Boler... There can be no doubt that the early Virginia Boulware (pronounced Bow-ler) family can be traced to the Old Rappahannock / Essex County area. The question is in regards to the earliest Colonial ancestor of this family. Many Boulware family members claim descendancy from the prominent Thomas Bowler, owner's of Bowler's Wharf, through his proven son James. But that lineage appears to be in error. Bowler's Wharf was inherited by Thomas Bowler's daughter Anne, who married Richard Cocke, indicating his son probably died without heirs. |
Descendants of Thomas BowlerTHOMAS BOWLER was born 1608 in England1,2, and died July 02, 1679 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA3,4. He married (1) Unkown. He married (2) Tabitha Underwood5,6 after 16707, daughter of Unknown Underwood and Tabitha. Rappahannock and Essex County were settled and organized in the decades when
the new gentry was assuming power in Among the earliest examples of the architecture of Essex featuring a central-passage plan is Bowlers at Bowlers Wharf. (Settlers, Southerners, Americans: The History Of Essex County, Virginia 1608-1984) First appears as a headright (four adventures) in a patent to Col. George Reade, of York, 24 February 1658, and is his own name had a grant of five hundred and four acres in Rappahannock county, 28 September, 1674 (Land Office Records, VI, p. 531.) Per the will of Michael Sparke, of London, written 19 December 1651, he was owed money by Thomas Boler and Mr. Anderson of Yorketowne in Virginia. "Virginia Gleanings in England" states "Thomas Boler was, no doubt, Thomas Bowler, afterwards of Rappahannock county, who was appointed to the Council in 1675 and died in 1679. The reference to Yorktown is a very early appearance of the name. Probably the old York Plantation was now called Yorktown." Child of THOMAS BOWLER and UNKNOWN is:
Footnotes 1. Early Wills of Record of the Bowler-Boulware Family at
Tappahannock, Essex County, VA, 4.2. James Richmond Boulware, II, The Boulware
Family Genealogy 1608, (Lakeland, Florida), 5. Many researchers attribute the lineage of the James Boulware who married Margory Gray to the above child of Thomas Bowler. The James Boulware who married Margory Gray was a generation older than Thomas Bowler's son James. We have not been able to determine if there was any relationship between Thomas Bowler & James Boulware. What we do know for sure is that there were 3 early Bowler / Boulware men in the Old Rappahannock / Essex Co, VA area in additional to Thomas Bowler. Two of the men, James & William, were known to be brothers. A study of the man descendants of each seems to indicate that James Boulware (who married Margory Gray) was the ancestor of those descendants who carried on the Bowler / Boulware name. |
Did this William Bowler marry both the below women? Or were there two separate William Bowler's during this period of time? Descendants of William Bowler1. WILLIAM1 BOWLER1 was born Abt. 1640 in England, and died Bet. March 1696/97 - June 1701 in Essex Co, VA2. He married (1) ELIZABETH GRAY. He married (2) ELIZABETH HARPER3,4 Abt. 1671 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA, daughter of UNKNOWN HARPER and MARY BLISSED. She was born Abt. 1645 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA. 1668 Thomas and Elizabeth Page granted their loving friend Thomas Hawkins power of attorney to acknowledge the assignment to James and William Bowler of a patent in Rappahannock Co The will of William Copeland was proven June 1701 in Essex Co with Richd Leighton testifying he had witnessed William Bouller witnessing this will but he has since deceased. Footnotes 1. Joh Otto Yurechko, Virginia Genealogies Along and Near the
Lower Rappahannock River 1607-1799, 142. |
Descendants of John Boulware
JOHN BOULWARE died Bef. May 13, 1714 in Essex Co, VA1. He married SUSANNA WILLIAMS2,3, daughter of JOHN WILLIAMS. She died Bef. April 05, 17144. There is a record in Accomack County, Mar. 1642 "A certificate was granted to William Waters Son & heire of Lt. Edward Waters, Dec'd for the following persons: John Bowler, etc." (Virginia Land Records, Land Certificates for Northampton County.) Children of JOHN BOULWARE and SUSANNA WILLIAMS are:
Footnotes 1. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume II, Essex County Wills
& Deeds, 1711-1714, 33. |
Descendants of
James Boulware
Generation No. 1 1. JAMES1 BOULWARE1,2,3 was born Bef. 1641 in London, England4, and died Bef. February 18, 1718/19 in Essex Co, VA5,6,7. He married MARGORY GRAY8,9 Bef. July 20, 1673 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA10,11,12, daughter of WILLIAM GRAY and ELIZABETH. 1668 Thomas and Elizabeth Page granted their loving friend Thomas Hawkins power of attorney to acknowledge the assignment to James and William Bowler of a patent in Rappahannock Co. 1689 Richard Dison of Sittingburne Parish, Rappahannock Co, husband of Christian and son-in-law of Vail Allen and Mary, his wife, for six thousand pounds of tobacco sold to James Bowlware of said parish and county 450 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock River. Recorded on 22 May 1690. Children of JAMES BOULWARE and MARGORY GRAY are:
Generation No. 2
2. GRACE2 BOULWARE (JAMES1)16 was born 17. She married (1) SAMUEL STALLARD Bef. 1719 in Essex Co, VA17, son of WALTER STALLARD and WINIFRED HODGES. He died Bef. December 02, 1720 in Essex Co, VA17. She married (2) JOHN HAWKINS, CAPT. 1721 in Essex Co, VA17. He died Bef. August 21, 172818. She married (3) JOHN MORGAN Bef. September 20, 173218. Children of GRACE BOULWARE and SAMUEL STALLARD are:
3. JAMES2 BOULWARE (JAMES1)20 was born Abt. 1675, and died Bef. April 21, 1752 in Essex County, VA21. Children of JAMES BOULWARE are:
4. MARK2 BOULWARE (JAMES1)27 was born Abt. 1677 in St. Anns Parish, Essex Co, VA, and died Bef. July 16, 1754 in Essex Co, VA28. He married MARY. Children of MARK BOULWARE and MARY are:
5. BENJAMIN2 BOULWARE (JAMES1)35 was born Abt. 1680 in Essex Co, VA, and died January 16, 1727/28 in Essex Co, VA36. He married ANN SHORT36 Bef. 172237, daughter of THOMAS SHORT. Children of BENJAMIN BOULWARE and ANN SHORT are:
6. JOHN2 BOULWARE (JAMES1)49 was born Abt. 168250,51, and died Bef. June 15, 176152. He married ELIZABETH Bef. 1733. Children of JOHN BOULWARE and ELIZABETH are:
7. WILLIAM2 BOULWARE (JAMES1)53,54 was born Abt. 1685 in Essex Co, VA55,56. He married ANNE PARR57 Bef. 1725 in Essex Co, VA58, daughter of PHILIP PARR. Children of WILLIAM BOULWARE and ANNE PARR are:
8. SARAH2 BOULER (JAMES1 BOULWARE)60 was born Bef. June 14, 169961. She married JAMES SAMUEL62 Bef. April 05, 171462,63, son of ANTHONY SAMUEL and UNKNOWN. He died Bef. May 16, 175964. Children of SARAH BOULER and JAMES SAMUEL are:
Generation No. 3 9. MARGARET3 BOULWARE (MARK2, JAMES1)65. She married CALEB ELLIOTT66 1753 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA67. Child of MARGARET BOULWARE and CALEB ELLIOTT is:
10. ANN3 BOULWARE (MARK2, JAMES1) She married WILLIAM PITTS68 Bef. 1758 in Essex Co, VA68. Child of ANN BOULWARE and WILLIAM PITTS is:
12. JAMES3 BOULWARE (MARK2, JAMES1) was born Abt. 171070. Child of JAMES BOULWARE is:
13. WILLIAM3 BOULWARE (MARK2, JAMES1) was born Abt. 1712. He married MARY MUSCOE, daughter of SALVATOR MUSCOE and MARY BEVERLY. She was born Abt. 1714. Children of WILLIAM BOULWARE and MARY MUSCOE are:
14. BENJAMIN3 BOULWARE (MARK2, JAMES1) was born Abt. 171473,74, and died Bef. February 19, 177675. He married ELIZABETH PITTS75 Bef. 175475,76, daughter of JOHN PITTS. She died Bef. February 17, 1777 in Essex County, VA77. Children of BENJAMIN BOULWARE and ELIZABETH PITTS are:
15. STARKE3 BOULWARE (JOHN2, JAMES1) was born Abt. 1735 in Essex Co, VA, and died Aft. 1809 in Jefferson Co, KY. He married CATHERINE PRICE Bef. 1761 in Cumberland Co, VA (?)79, daughter of JOHN PRICE and ANN YOUNGER. She was born Abt. 1735 in Essex Co, VA, and died Aft. 1806 in Rowan Co, NC. Children of STARKE BOULWARE and CATHERINE PRICE are:
16. THOMAS3 BOULWARE (WILLIAM2, JAMES1) was born Abt. 1730 in Essex Co, VA80,81, and died Bef. March 07, 1785 in Essex Co, VA81. He married ELEANOR GAINES Bef. April 21, 175782. Child of THOMAS BOULWARE and ELEANOR GAINES is:
17. HANNAH3 SAMUEL (SARAH2 BOULER, JAMES1 BOULWARE)85. She married JAMES SHADDOCK85. He died 1795 in Essex Co, VA85. Children of HANNAH SAMUEL and JAMES SHADDOCK are:
Footnotes 1. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Virginia County Court Records-Deed
& Will Abstracts of (Old) Rappahannock County, VA (1677-1682) (Part I), (The
Antient Press, 1990), 40-41.2. William Montgomery Sweeny, Wills of Rappahannock
County, Virginia 1656-1692, 80. |
There can be little doubt that James Boulware who married Agatha Rutherford was a descendant of James Boulware who married Margory Gray. The question is his exact descent. There were a number of descendants of James Boulware bearing the name James who lived in the correct area during the early-mid 1700's. It can be inferred that our James Boulware was probably the one living adjacent to his future father-in-law John Rutherford. The fact that James Boulware was probably a good bit older than his bride fits the age of John Rutherford's neighbor James Boulware. What is known is that Agatha Rutherford married James Boulware between the writing of her father's will and its probate. The family is thought to have followed her brothers to South Carolina some time during the Revolutionary War. Other stories of the migration path have also been circulated. What is known is that James Boulware was an old man when he died. His son Spencer's obituary indicated that his father furnished 3 sons to the Cause of Independence. Proving the identity of those sons may help solve the questions of his ancestry. The only children of James Boulware listed below are those who survived him and were listed in his Last Will & Testament. It is not known if he had a wife prior to his marriage to Agatha Rutherford. Descendants of James BoulwareGeneration No. 11. James1 Boulware was born Bef. 1732 in Essex Co, Virginia1, and died Bet. May 12 - November, 1792 in Edgefield District, SC2,3,4,5. He married Agatha Rutherford6,7 Bet. 1749 - 1753 in Essex Co, VA8,9, daughter of John Rutherford and Mary Atkinson. She was born Bef. 1732 in Essex