 10538 975
Gallegly, Wm T. 8766 6,096
Garrett, Thomas L. 4679 350
Godfrey, Mary E. 8767 2,039
Gooch, John M. 8,512 586
Goodwin, Isaiah 21504 371
Goodwin, Joseph H. 4682 438
Gray, Benjamin S. 8579 568
Gray, Charles H. 1305 3,313
Groce, John J. 8587 3,636
Hale, Elijah 9954 400
Hamilton, James 5040 540
Harding, Amanda M. F. 8583 540
Harmon, Sarah A. 8592 1,865
Herod, Sarah D. 16280 3,960
Hewlett, Tamer 9948 200
Hickey, Joseph 8760 2,162
Higginbotham, Edmond 8514 1,744
Higginbotham, J. G. 4684 4,609
Higginbotham, Wm. G. 4,683 1,435
Higginbotham, Wm W. 8768 880
Holcomb, Hosea N. 18502 1,029
Holcombe, John B. 8490 300
Hope, Levi 17893 5,436
Houston, Martha  9941 1,194
Howard, Mary A. 21066 607
Howry, James M. 19292 2,876
Hudgins, Jesse E. 9940 411
Humphreys, Jesse 18691 2,180
Irby, Thomas 8067 1,575
Jolly, Wm G. 8582 6,496
Jones, John W. 8563 3,245
Kenneday, David J. 19280 4,990
Kimmons, Hugh H. 17610 959
King, Benjamin F. 8515 2,490
King, Peyton 8492 658
Kinright, E. J.  18141 850
Lamb, Wm T. 8513 787
Lane, Martha G. 8510 780
Langston, John M. 15341 6,725
Lewis, James M. 9959 2,285
Lindsey, Estate of John Thomas 14317 1,675
Livermore, John B. 8550 1,121
Livingston, John 19543 697
Logan, Tyler 14363 16,080
McCain, Mary A. 4686 1,383
McCorkle, Samuel E. 8546 2,840
McEachin, Malcom 8770 9.968
McEwin, Cyrun 60 1,976
McGehee, Susannah 16276 2,317
McGuire, Michael J. 8771 6,096
McKee, Mary W. 4687 7,178
McKee, Estate of James 17611 9,193
Market, James E. 8596 9,715
Matthews, Eliza 8509 19,083
Matthews, Lucy 8551 2,575
Medders, Jane 9957 833
Miles, Ansel 10192 550
Miller, Wm T. 14794 819
Montgomery, Robert D. 17612 1,684
Mooney, Estate of Jacob 19132 260
Moore, Wm H. 8548 680
Morrison, James 4688 5,784
Mullins, Martin 9.958 275
Morrow, Eli 19981 2,416
Nabors, Sina D. 21960 200
Nerres, Benjamin 21498 931
Newell, David H. 8598 9430
Nunnally, Eldred 8779 19415
Nunnally, John V. 9950 400
Nunnally, Thomas 4689 6,631
Orr, Mary Ann 4690 2,004
Owen, Estate of Wm 20317 8,076
Parks, Mrs. Mahaley J. 18143 1,287
Powell, Bluford 8773 1,365
Powell, Jesse S. 7678 200
Price, Ben 20490 9,706
Price, John 9947 502
Quick, Nathan 10069 1,428
Randle, Martha P. 20162 5,014
Redwine, James A. 8774 2,222
Reeves, Estate of William A. 21500 578
Robertson, Drury 18750 3,306
Robinson, Josiah 4692 315
Sanders, Permelia A. F. 9953 1,360
Saunders, James W. 17613 3,384
Shipp, Felix G. 8777 3,000
Shive, Allen 9949 500
Shultz, Samuel 108 1,686
Simmons, Robert E. 8538 1,212
Simmons, Wm E. 8491 416
Simmons, Wm. B. 8595 5,137
Singleton, Adams 10070 337
Sisk, Jesse 4696 841
Sloan, Sarah Ann 4697 1,350
Smith, Estate of E. W. 17255 5,357
Smith, Semiramis M. 8776 9,540
Smith, Wm. A. 8584 5,857
Smith, Wm L. 8594 3,117
Smither, Wm H. 17410 6,614
Snipes, Elbert 8493 3,727
Spairs, Sidney W. 8593 2,942
Spears, Benjamin F. 8544 1,953
Spears, James M. 8545 2,282
Springer, Dennis 17645 855
Spears, Jane 4695 2,822
Stockard, Mary E. 19186 994
Strawhun, nancy E. 20165 1,548
Strong, Nelson 17664 1,548
Sugg, Andrew M. 8775 4,100
Tabor, Aquilla 17671 & 8778 13,838
Talliafero, William 8780 2,565
Tatum, Caroline 4699 2,416
Thacker, Richard B. 8590 13,937
Trapp, Julia 13247 1,040
Truett, Melinda A. 11147 1,379
Turner, Elizabeth 8586 9,645
Turner, William 20166 7,906
Varner, Rufus M. 8516 1,826
Viser, James H. 19922 2,766
Waldrick, Caroline 8539 1,267
Walker, John 8781 6,600
Walton, Allen B. 19538 735
Weatherby, Joseph A. 8585 2,999
West, Holeman F. 4701 1,731
West, Sarah A. R. 5046 1,515
Wheeler, Drummond 21965 1,111
Wheeler, James E. 19539 622
Wheeler, Thomas W. 19134 477
White, John H. 4702 380
Wilcox, Joseph D. 17614 5,443
Williams, Charles H. 17616 2,322
Williams, Judge A. 20163 2,070
Williams, Estate of Roderick 8549 1,095
Williams, Samuel 19695 860
Wilson, Jason C. 8537 2,259
Wilson, Judith 9938 1,282
Wimberly, Lewis 9946 4,530
Wright, William 21966 266
Young, Henry S. 8782 2,624


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