Co, VA10, and died August 04, 1821 in Edgefield District, SC11,12,13,14. Enumerated before John Rutherford on the November 20, 1741 True and Exact Poll of the Election of Burgesses, Essex County, VA. Described in the obituary of his son Spencer Boulware as being "old and inform" during the Revolutionary War. Furnished beef & corn to the South Carolina Militia in 1781 as a resident of the 96th District of South Carolina. Edgefield Co, SC Will Book A, p. 80. I James Boulware bing in perfect health and Memory Doth wright this my last will and testament. I Leave to my son William Boulware, George Boulware & Rutherford Boulware five Shillings a peace my will is that Spencer Boulware and Robbard Rutherford Boulware Should have all the Land that I Bought from James Davis to be Equally Divided betwen them two which Land Contains two hundred fifty Acres inf Eighther of them Should die before that they Come to Maturity in yeares then his part fall to his youngest Brother and if that they Should both die before that they Come to the age of Maturity then my will is that it Should be Sold and Divided aMongst all my children Equally my will is that my wife Aggather Boulware Should Receive all my Estate Douring her Life or widowhood if that She Should Mary then my will is that my two grown Sons Should have all that I Possess. Given under my hand this 12 day of May 1792. James Boulware. Test: Jesse Mosely, John Watson, John Mosely. Recorded in Will Book A Page 39. Recorded November 1792. R. Tutt C.E.C. Box #34. Pkg #1267. The Boulware family moved with Col. Robert Rutherford first to North Carolina, then to South Carolina. In the skirmishes of the Revolutionary Period, Agatha shouldered a musket and followed her husband in pursuit of the Tories who had molested their home. (Genealogical History Of The Rutherford Family) This commentary on the family's timing and migration pattern to SC may be incorrect. It appears that a different Rutherford/Boulware family was in the NC area described by this book. Descendants of the Towles/Goggans family indicate the migration was made with those families and that no NC sojourn was involved. Agatha Rutherford was named as a daughter in the will of her mother, Mary (Atkinson) Rutherford, which the latter dated 9 September 1749, and Agatha was appointed sole executrix. James Boulware and Agatha, his wife, presented the will for probate at Tappahannock, 20 March 1753, in Essex County, Virginia. (Essex County Wills, Book 9, p. 216, Courthouse, Tappahannock, VA) "Rutherfords In North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Georgia" indicates that James Boulware and Agatha Rutherford left Essex County, VA in 1780 for South Carolina. Children of James Boulware and Agatha Rutherford are:
2. William2 Bowler (James1 Boulware)17,18,19 was born Bet. 1750 - 1754 in Virginia20,21, and died Bef. December 21, 1821 in Clarke Co, AL22,23,24. He married (1) Rachel25 Bef. 1787 in South Carolina26. She was born Bef. 1755 in Virginia27, and died Bet. 1805 - 1810 in Edgefield District, SC28,29,30. He married (2) Elizabeth Toombs31 Bef. 181632,33,34, daughter of Gabriel Toombs and Ann Dawson. She was born 176535, and died Aft. January 184536. 1800 Edgefield District, SC Census Conveyance Book 14 (1797-1799), Edgefield District, SC., p. 265-267, William Boulware (Boler) and wife Rachel to Jas Courtney. Deed, 19 January 1796, $28.50, 170 acres on Big Creek of Little Saluda R, being part of a tract of 350 acres granted to William Boaler 5 January 1789 by Gov. Thos. Pickney, adj. John Mosley, Spencer Bowler, Joseph Mosely, Wit Rutherford Boulware, Spence Boulware. signed William Boulware, Rachel Boulware, Proven 4 February 1797 by Spencer Boulware; Nathaniel Abney. Recorded 10 October 1797. Edgefield Co, SC Deed Book 31, p. 339. Zachariah Glover to William Bolar, Deed 3 November 1806, $900, 2 plantations containing 300 acres, 1 tract 200 acres originally granted to William Rednour 20 November 1770; the other tract originally granted to said Zachariah Glover 22 October 1795 lying on waters of Cuffeetown Creek and Rocky Creek both of Stephens Creek and Savannah River, adjoining lands of Alexander Bennett Jeremiah Bennett, heirs of Henry Glover decd, James Harrison, David Hamilton, and Joseph Langley. Wit: George Nichols, Hugh Moseley. Proven 2 January 1808 by George Nichols, Das Williams J P,. Clarke Co, AL Probate Book A, p. 92. 21 Dec 1821. The widow of William Bowler, deceased, declined to administer the estate. Letters of administration granted to John Bowler. Bond with William Coate & Westley Bowler as securities. Appointed to appraise the estate: John Beckham, Jesse Summers, &John Cox. Clarke Co, AL Probate Book B, pp 53-56. February 4, 1822. Purchasers of the estate include John Bouler, Elizabeth Bouler, Wesley Bouler. Clarke Co, AL Probate Book C, p. 97. Receipts of Elizabeth Bouler (4 Dec 1826), Wesley Bouler (28 Oct 1826), Green McKinney (28 Oct 1826), and Nathaniel Abney (28 Oct 1826) each for his share of the estate of William Bouler. Children of William Bowler and Rachel are:
4. Mary Ann2 Bowler (James1 Boulware) was born January 28, 176339,40,41, and died September 15, 1813 in Edgefield District, SC42,43,44,45. She married Joseph Griffith, Sr.46 1785 in Edgefield District, SC47, son of David Griffith and Hannah Middleton. He was born March 08, 1757 in Orangeburg District, SC48,49,50, and died December 23, 1810 in Saluda, Edgefield District, SC51,52. Children of Mary Bowler and Joseph Griffith are:
5. Rutherford2 Boulware (James1)60,61 was born 1770. He married Elizabeth Towles 179062, daughter of Oliver Towles and Jane Goggans. She was born 177062. Children of Rutherford Boulware and Elizabeth Towles are:
6. Spencer2 Boulware (James1)67,68 was born Abt. 177169,70, and died Bet. October 18, 1848 - September 04, 1849 in Edgefield District, SC71,72. He married (1) Unknown Humphreys73 Bef. 180074. He married (2) Patty Witts Jones Bet. 1807 - 1809 in Edgefield District, SC75,76. She died Bef. October 1848 in Edgefield District, SC77. His obituary, per Edgefield Death Notices and Cemetery Records, McClendon, pg 74, reads, "his father who was old and infirm furnished 3 sons for the Revolutionary War." It continues that "Impelled his other brothers to devote their lives to the cause of independence." Edgefield Co, SC Wills Vol. 2, Book D. p. 469-471. In the name of God Amen. I Spencer Boulware of the District of Edgefield and State aforesaid, being quite sick and feeble, but of Sound mind and Memory: Do make declare and publish, this my last will and testament in manner and form following. ITEM FIRST. I will that all my just debts be paid. ITEM SECOND. I give and bequeath to my son James Boulware in trust for the sole and separate use of my Daughter Jane Christian, wife of Gideon Christian during her natural life, the following negro Slaves, viz, Judy and her two children Will & Mary the said negroes not to be subject for the debts of her Husband Gideon Christian or any subsequent Husband, but alone for her own use and benefit, the said trustee is at all times to permit my Daughter Jane Christian to have and possess the said negroes and profits thereof from year to year. And should my Daughter Jane die without leaving, living at her death my lineal descendants, then and in that case, the said slaves and the increase of the females thereof are to be divided and distributed between and among her brothers and the children of any deceased brother if there should be any, according to the Statue of distribution of this State. ITEM THIRD. I give and bequeath to my son James Boulware at valuation or otherwise, one fourth of the residue of my Estate both real and personal to him and his heirs forever. ITEM FOURTH. I give and bequeath to my son Humphreys Boulware at valuation or otherwise another fourth part of the residue of my Estate, both real and personal to him and his heirs forever. ITEM FIFTH. I give and bequeath to my Son Humphreys Boulware another fourth part of the residue of my Estate, both real and personal, in trust, for the sole and exclusive use of my Son Hardy Boulware for and during the term of his natural life, and from and after his death, then to be divided between and among his lineal descendants which he may leave living at the time of his death. But if he should die without leaving living his death any child, Children or Grand Children' then and in that case, the said Legacy hereby bequeather for his benefit and the increase thereof are to be divided and distributed between and among his Surviving brothers and Sister, and the Children of any deceased brother or Sister. The Children of a deceased brother or sister taking among themselves the share of their parent according to our Statutue of distributions. The said property is not to be liable to be taken or sold for the debts of the said Hardy Boulware. But the said Humphreys Boulware as trustee aforesaid is to permit my son Hardy Boulware to enjoy the income of said property from year to year, so long as he shall live. ITEM SIXTH. I give and bequeath to my son James Boulware the remaining fourth part of the residue of my estate both real and personal in trust for the sole and exclusive use of my son Mark Boulware for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his death then to be divided between and among his lineal descendants which he may leave living at the time of his death. But if he should die without leaving living at his death any Child, Children or Grand Children, then and in that case the said Legacy hereby bequeathed for his benefit and the increase thereof are to be divided and distributed between and among his surviving brothers and Sister, and the children of any deceased brother or sister. The children of a deceased brother or Sister taking themselves the share of their parent according to our Statue of distributions. The said property is not to be liable to be taken or sold for the debts of the said Mark Boulware. But the said James Boulware as trustee aforesaid is to permit my son Mark Boulware to enjoy the income of said property from year to year as long as he shall live. ITEM SEVENTH. I hereby nominate and appoint my son Humphreys Boulware my Executor of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty eight and in the Seventy third year of the Soverigenty and Independance of the United States of America. Executed in the presence of us who in the presence of the said Spencer Boulware and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witness hereto. Joseph Griffith, Cadaway Clarke, Jacob Smith. Recorded in Will Book D Page 364-65-66. Recorded September 4, 1849. John Hills, O.E.D. Box No. 63. Pkg No. 2589. Children of Spencer Boulware and Unknown Humphreys are:
7. Robert Rutherford2 Boulware (James1)83,84 was born January 30, 177685, and died May 22, 1813 in Newberry Co, SC85,86. He married Nancy Humphries87 Aft. 1800 in South Carolina88. She was born March 16, 1773 and died October 7, 1823. Both are buried in the Boulware Family Cemetery, Newberry Co, SC. BOULWARE, ROBERT R. OF NEWBERRY DISTRICT, WILL TYPESCRIPT (MSS WILL: ESTATE RECORD BOOK H, PAGES 23-24) (2 FRAMES). Child of Robert Boulware and Nancy Humphries is:
Generation No. 3 8. Elenor3 Bowler (William2, James1 Boulware) was born September 27, 1787 in Edgefield District, SC90,91, and died July 13, 1836 in Choctaw Co, AL91. She married Nathaniel Abney September 14, 1806 in Edgefield District, SC, son of Nathaniel Abney and Lucy Collins. He was born January 25, 1786 in North Carolina92,93,94, and died April 15, 1851 in Sumter Co, AL95. Edgefield District, SC Deed Book 32, p. 9. Nathaniel Abney to William Wilson, Deed, 13 May 1814. Two hundred dollars. 130 acres adj N lands of William Wilson, E by sd Nathaniel Abney, S by William Abney deceased, W by Nicholas Maynard. Wit: Thomas Purves, Thos Anderson. signed: Nathaniel Abney. Justice Thomas Anderson certifies relinquishment of dower by Elinor Abney, wife of Nathaniel Abney, 13 May 1814. signed: Elenor Abney. Plat certified 11 October 1813 by Thomas Anderson D P S shows road to Chapells ferry, lands of Maynard, Abney, Wilson and road to Saluda Old Town. Proven 13 May 1814 by Thomas Purves; Thos Anderson J Q. Rec 20 July 1814. Children of Elenor Bowler and Nathaniel Abney are:
9. John W.3 Bouler (William2 Bowler, James1 Boulware)121,122,123 was born Bet. 1787 - 1788 in South Carolina124, and died in Clarke Co, AL. He married Mary Abney125,126 Bef. 1810 in Edgefield District, SC127,128, daughter of Paul Abney and Eleanor Hamilton. She was born 1788 in South Carolina, and died in Clarke Co, AL. Clarke Co, AL. March 11, 1837. Jesse Doyle & John Bouler late merchants trading under the name Doyle & Bouler vs William Hays for non-payment. Clarke Co, AL, January 8, 1834. John Savage, Jr. to John Boler. $180. The East half of the north west quartr of Section 22 in township 9 of range 2 East containing 79 acres and 65 hundreths of an acre. Clarke Co, AL. April 4, 1842. Jesse Doyle vs John Bouler. Plea of trespass for promissory note in the amount of $1, 842. Children of John Bouler and Mary Abney are:
11. Agatha3 Bowler (William2, James1 Boulware) was born Abt. 1793 in Edgefield District, SC150,151,152. She married Green McKinney. He was born Abt. 1782 in Virginia152, and died Bet. 1850 - 1860 in Monroe Co, AL. 1820 AL Cherokee Nations Land Census Children of Agatha Bowler and Green McKinney are:
12. Wesley3 Boler (William2 Bowler, James1 Boulware)159,160,161 was born June 06, 1797 in Edgefield District, SC162,163,164,165,166, and died November 15, 1882 in Newton or Neshoba Co, MS166. He married (1) Eliza Walton December 24, 1823 in Clarke Co, AL167,168,169,170, daughter of John Walton and Sarah McMillan. She was born August 29, 1807 in Prob. Abbeville District, SC171,172,173, and died January 23, 1868 in Newton Co, MS174,175. He married (2) Nancy Ann Miller Bet. 1868 - 1870 in Newton Co, MS176, daughter of Michael Miller and Susan. She was born Bet. 1808 - 1810 in South Carolina177,178,179,180, and died Aft. 1880 in Neshoba or Newton Co, MS181. 14. Micha3 Griffith (Mary Ann2 Bowler, James1 Boulware) was born September 13, 1789309,310, and died August 24, 1849 in Edgefield Co, SC311,312,313. She married Joseph Rutherford314 June 05, 1808 in Edgefield District, SC315,316, son of James Rutherford and Drusilla Brooks. He was born March 12, 1770 in NC317,318, and died September 19, 1835 in Edgefield District, SC319,320,321,322. Children of Micha Griffith and Joseph Rutherford are:
16. Mary Ann3 Griffith (Mary Ann2 Bowler, James1 Boulware) was born May 30, 1793375,376. She married John Prather377. Children of Mary Griffith and John Prather are:
18. William M.3 Griffith (Mary Ann2 Bowler, James1 Boulware) was born March 06, 1797 in Edgefield District, SC378,379, and died Aft. 1880 in Edgefield District, SC. He married Mary "Polly" Abney, daughter of John Abney and Martha Wills. She was born February 27, 1805380, and died May 15, 1855380. Children of William Griffith and Mary Abney are:
19. Joseph3 Griffith, Jr. (Mary Ann2 Bowler, James1 Boulware) was born June 13, 1799 in Newberry Co, SC382,383, and died November 26, 1858384. Child of Joseph Griffith, Jr. is:
20. Agatha3 Griffith (Mary Ann2 Bowler, James1 Boulware) was born September 04, 1801385,386, and died 1847387. She married John Bey Abney388 January 25, 1819, son of Paul Abney and Eleanor Hamilton. He was born 1776389, and died October 09, 1823 in Edgefield District, SC390,391,392,393. Gov. P. M. Butler of South Carolina stated that Agatha was the most beautiful woman he ever saw, except one. Edgefield, SC Box 2, Packet 38, Probate Judge's Office. Est. administed 1 December 1823 by John Chapman, James Bell, Peterson Borroum who are bound unto the Ordinary in the sum of $12,000. Agathy Abney was the wife. Paid James Ramage 14 Feb. 1828 bal. of note $167.45. Paid 13 Aug 1828 Wm. Griffith his wife share $92.94. Paid 13 Aug. 1828 Matthew Abney his share of $92.94. Paid 13 Aug. Wm Bladon his wife share $92.94. Paid 13 Aug. Jos. Griffith in part of Agathas Abney share $30. Paid 1 Dec. 1829 Cadaway and Agatha Clark the portions to which they are entitled $100. Children of Agatha Griffith and John Abney are:
29. Humphreys H.3 Boulware (Spencer2, James1)395 was born Aft. 1800 in Edgefield Co, SC396. He married Rachel Blakely Lark397 December 20, 1836 in Edgefield District, SC398, daughter of John Lark and Precious. She was born September 06, 1810399, and died November 12, 1887 in Edgefield Co, SC399. Children of Humphreys Boulware and Rachel Lark are:
Endnotes 1. True & Exact Poll of the Election of
Burgesses, Essex Co, VA; November 20, 1741. |
Descendants of Wesley Boler Generation No. 1 1. Wesley1 Boler (WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware)1,2,3 was born 06 Jun 1797 in Edgefield District, SC4,5,6,7,8, and died 15 Nov 1882 in Newton or Neshoba Co, MS8. He married (1) Eliza Walton 24 Dec 1823 in Clarke Co, AL9,10,11,12, daughter of John Walton and Sarah McMillian. She was born 29 Aug 1807 in Prob. Abbeville District, SC13,14,15, and died 23 Jan 1868 in Newton Co, MS16,17. He married (2) Nancy Ann Miller Bet. 1868 - 1870 in Newton Co, MS18, daughter of Michael Miller and Susan. She was born Bet. 1808 - 1810 in South Carolina19,20,21,22, and died Aft. 1880 in Neshoba or Newton Co, MS23. Wesley Boler was born in Edgefield District, SC and lived his early life in the midst of his Boulware and Rutherford family members. His Mother, Rachel, died in SC between 1805 and 1810. By 1816 Wesley's father, William Bowler, had migrated, with his youngest two children, to the Mississippi Territory, Clarke Co, AL. Wesley is listed, along with his brother John and brother-in-law Green McKinney, on the 1820 AL Census for the Cherokee Indian Land. In 1823 Wesley married Eliza Walton and some time prior to 1830 the couple and some extended family members moved to Hinds Co, MS. In 1834 Wesley Boler sold his land in Hinds County and began purchasing land in Neshoba Co, MS. That land had just been opened for settlement by the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. Wesley, his cousins, and his wife's extended family were among the earliest settlers of Neshoba County, living in the area that became Newton County after that county split from Neshoba in 1836. The families lived in the area west of the present town of Union, MS. In 1856 his son-in-law, Norfleet Staton, built a two story home for Wesley in the present city of Union, MS. That home would become Boler's Inn, a stagecoach inn on the route to Jackson, MS. Sherman quartered his men at Boler's Inn on his march through Mississippi, but didn't burn the building because of the name of the town, Union. That building is still standing in 1998, but is in need of repair and renovation. Wesley & Eliza's third son, James Boler, was killed in the Civil War during the Siege of Vicksburg, MS. Some time prior to 1870, Wesley moved back to the area west of Union which is very close or right on the Neshoba/Newton county line. By 1870 Wesley's wife, Eliza Walton, and Eliza's brother, James Walton, had died. Wesley married James' widow, his sister-in-law Nancy Miller Walton. Wesley & Nancy Boler were enumerated on the 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. The last deed for them was found in Newton County, MS in January 1882. Wesley Boler died November 15, 1882 and is buried in Abney Cemetery, just west of Union, MS. The month after Wesley died his 2nd son John Boler removed to Texas. 1820 US Census Cherokee Nation Lands, AL Children of Wesley Boler and Eliza Walton are: + 2 i. William Riden2 Boler, born 26 Sep 1824 in Clarke Co, AL; died 28 Oct 1891 in Izard Co, AR. + 3 ii. John M. Boler, born 22 Apr 1827 in Clarke Co, AL; died 17 Feb 1904 in Pottsville, TX. + 4 iii. Mary "Polley" Boler, born 29 Jul 1829 in Clark Co, AL; died Bet. 1900 - 1910 in Probably Scott Co, MS. + 5 iv. James Boler, born 12 Oct 1831 in Hinds Co, MS; died 01 Jul 1863 in Vicksburg, Warren County, MS. + 6 v. Sarah Ann Boler, born 27 Jul 1834 in Newton Co, MS; died 17 Mar 1897 in Probably Scott Co, MS. + 7 vi. Martha Boler, born 11 Jan 1837 in Newton Co, MS. + 8 vii. Elizabeth Boler, born 15 May 1840 in Newton Co, MS; died 22 Apr 1912 in Prob Neshoba Co, MS. + 9 viii. Green Berry Boler, born 18 Nov 1842 in Newton Co, MS; died 07 Mar 1920 in Mississippi. + 10 ix. Henry Clay Boler, born 09 Jan 1845 in Newton Co, MS; died 28 May 1928 in Neshoba County, MS. + 11 x. Andrew Jackson Boler, born 18 Aug 1846 in Newton Co, MS; died in Laurel, Jones Co, MS. 12 xi. Eliza Jane Boler, born 14 Jul 1848 in Newton Co, MS24,25,26,27.
Generation No. 2 2. William Riden2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 26 Sep 1824 in Clarke Co, AL28,29,30,31,32,33, and died 28 Oct 1891 in Izard Co, AR34,35. He married (1) Martha Gordon Abt. 1844 in Newton Co, MS, daughter of Govin Gordon and Mary Harris. She was born 06 Apr 1826 in Alabama36,37,38,39, and died 10 Sep 1886 in Izard Co, AR40,41. He married (2) Elizabeth S. Forrest Aft. 1886 in Arkansas42. She was born 07 Jun 184743, and died 18 Sep 191543. 1850 Newton Co, MS Census, #494-494, p. 189 Removed from Mississippi to Arkansas where they settled first at Wild Cherry with some friends named Smith who were already settled there. They didn't stay long until he bought a section of land on Big Strawberry between Wiseman & Franklin. On the farm on Big Strawberry, he built a house, barns and outbuildings. He built and operated a cotton gin on the farm. (History of Izard Co, AR) Children of William Boler and Martha Gordon are: 13 i. Mary Eliza3 Boler, born 05 Dec 1845 in Neshoba Co, MS44,45,46,47; died 13 Jun 1916 in Mansfield, WA48. She married Peter A. Smith; born Abt. 1836 in South Carolina49,50; died 26 Jul 188951,52. 14 ii. Andrew J. Boler, Dr., born 08 Jan 1848 in Missisiippi53,54; died 26 Nov 1877 in Franklin, Izard Co, AR55,56. He married M. C.. He owned a drug store and general mercantile store in Franklin. He was murdered by another doctor in the Boler Drug Store when he was a little less than 30 years old. (History of Izard Co, AR) Murdered in Franklin AR by another Doctor. (Cemeteries of Izard County, AR) + 15 iii. John Wesley Boler, born 03 Jan 1851 in Mississippi. 16 iv. Donia Boler, born 185657. She married Tink Nicks. + 17 v. Henry Theodore Boler, born 1859 in Scott Co, MS; died in Harrison, AR. + 18 vi. Jefferson Davis Boler, born 01 Jul 1861 in Mississippi; died 02 Jan 1926 in Prob. Laurel, Jones Co, MS. + 19 vii. William N. Boler, born 11 May 1864 in Missisiippi; died 04 Oct 1940 in Izard Co, AR.
3. John M.2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 22 Apr 1827 in Clarke Co, AL58,59,60,61, and died 17 Feb 1904 in Pottsville, TX. He married (1) Martha Adeline Boyd 29 Jun 1848 in Mississippi62, daughter of William Boyd and Maria Henderson. She was born 26 May 1829 in Alabama63,64,65, and died 26 Jul 1890 in Pottsville, TX65. He married (2) Margaret Blondell Walls 29 Mar 1891 in Texas, daughter of John Walls. She was born Apr 1850 in Mississippi66. 1860 Neshoba Co, MS Census, p. 64, T8, R11, Union, #407-414 John Boler History by Audrey Garms: John Boler was born April 22, 1827 in Clarke Co, AL and when a child of three years, went with his family to MS. On attaining his majority he entered upon his business career, accepting a situation as overseer, where he had the management of 100 hands. Subsequently he began farming which he followed until 1865. In August 1863 he enlisted in the Confederate service but did not go to the front, although he aided in attacks made on Sherman's army as it was on its raid. He began merchandising in Neshoba Co, MS. He left MS for Texas Dec. 1, 1882 and located in Oceola, Hill Co. In October 1883, he was joined by his son, Walter J. Boler. Mr. Boler had purchased 240 Acres of land on the Cowhouse creek, near Indian Gap, in August 1883, and moved to that place in December. Mr. Boler arrived in Pottsville, March 25, 1885 and established a store under the firm name of J. Boler and Company, business being carried on by this house until February 4, 1888, when his son purchased the interest of I.G. Alvey, and the firm of J. Boler and Son was established. John Boler was a senior member of the firm of J. Boler & Son, general merchants of Pottsville. While still in MS Mr. Boler was united in marriage to Miss Martha Adeline Boyd, daughter of William and Maria (Henderson) Boyd, on the 29th day of June 1848. Mrs. Martha A. Boler died in August 26, 1890 and is buried at Pottsville cemetery, TX. On the 29th day of March 1891 Mr. Boler married Mrs. Margaret "Maggie" Blondell Johnson, widow of John Johnson. She had three children. Her father was John Walls. Information from Census Records 1860 Neshoba County, MS Post Office Page 593, Line 407-414. Shows property value $1,000 and personal value $650. John Boler was a farmer. He had a William Moore working for him as a carpenter. Newton Co, MS April 26, 1872. New Ireland Church organized with the following charter members: John Boler, Martha Boler, Wiley Abney, Elender Abney, James A. Abney, George H. Abney, Sarah A. Abney, Nancy E. Abney, James T. Rucker, Susanah E. Rucker, J. M. Pool, S. G. Harris, N. Staton, Elizabeth Staton, W.G. Taylor, Jane Taylor. Children of John M. Boler and Martha Boyd are: 20 i. William W. A.3 Boler, born Abt. 1851 in MS67. + 21 ii. John M. Boler, born 02 Apr 1852 in Newton Co, MS; died Jan 1938 in Brownwood, Brown Co, TX. + 22 iii. Martha Virginia Adelaide Boler, born 09 Oct 1855 in Mississippi; died 24 Nov 1935 in Mullins, TX. 23 iv. Walter J. H. Boler, born Jul 1866 in Newton Co, MS68,69,70; died in Brown Co, TX. He married Pallie W. Germany 188871; born Jan 1869 in Mississippi72; died in Brown Co, TX.
4. Mary "Polley"2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware)73 was born 29 Jul 1829 in Clark Co, AL74,75,76, and died Bet. 1900 - 1910 in Probably Scott Co, MS76. She married James Alexander Johnston77 Abt. 1848 in Newton Co, MS77,78,79, son of Unknown Johnston and Unknown. He was born Mar 1829 in Mississippi80,81, and died Bet. 1900 - 1910 in Probably Scott Co, MS81. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, p. 38, Supv Dist 2, ED 87, #340-327 Children of Mary Boler and James Johnston are: 24 i. Thomas Jefferson3 Johnston, born 27 Mar 184882,83; died 11 Jul 185283. + 25 ii. Amanda Elizabeth Johnston, born 25 Dec 1852 in Mississippi. + 26 iii. Franklin B. Johnston, born Dec 1857 in Mississippi. + 27 iv. William K. Johnston, born Apr 1869 in Mississippi.
5. James2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 12 Oct 1831 in Hinds Co, MS84,85,86,87,88,89, and died 01 Jul 1863 in Vicksburg, Warren County, MS90,91. He married Mary Josephine Camber Abt. Jan 1849 in Newton County, MS92, daughter of Unknown Camber and Unknown. She was born 04 Jan 1832 in Greene Co, AL93,94,95, and died 27 May 1917 in Enondale, Kemper Co, MS96,97,98. 1850 Newton Co, MS Census, #326-326 From Confederate Records - Served under Jim Watts. Enlisted Neshoba County 1861 with 46th Mississippi Infantry. Killed in action at Battle/Siege of Vicksburg, MS. Buried in Confederate Cemetery, Vicksburg, MS. (From Kemper Co Confederate records at Dekalb Courthouse). Children of James Boler and Mary Josephine Camber are: 28 i. Barnabas3 Boler, born Oct 1849 in Newton Co, MS99; died Bef. 1860 in Prob. Scott or Newton Co, MS100. 29 ii. Elizabeth Boler, born Bet. 1851 - 1852 in Prob. Newton or Scott Co, MS100. + 30 iii. Mary Virginia Boler, born 15 Sep 1854 in Scott County, MS; died 22 Oct 1933 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS. + 31 iv. Willie Ann Boler, born 10 Dec 1856 in Scott Co, MS; died 13 Nov 1923 in Kemper Co, MS. + 32 v. Fannie Boler, born 21 Nov 1858 in Scott Co, MS; died 10 Jul 1944 in Lauderdale Co, MS. + 33 vi. James Hilry Boler, born 14 Jun 1860 in Scott Co, MS; died 17 Jun 1890 in Kemper Co, MS. 34 vii. Franklin Lee Boler, born 04 Jan 1862 in Mississippi101,102; died Oct 1917 in Kemper Co, MS103,104. 1910 Kemper Co, MS Census Beat 2, ED 27, Sheet 23B #67-68 35 viii. Angie Boler, died in Columbia, LA. She married Unknown Smith.
6. Sarah Ann2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 27 Jul 1834 in Newton Co, MS105,106,107,108,109, and died 17 Mar 1897 in Probably Scott Co, MS110. She married James Gordon Lay, son of Thomas Lay and Nancy Gordon. He was born 23 Dec 1829 in Greene Co, AL110,111,112,113,114, and died 29 Jul 1907 in Probably Scott Co, MS115. 1860 Scott Co, MS Census, Hillsboro, p. 2A, #7-7 Children of Sarah Ann Boler and James Lay are: 36 i. Emily Elizabeth3 Lay, born 12 Oct 1853 in Mississippi116; died Nov 1854117,118. 37 ii. Thomas Wesley Lay, born 16 Aug 1855 in Mississippi118,119,120. 38 iii. Franklin Lay, born Abt. 1858 in Mississippi121,122. 39 iv. Robert Lay, born Abt. 1860 in Mississippi123,124. 40 v. Ida Lay, born Abt. 1867 in Mississippi125. 41 vi. Nancy Lay, born Mar 1869 in Mississippi126,127.
7. Martha2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 11 Jan 1837 in Newton Co, MS128,129,130. She married James W. Tiner, son of Lewis Tyner and Sarah. He was born Abt. 1831 in Tennessee131,132. Further information regarding Martha Boler Tiner would be greatly appreciated. The specific information desired includes her place of residence following the 1880 census and the location of her death and burial. James W. Tiner disappears from the face of the earth following the 1860 census. What happened to him? Did he die or leave the Union, MS area? If he moved his family out of the area, why did Martha and the children return? See Tyner Section for additional family details. 1860 Neshoba Co, MS Census, High Hill PO, #808-835 Children of Martha Boler and James W. Tiner are: + 42 i. Rufus Theadore3 Tiner, born 13 Jun 1855 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 23 Jul 1920 in McAlester, Pittsburg Co, OK. 43 ii. Theophilus T. Tiner, born Abt. 1857 in Mississippi134. 44 iii. Mary Tiner, born Abt. 1863135. + 45 iv. Francis Ida Tiner, born Feb 1867 in Mississippi. 46 v. Millie Ann Tiner, born Abt. 1868135. + 47 vi. Addie Tiner, born Jul 1872 in Mississippi; died Abt. 1912 in Holmes Co, MS.
8. Elizabeth2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 15 May 1840 in Newton Co, MS136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143, and died 22 Apr 1912 in Prob Neshoba Co, MS144,145. She married Norfleet Staton 19 Feb 1856 in Newton Co, MS146,147, son of Ennis Staton and Annie Allen. He was born 25 Mar 1831 in North Carolina148,149,150,151, and died 16 Oct 1876 in Prob Neshoba Co, MS152,153,154. 1860 Neshoba Co, MS Census, T9 R11, #408-415, p. 64 Newton Co, MS April 26, 1872. New Ireland Church organized with the following charter members: John Boler, Martha Boler, Wiley Abney, Elender Abney, James A. Abney, George H. Abney, Sarah A. Abney, Nancy E. Abney, James T. Rucker, Susanah E. Rucker, J. M. Pool, S. G. Harris, N. Staton, Elizabeth Staton, W.G. Taylor, Jane Taylor. Children of Elizabeth Boler and Norfleet Staton are: 48 i. Mary A.3 Staton, born 28 Aug 1858 in Newton Co, MS155,156,157,158,159; died 1939159. She married Jesse Monroe Coley 20 Feb 1898 in Newton Co, MS160; born 1851161; died 1932161. 49 ii. William Wesly Staton, born 18 Sep 1860 in Newton Co, MS162,163; died 12 Jun 1861 in Newton Co, MS163. + 50 iii. Green N. Staton, born 12 Apr 1862 in Mississippi. + 51 iv. Henry Clay Staton, born 10 Jun 1864 in Mississippi; died 07 Nov 1947. 52 v. Elizabeth J. Staton, born 27 Dec 1866 in Mississippi164,165; died Bef. 1880 in Mississippi166. + 53 vi. Emanuel Jefferson Staton, born 27 Mar 1869 in Mississippi; died 15 Nov 1950. + 54 vii. Cora Staton, born 05 May 1871 in Mississippi; died 15 Mar 1959. + 55 viii. Andrew Jackson Staton, born 29 Aug 1873 in Mississippi; died 23 Jun 1946. + 56 ix. Samuel Luther Staton, born 30 Dec 1875 in Mississippi; died 04 Oct 1966.
9. Green Berry2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 18 Nov 1842 in Newton Co, MS167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174, and died 07 Mar 1920 in Mississippi175. He married Sarah Ann. She was born Nov 1844 in Mississippi176,177,178,179, and died 1929 in Mississippi180. 1870 Newton Co, MS Census, p. 234 #99-99 Co D 36th Mississippi Regiment Infantry CSA Pvt, Enlisted 22 Feb 1862, Discharged 4 May 1864 The Laurel Ledger 2 December 1909 Children of Greenberry Boler and Sarah Ann are: 57 i. Alice A. E.3 Boler, born Abt. 1868 in Newton Co, MS181; died Bef. 1880 in Newton Co, MS182. + 58 ii. William Harvey Boler, born Nov 1870 in Mississippi. + 59 iii. Thomas E. Boler, born Dec 1876 in Missisippi. 60 iv. Walter Cleveland Boler, born 15 Mar 1885 in Mississippi183,184,185; died 1931186. 61 v. Nannie Boler, born Aug 1888187. 10. Henry Clay2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 09 Jan 1845 in Newton Co, MS188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195, and died 28 May 1928 in Neshoba County, MS196. He married Winifred Louisa Crenshaw 1866 in Mississippi197, daughter of Pleasant Crenshaw and Elizabeth Anderson. She was born 14 Jun 1850 in Kemper Co, MS198,199,200,201,202,203,204, and died 29 Aug 1919 in Neshoba County, MS205,206. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census 1107-1107 Children of Henry Clay Boler and Winifred Crenshaw are: + 62 i. James Allen3 Boler, born 05 Sep 1867 in Neshoba County, MS; died 09 Jan 1954. + 63 ii. Annal Dorval Boler, born 21 Jan 1869 in Mississippi; died 09 Aug 1951 in Neshoba Co, MS. + 64 iii. Emma Elizabeth Boler, born Nov 1870 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 1928 in Mississippi. 65 iv. Mary Lula Boler, born Abt. 1873207. + 66 v. Ellen Eliza Boler, born Jan 1875 in Mississippi; died 1944. 67 vi. Catharine U. Boler, born Abt. 1877207. 68 vii. William P. Boler, born 06 May 1880 in Neshoba County, MS208,209; died 12 Oct 1900 in Neshoba County, MS210,211. 69 viii. Henry D. Boler, born 02 Mar 1882212. World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Henry D., 36, Neshoba, b 2 May 1882, Farmer, nearest relative father Henry Boler, 5 5/6 tall, Medium Build, Brown Eyes, Black Hair, Physically qualified + 70 ix. Walter J. Boler, born 16 Oct 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 27 Oct 1971. + 71 x. Harvey Clifton Boler, born 25 Oct 1886 in Mississippi; died 23 Jun 1965. + 72 xi. Aldeen Clay (Ned) Boler, born 17 Dec 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 20 Nov 1958. 73 xii. Maud M. Boler, born Oct 1891212.
11. Andrew Jackson2 Boler (Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 18 Aug 1846 in Newton Co, MS213,214,215, and died in Laurel, Jones Co, MS. He married Nancy R. Daniel Bef. 1869 in Mississippi, daughter of Egbert Daniel and Edna Hardy. She was born 11 Jan 1850 in Georgia216,217,218,219, and died in Laurel, Jones Co, MS. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census 1103-1103 Children of Andrew Jackson Boler and Nancy Daniel are: + 74 i. Wesley Powell3 Boler, born 22 Sep 1869 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 28 Sep 1949 in Jones Co, MS. + 75 ii. Charles Duggan Boler, born 10 Oct 1871 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 16 Feb 1947 in Jones Co, MS. 76 iii. Eliza C. "Delia" Boler, born 07 Jun 1873 in Mississippi220,221; died 1935222. She married William P. Pilgrim 18 Mar 1891 in Jones Co, MS223. + 77 iv. Fanny Alice Boler, born 23 Sep 1879 in Neshoba Co, MS; died 31 Aug 1945 in Laurel, Jones Co, MS. 78 v. Mary Arra Boler, born 22 Aug 1880224. + 79 vi. Tallie Virginia Boler, born 18 Oct 1885 in Mississippi; died 30 Jul 1960 in Jonesboro, Craighead Co, AR. 80 vii. Della Boler, born 12 Jan 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS225,226; died 17 Aug 1957 in Forest, Scott Co, MS226. She married James Whitley Norris; born 17 May 1887226; died 12 Feb226. + 81 viii. Andrew Jackson Boler, born 26 Jun 1893 in Jones Co, MS; died 23 Jun 1953.
Generation No. 3 15. John Wesley3 Boler (William Riden2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 03 Jan 1851 in Mississippi227,228,229,230,231 and is thought to have died in Oklahoma. He married Leona Bernice Montgomery Bet. 1873 - 1874231. She was born Sep 1853 in Georgia232,233. 1880 Izard Co, AR Census, Franklin Township, #170-172 Children of John Wesley Boler and Leona Montgomery are: 82 i. Henry Garland4 Boler, born Sep 1874 in Izard Co, AR234,235. He married Cora Ann Billingsley; born Jul 1882 in Arkansas236,237. 1910 Izard Co, AR Census, Franklin Township, #84-85 83 ii. Minnie V. Boler, born Mar 1879 in Izard Co, AR238,239; died 1973240. 84 iii. Myrtle L. Boler, born Aug 1881241. 85 iv. Laura E. Boler, born Jun 1885241. 86 v. Arizona Boler, born Nov 1887241. 87 vi. Raymond R. Boler, born 12 Dec 1889242,243,244; died 02 Oct 1918 in Izard Co, AR245,246. 88 vii. Truman Clyde Boler, born Jan 1894247; died 1966248. He married Connie Davenport; born 1903248.
17. Henry Theodore3 Boler (William Riden2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 1859 in Scott Co, MS249,250, and died in Harrison, AR. He married (1) Jennie Smith, daughter of John Smith and Fanny Worthy. He married (2) Christianna Hays 16 Dec 1912 in Izard Co, AR251, daughter of Joseph Hays and Catherine Smith. She was born 11 May 1880 in Newburg, Izard Co, AR251. Children of Henry Boler and Jennie Smith are: 89 i. Clercy4 Boler. She married Bob Langwell. 90 ii. Claude Boler, died 1944252. 91 iii. Gratice Lenora Boler, born 08 Apr 1900252. She married Ralph Henry Otten 11 Mar 1919 in Sedalia, MO252. Child of Henry Boler and Christianna Hays is: 92 i. Catherine Florine4 Boler, born 16 Jun 1917253. She married (1) Roy Carter 1941253. She married (2) John Clayton, Capt. 21 Sep 1979253.
18. Jefferson Davis3 Boler (William Riden2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 01 Jul 1861 in Mississippi254,255,256,257,258, and died 02 Jan 1926 in Prob. Laurel, Jones Co, MS259,260,261. He married (1) Lydia Ruth Ann Evaline Billingsley 1887 in Izard Co, AR262,263, daughter of Samuel Billingsley and Martha Hastings. She was born 09 Jan 1867 in Arkansas264,265, and died 08 Jul 1911266,267. He married (2) Sarah Ethel Billingsly268 Aft. 1911 in Izard Co, AR269, daughter of John Billingsley and Elizabeth Bates. She was born 26 Apr 1888270, and died 17 Mar 1966270. 1886 Graduated from a University in Louisville, KY Children of Jefferson Davis Boler and Lydia Billingsley are: 93 i. Martha Gordon4 Boler, born 15 Sep 1888 in Izard Co, AR271,272,273; died 15 Nov 1983 in Izard Co, AR274,275. She married John F. Williams; born 09 Sep 1885 in Arkansas275; died 01 Jan 1965275. 1910 - Enumerated in the Izard Co, AR household of his father-in-law Jeff Boler 94 ii. Jewel Jefferson Boler, born 08 Aug 1890 in Izard Co, AR276,277,278; died 08 Aug 1890 in Izard Co, AR279,280. 95 iii. Totsy Boler, born Apr 1892281,282. She married Talmadge Rogers. Child of Jefferson Boler and Sarah Billingsly is: 96 i. J. W. "Shorty"4 Boler.
19. William N.3 Boler (William Riden2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware)283 was born 11 May 1864 in Missisiippi284,285, and died 04 Oct 1940 in Izard Co, AR285. He married Rebecca J. Saunders286. She was born 25 Dec 1869287, and died 25 Jul 1914287. Children of William Boler and Rebecca Saunders are: 97 i. Lulu4 Boler, born 29 Nov 1886 in Izard Co, AR287; died 29 Nov 1886 in Izard Co, AR287. 98 ii. William Boler, born 28 Jan 1890 in Izard Co, AR287; died 17 Aug 1892 in Izard Co, AR287.
21. John M.3 Boler (John M.2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 02 Apr 1852 in Newton Co, MS288,289,290,291,292,293, and died Jan 1938 in Brownwood, Brown Co, TX294. He married Francis Victoria Germany 09 Nov 1875 in Union, Newton County, MS294, daughter of John Germany and Mary Smith. She was born Sep 1858 in Newton Co, MS295,296,297,298, and died Jul 1948 in Brownwood, Brown Co, TX299. 1880 Hill Co, TX Census, Precinct 2, p. 328, #381-381 Children of John M. Boler and Francis Germany are: 99 i. Eunice M.4 Boler, born Oct 1876 in Newton Co, MS300,301. 100 ii. Augusta Emma Boler, born 24 May 1879 in Hill Co, TX302; died 03 Apr 1892302. 101 iii. Maud D. Boler, born Dec 1881 in Texas303. 102 iv. Mark J. Boler, born Apr 1884 in Texas303; died 1962304. He married Catherine; born 1898304; died 1974304. 103 v. Pallie M. Boler, born 22 Feb 1886 in Texas305; died Sep 1984306. She married Joseph Oscar Swindle; born 23 Jan 1888 in Texas307; died 08 Jan 1973308. 104 vi. Austin J. Boler, born Aug 1888 in Texas309. 105 vii. Bertice O. Boler, born Jul 1890 in Texas309,310. He married Bertie; born Abt. 1893311. 1930 Brown Co, TX Census 106 viii. Alvin W. Boler, born 05 Jul 1893 in Texas312,313,314; died 30 Jun 1960315. He married Betsy A. Hitt; born 08 Jan 1895315; died 18 Sep 1979315. 1920 Hamilton Co, TX Census, Precinct 7, ED 99, Supv Dist 11, Sheet 3A, #40-40 107 ix. Joe Bailey Boler, born 09 May 1895 in Texas316,317,318; died 06 Mar 1984319. He married Ruby Greer; born 07 Sep 1895319; died 12 Aug 1986319. 1930 McLennan Co, TX Census, Crawford 108 x. Pearl Boler, born Mar 1897 in Texas320,321,322. She married Kent Brannan; born Abt. 1900 in Texas322. 1920 Hamilton Co, TX Census, Enumerated in the household of his father-in-law J.M.Boler
22. Martha Virginia Adelaide3 Boler (John M.2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 09 Oct 1855 in Mississippi323,324, and died 24 Nov 1935 in Mullins, TX324. She married George Henry Abney 10 Oct 1872 in Newton Co, MS325, son of Wiley Abney and Elender Hailey. He was born 24 Jul 1852 in Elbert Co, GA326,327,328,329, and died 09 Jan 1881 in Newton Co, MS330. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, ED 87, p. 36, Supv Dist 2, #324-312 Children of Martha Virginia Adelaide Boler and George Abney are: 109 i. Ora Eugenia4 Abney, born 11 Jun 1873 in Newton Co, MS330; died in Indian Gap, Hamilton Co, TX. She married Tella Muchus Shipman 31 Oct 1889 in Indian Gap, Hamilton Co, TX330. 110 ii. Mattie E. Abney, born Abt. 1876. 111 iii. Joseph L. Abney, born Abt. 1880.
25. Amanda Elizabeth3 Johnston (Mary "Polley"2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware)331 was born 25 Dec 1852 in Mississippi332,333,334. She married James Kimbrell Meador335 Bet. 1878 - 1879336,337. He was born Oct 1852 in Alabama338,339. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census, Tallahoma Creek, p. 87A, Beat 2, Supv Dist 6, ED
60, Sheet 7A, #108-108, Farmer Children of Amanda Elizabeth Johnston and James Meador are: 112 i. Irian E.4 Meador, born Jun 1880340. 113 ii. Osker P. Meador, born Jun 1881340. 114 iii. James Andrew Meador, born Feb 1884 in Mississippi340. He married Carrie Hooks Abt. 1906341; born Abt. 1889 in Mississippi341. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census, Beat 2, p. 70, Supv Dist 6, ED 74, Sheet 14B, #215-215 115 iv. Lula L. Meador, born Mar 1886342. 116 v. William Walter Meador, born Jan 1889342,343. 117 vi. Mack L. Meador, born Oct 1891344.
26. Franklin B.3 Johnston (Mary "Polley"2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Dec 1857 in Mississippi345,346. He married May. She was born Feb 1860 in Mississippi346. 1900 Scott Co, MS Census, Beat 2, p. 51B, Supv Dist 5, ED 89, Sheet 5B, #81-81, Teamster Children of Franklin Johnston and May are: 118 i. Una4 Johnston, born May 1881346. 119 ii. Alice Johnston, born May 1884346. 120 iii. May Johnston, born May 1886346. 121 iv. Annie Johnston, born Feb 1888346. 122 v. Alvy Johnston, born Feb 1890346. 123 vi. Burnie Johnston, born Aug 1895346. 124 vii. Arvel Johnston, born Aug 1896346. 125 viii. Winnie Johnston, born May 1899346.
27. William K.3 Johnston (Mary "Polley"2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Apr 1869 in Mississippi347,348. He married Alice Abt. 1890348. She was born Feb 1869 in Mississippi348. 1900 Scott Co, MS Census, Beat 5, Supv Dist 5, Sheet 1B, #10-10 Children of William Johnston and Alice are: 126 i. Percy L.4 Johnston, born May 1891348. 127 ii. Edgar L. Johnston, born May 1894348. 128 iii. Mary L. Johnston, born Sep 1896348. 129 iv. Elva Lena Johnston, born Dec 1899348. 130 v. Wright Johnston, born Abt. 1905349. 131 vi. Bessie Ruth Johnston, born Abt. 1907349.
30. Mary Virginia3 Boler (James2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware)350 was born 15 Sep 1854 in Scott County, MS351,352,353,354,355,356, and died 22 Oct 1933 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS357,358,359,360. She married Annel Darvel Crenshaw 1868 in Kemper Co, MS361,362,363, son of Pleasant Crenshaw and Elizabeth Anderson. He was born 05 Jun 1843 in Kemper Co, MS364,365,366,367,368,369, and died 12 Oct 1909 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS370,371,372,373,374,375,376. NESHOBA WOMAN DIES FOLLOWING LENGTHY ILLNESS. The Neshoba Democrat, Philadelphia, MS, Friday, Oct. 27, 1933. Rites for Mrs. M. V. Crenshaw Held From Neshoba Baptist Church. Mrs. Mary Virginia Crenshaw, 78, died at the home of her son V. I. Crenshaw near Neshoba station, following an illness of several months. Funeral rites were conducted from the Neshoba Baptist church, with Rev. Eugene Stevens of Meridian, assisted by Rev. Yeager, officiating. Interment followed in the Neshoba Cemetery. Mrs. Crenshaw was beofre her marriage, Miss Virginia Boler and had lived in the community in which she died her entire life. She was married in early life to Anil D. Crenshaw he dying in 1909. She was a member of the Baptist church. She is survived by two daughter, Mrs. leona Bassett of Mt. Pisgah, and Mrs. Bettie Mason of McDonald; five sons, John Crenshaw, V I Crenshaw, W A Crenshaw, F A Crenshaw and Plesant Crenshaw, all of Neshoba. She is also survived by one sister of Kemper county. She was the grandmother of Arlie Crenshaw of this city. A number of other grandchildren and great grand-children also survive. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census Children of Mary Virginia Boler and Annel Crenshaw are: 132 i. Mary Elizabeth4 Crenshaw, born 01 Aug 1870 in Neshoba Co, MS377,378,379,380; died 30 Dec 1959 in Neshoba County, MS381. She married Beckner D'Leon Mason 20 Dec 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS382,383; born 01 Mar 1869 in Mississippi384,385,386,387; died 07 May 1919 in Neshoba County, MS388,389. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census Beat 4, Supv District 5 ED 44,
Sheet 15 #244-244 133 ii. James Pleasant Crenshaw, born 20 Dec 1872 in Neshoba Co, MS390,391,392,392,393; died 31 Jan 1936 in Neshoba Co, MS394,395,396. He married Mary Lucy Bassett 21 Nov 1900 in Neshoba Co, MS397,398; born 28 Jul 1882 in Mississippi399,400,401; died 24 Jul 1957402. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, Dixon/Waldon, #30-32 World War I Draft Registration Card: Crenshaw, James Pleas, 45, Neshoba, b 20 Dec 1873, Farmer, Lucy Crenshaw nearest relative, 5' 2", Short, Blue Eyes, Light Hair Neshoba Baptist Church Records: Bro. J. P. Crenshaw departed this life, Jan 31st 1936. He was born Dec. 20th 1872 making him 63 years 1 month and 11 days old. Bro. Crenshaw was born in this community near where he died. He joined the Baptist Church of this community in the Summer of 1890, was baptized by Bro. L. B. Fancher, and has been a faithful member with us, a good citizen and neighbor. On November 22, 1900 he was married to Miss Lucy Bassett. To this union were born 12 children of which 2 are dead and 10 are living. And to this bereaved family we extend our deepest sympathy and pray God to watch over them, protect them, and guide them through coming life. Respectfully Submitted, Committee: W. J. Houston, M. S. Lewis, B. H. Walton Neshoba Baptist Church Records: Bro. James Pleasant Crenshaw was born December 20th, 1872 and died Jan. 31st 1936, making his 63 years, one month and eleven days old at the time of his death. He joined the Missionary Baptist Church at Old Crenshaw, now Neshoba Church, forty or more years ago. He was a faithful and consistant member of this church until his death. He was married Nov. 22 1900 to Miss Lucy Bassett and to this union were born ten boys and two girls. Two of the boys died in early childhood. The boys now living are Earle and Noel, now living in Texas, J. P. of Smith County, Hubby, Earnest, Otho, Maurice and Rudolph of this county. The girls are Queenie, now Mrs. Johnie Miles of Neshoba and Lucile, now Mrs. Leotis Thomas. Neshoba Church never had a more faithful member and Neshoba Community never had a truer and more valuable citizen than Plez as he was to friends. Though we know that his going was to his eternal gain we as a church and community are experiencing a feeling of distinct loss. May the Savior in whose footsteps our brother and friend endeavoured to follow during his lifetime, be our guide and comforter now. Loyal and honest, brave and true. Cheerful and broad of mind. Strong for the tasks he has to do; Patient, considerate, kind. And life will hold and always will, Unto the journey's end, Such posts as there for his to fill, Brother, Neighbor, friend. The lives of many each must touch, So varied is life's Plan. We seldom realize how much It takes, just to be a man. Committee: W. J. Houston, M. S. Lewis, B. H. Walton. 134 iii. Otho Dominico Crenshaw, born 19 Feb 1874 in Neshoba Co, MS403,404; died 17 May 1914 in Neshoba Co, MS405,406. He married (1) Ellen Gully 25 Jan 1900 in Neshoba Co, MS407; born 15 Jan 1872408,409; died 07 Aug 1906 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS410,411,412,413. He married (2) Lottie Belle Gully 1910 in Neshoba Co, MS414,415; born 18 Oct 1879 in Neshoba, MS416,417,418; died 12 Feb 1944 in Neshoba Co, MS419,420,421. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4 #223-223 In 1907 a train depot was built in Neshoba Community just north of where the stores were....Other stores on the same side were O D Crenshaw.... OD left a will in Neshoba Co, MS. His will was made on 13 May 1914, 4 days before his death, as he lay dying in the hospital in Newton, MS. His will was witnessed by Dr. G.H. Banks and by Sadie Woods. He left $3,000 in insurance and $2,400 in accounts owed to his estate. He made provisions for his mother, allowed for payment of debts, including $25 to his brother "Ples", James Pleasant, and left the rest of the property to be equally divided between his children and his wife, so long as she did not remarry. This will was filed 27 May 1914 by his executrix and widow, Lottie Belle Crenshaw. (Houston-Gully family newsletter Vol II Issue 2, October 1990 from information furnished by Leon Smith, Union, MS) Neshoba Baptist Church records, Sat. before 4th Sunday in June 1914. "Unfinished business, committee appointed to draft resolution of Bro. O. D. Crenshaw, resolution read and adopted, committee discharged. O. D. Crenshaw was born February 19, 1873 died May 17 1914. Joined Neshoba Baptist Church in 1896, where he lived a devoted member until his death. He was married to Miss Ellen Gully in 1899. To this union was born 5 children, one of which and his companion preceded him to the grave. In 1910 he was married to Lottie Gully, to this union were born two children, one of which is dead. He leaves a wife, five children, mother, two sisters, five bro. and many relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Resolved 1st that in the death therefore be it, of Bro. Crenshaw, we felt that we have lost one of our best and most loyal church members, being at the time Church Clerk. 2nd that our town and communityhas lost an honest man and a goodcitizen, always seeking the right. That we extend to the bereaved wife, children and relatives our deepest sympathy and commend them to God who alone can comfort them. 4th, That a copy of these resolutions be placed in the minutes and the Mississippi Baptist be requested to publish same. Done by the order of Neshoba Church, June 27, 1914." Neshoba Baptist Church Records: Mrs. Lottie Gully Crenshaw passed from this life into that eternal home of rest and joy on February 13, 1944 at the age of (64) sixty four, her husband having proceeded her many years. She leave one daughter and four step-children to mourn her going. Neshoba Baptist Church and community have lost a faithful and devoted member and citizen. Her life was full of service to her family, church and community. To know Miss Lottie was to love her. She will be sadly missed but the influence of her life will live on in the lives of her loves ones and friends. As we sorrow because of her going, we thank God for her life and how in humble submission to the of him who doeth all things well. May our Heavenly Father comfort and bless those whom she leaves with hearts bereaved. By order of the church, a copy is to be placed in the church minutes, a copy sent to the family and one sent to the Baptist Record for publication. Committee: Mrs. J. L. VIVERETT, Mrs. W. W. McBEATH, and Mrs. W. J. VANCE. 135 iv. William Annel Crenshaw, born 13 Jan 1878 in Neshoba Co, MS422,423,424,425,426; died 03 Apr 1974 in Mississippi427. He married (1) Annie Florence Harris; born 23 Jun 1878427; died 10 Feb 1958 in Neshoba Co, MS427. He married (2) Emma R. Waller 14 Dec 1899 in Neshoba Co, MS428,429,430; born 18 Jan 1878 in Mississippi431,432,433,434,435; died 26 Jul 1929 in Neshoba Co, MS436,437,438,439. 1900 - Enumerated in the household of his father-in-law
Charles R. Waller World War I Draft Registration Card: Crenshaw, William Annel, 40, Philadelphia, b 13 Jan 1878, Farmer, Nearest relative Emma Crenshaw, Medium Height & Build, Blue Eyes, Black Hair, Route 5, Philadelphi, MS, September 12, 1918 Neshoba Baptist Church Records: Sister Emma Crenshaw was born Jan. 18th 1878, and departed this life July 26, 1929. Age 51 yrs. She was married to Bro. W. A. Crenshaw Dec. 14, 1899. To this union was born 7 children, of whom 2 preceded her to her grave. In early life she united with White Oak Baptist Church later Neshoba Baptist Church of which she remained a faithful member until her death. In the homegoing of Sister Emma, Neshoba Church has lost one of its most faithful members, we grieve beyond measure, still we do grieve as those who have no hope. Her character was pure. Her reward is great. Blessed be the memory of such women. We do not question why God took her from her loved ones just at this time, but we rejoice in the fact that we trust in a God "who doeth all things well". Sister Emma was sick a long time and suffered things that were hard to bear still she wanted to get well that she might live a life of unselfish service. However when the call came she was ready to go being fully submissive to her master will. May God's richest blessings rest in her bereaved husband and children. Respectively submitted: Mrs. Lottie Crenshaw, Mrs. Willie Gully, Mrs. Esther Gully. 136 v. Edmond Eugene Crenshaw, born 11 Feb 1880 in Neshoba County, MS440,441; died 28 Oct 1881 in Neshoba Co, MS442. 137 vi. Leona Winfred Crenshaw, born 25 Jun 1882 in Neshoba Co, MS443,444; died 15 Apr 1964 in Neshoba Co, MS445. She married William Napoleon Bassett 21 Nov 1900 in Neshoba Co, MS446; born 31 Dec 1878 in Mississippi447,448,449; died 28 Jul 1916 in Neshoba Co, MS450. 1910 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, #165-169 138 vii. John Marco Crenshaw, born 28 Feb 1885 in Neshoba Co, MS451,452,453; died 06 Dec 1959 in Neshoba Co, MS. He married Eunice Robinson; born 1888 in Mississippi453,454; died 04 Oct 1964 in New Mexico454. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 1, Sierra Precint, #102-106 World War I Draft Registration Card: Crenshaw, Johnie Marco, 33, Neshoba, b 28 Feb 1885, Farmer, Nearest relative Mrs. E. E. Crenshaw, Medium Height & Build, Gray Eyes, Light Hair 139 viii. Frank Anderson Crenshaw455, born 17 Jan 1888 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS456,457,458,459,460,461,462; died 01 Dec 1962 in Jackson, Hinds Co, MS463,464,465,466,467. He married Ruby May Winfield468 11 Jul 1923 in Johnsonville, Neshoba Co, MS469; born 17 Jun 1891 in Madden, Leake Co, MS470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477; died 19 Apr 1980 in Union, Newton Co, MS478,479,480,481. 1907 - Saturday before 2nd Sabbath in July - Joined New Hope
(Neshoba) Baptist Church Crenshaw, Frank Anderson, 29, Neshoba, b 17 Jan 1888 in Union, Farmer, Single, Tall, Medium Build, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, Precinct Neshoba (World War I Draft Registration Card) 140 ix. Irby Leander Crenshaw, born 20 Feb 1894 in Neshoba Co, MS482,483,484; died 28 Mar 1925 in Neshoba Co, MS485. He married Clara Ethel Boler 01 Mar 1914 in Neshoba Co, MS486; born 27 Jan 1895 in Mississippi\487,488,489; died 27 Jul 1959 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS490. 1907 - Saturday before 2nd Sabbath in July, joined New Hope
(Neshoba) Baptist Church World War I Draft Registration Card: Crenshaw, Irby Leander, 23, Neshoba, b 20 Feb 1894 in Union, Farmer, Wife and 1 child, Medium Height & Build, Blue Eyes, Light Brown Hair, Precinct Neshoba 141 x. Vertis Ivy Crenshaw, born 24 Mar 1896 in Neshoba Co, MS490,491; died 30 Nov 1973 in Mississippi492. He married Ethel Savanan Mason Abt. 1925493; born 25 Aug 1907 in Neshoba Co, MS494,495; died 28 Nov 1985495. 1930 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, Supv District 55-14, Sheet 2-B, #33-32, General Farmer World War I Draft Registration Card: Crenshaw, Vertis Ivy, 21, Neshoba, b 24 Mar 1896 in Union, Farmer, Single, Medium Height, Stout, Gray Eyes, Brown Hair, Precinct Neshoba 31. Willie Ann3 Boler (James2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 10 Dec 1856 in Scott Co, MS496,497,498, and died 13 Nov 1923 in Kemper Co, MS499,500. She married (1) William Thomas Harrington 15 Feb 1881 in Newton Co, MS501, son of Samuel Harrington and Rebecca A.. He was born Abt. 1857 in Mississippi502, and died 503. She married (2) Henry C. Knight504 Abt. 1897505,506, son of Unknown Knight and Unknown. He was born Jul 1841 in Alabama507, and died in Kemper Co, MS. 1900 Kemper Co, MS Census, Beat 2, Oak Grove, Vol 25, No. 4, Sheet 12, Line
91 Children of Willie Ann Boler and William Thomas Harrington are: 142 i. Minnie4 Harrington, born 24 Nov 1881 in Mississippi508; died 09 Jul 1909 in Kemper Co, MS508. She married T. A. Gibson; born in Mississippi. 143 ii. Nannie Manonia Harrington, born 16 Mar 1883509. She married George Yeager, Rev.. 144 iii. Mary Elizabeth "Donie" Harrington, born 18 May 1888 in Mississippi510,511; died 17 Jan 1944 in Enondale, Kemper Co, MS511. She married Henry Clay Hatcher 13 Mar 1907512; born 02 May 1884 in Mississippi513; died 19 Apr 1946 in Enondale, Kemper Co, MS. Child of Willie Ann Boler and Henry Clay Knight is: 145 i. Eva P.4 Knight, born Oct 1897 in Prob. Kemper Co, MS514; died 20 Apr 2000 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co, MS515. She married Samuel Calvin Hatcher516 06 Aug 1913 in Kemper Co, MS517; born 12 Dec 1894 in Tamola, MS518,519,520,521; died 1966522. 1920 Kemper Co, MS Census, Beat 2, Township 9, Oak Grove, #179-179 The Meridian Star. Eva K. Hatcher (Homemaker) Graveside services for Eva K. Hatcher will be held today at 2pm at Enondale Memorial Cemetery, with the Rev. Randy Scarbrough officiating. Barham Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Hatcher, 101, of Enondale Community, died Thursday, April 20, 2000 at Riley Hospital. She was a member of Enondale Memorial Church, where she served as the church pianist. Survivors include nine children, Arthur Hatcher, Eulena Smith, Catherine Long, S. C. Hatcher, Jr., Juanita Vasquez, Dorothy Keeton, and Ricky Hatcher; 45 grandchildren, 98 grant-grandchildren, 81 great-great-grandchildren, and two ggg-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, S. C. Hatcher, Sr., and three children, Verna Lee Hatcher, Joseph Henry Hatcher, and Lucille Hopper. The family requests memorials be made to Enondale Cemetery Fund or the Children's Home. Pallbearers will be her grandchildren. Hatcher, Samuel Calvin, 22, Enondale, b 12 Dec 1894 in Tamola MS, Farmer, Wife & 2 children, Tall, Medium Build, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, Precint Enondale (World War I Draft Registration Application)
32. Fannie3 Boler (James2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 21 Nov 1858 in Scott Co, MS523,524, and died 10 Jul 1944 in Lauderdale Co, MS524. She married James Thomas Seale 27 Apr 1881 in Lauderdale Co, MS525, son of Jarvis Seale and Loudy Jones. He was born 27 Apr 1856 in Mississippi526,527,528,529, and died 19 Mar 1928530. 1900 Kemper Co, MS Census, Beat 2, Township 9, Oak Grove, #59-59 Children of Fannie Boler and James Seale are: 146 i. Lula4 Seale, born Jul 1881531. 147 ii. Hollis Seale, born Jun 1883532,533; died 1912534. 148 iii. Florence Seale, born 1885534; died 1888534. 149 iv. Alta Seale, born 1887534; died 1891534. 150 v. Archie Seale, born 24 Jan 1889 in Tamola, MS535,536. Seale, Arch, 28, Lauderdale, b 24 Jan 1889 in Tamola, Farmer for J. T. Seale, Single, Tall, Medium Build, Grey Eyes, Light Brown Hair, Precinct Tamola (World War I Draft Application) 151 vi. Joe Darling Seale, born 06 Dec 1890 in Enondale, Kemper Co, MS537,538. Seale, Joe Darling, 26, Lauderdale, b 6 Dec 1890 in Enondale, Farmer, Single, Defection Eye Sight, Tall, Slender, Blue Eyes, Dark Hair, Precint Enondale (World War I Draft Application) 1 52 vii. Aldon Seale, born 24 Oct 1892 in Tamola, MS539,540,541; died 09 Jun 1922542.Mississippi Wagoner 115 Inf, 29th Div. Seale, Aldon, 24, Tamola, b 24 Oct 1892 in Tamola, Logging for Ben Claton in Lauderdale, Single, Weak Eyesight, Tall, Medium Build, Light Blue Eyes, Dark Brown Hair, Precint Tamola (World War I Draft Application) 153 viii. Lillie Mae Seale, born Jul 1894542,543; died 1901544. 154 ix. Lenard P. Seale, born Sep 1896545. 155 x. Nellie V. Seale, born Sep 1898545. 156 xi. George S. Seale, born Abt. 1900546. 157 xii. Alma Seale, born Abt. 1902546; died Aft. 12 Aug 1981. She married Unknown Clay; died Abt. 1969.
33. James Hilry3 Boler (James2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 14 Jun 1860 in Scott Co, MS547,548, and died 17 Jun 1890 in Kemper Co, MS549,550. He married Rodie. She was born 21 Dec 1867550, and died 08 Mar 1936 in Kemper Co, MS550. Children of James Boler and Rodie are: 158 i. William Robert4 Boler, born 31 Aug 1884 in Kemper Co, MS; died 29 Mar 1943 in Kemper Co, MS551. 159 ii. Tommie Boler, born Jan 1886552.
42. Rufus Theadore3 Tiner (Martha2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 13 Jun 1855 in Neshoba Co, MS553,554,555,556, and died 23 Jul 1920 in McAlester, Pittsburg Co, OK557. He married (1) Betty Pace. He married (2) Georgia Carolina Mooney 17 Apr 1904 in Holmes Co, MS558,559, daughter of James Mooney and Martha Gray. She was born Jun 1881 in Mississippi560,561,562. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census, Beat 1, District 41, Sheet 18b, #14-15 Children of Rufus Tiner and Betty Pace are: 160 i. Joseph Gipson4 Tiner, born 17 May 1892 in Tchula, Holmes Co, MS563,564,565; died 1929 in McAlester, OK566. He married Ida Holloway; born Abt. 1902 in Oklahoma567. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census, McAlester, Ward2, Precinct 1, Supv Dist 3, ED 208, Sheet 11b, 251-278, Carpenter WWI Draft Registration Card - Restaurant 217 South Main (Self Employed) 161 ii. Victor Rhineheart Tiner, born 29 Nov 1895 in Sidon, Leflore Co, MS568,569,570. 162 iii. William Henry Tiner, born 22 Jan 1899 in Thornton, Holmes Co, MS571,572,573; died Jan 1974 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co, CA574. Children of Rufus Tiner and Georgia Mooney are: 163 i. Mattie4 Tiner, born Abt. 1906 in Mississippi575,576. 164 ii. Robert Tiner, born Abt. 1908 in Mississippi577,578.
45. Francis Ida3 Tiner (Martha2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Feb 1867 in Mississippi579,580,581. She married George C. Ozborn 29 Mar 1883 in Newton Co, MS582,583, son of Francis Ozborn and Penelope Ross. He was born Jan 1861 in Mississippi583,584. 1900 Leflore Co, MS Census, Beat 5, ED 58, Supv Dist 4, Sheet 6, #138-143,
Farmer Children of Francis Tiner and George Ozborn are: 165 i. Mack M.4 Ozborn, born Aug 1890 in Mississippi585,586. 166 ii. Jones W. Ozborn, born Jul 1893 in Mississippi586; died Bef. 1910. 167 iii. Fisher P. Ozborn, born Nov 1895 in Mississippi587,588. 168 iv. Ida V. Ozborn, born Jan 1898 in Mississippi589,590. 169 v. Cooper Ozborn, born Abt. 1903 in Texas591. 170 vi. Beulah M. Ozborn, born Abt. 1905 in Texas591.
47. Addie3 Tiner (Martha2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Jul 1872 in Mississippi592,593,594, and died Abt. 1912 in Holmes Co, MS595. She married William H. Mooney Abt. 1891596, son of James Mooney and Annie. He was born 13 Sep 1871 in Mississippi597,598,599. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census, Beat 1, p. 61, Supv Dist 4, Sheet 13a, #239-239,
Farmer Children of Addie Tiner and William Mooney are: 171 i. Mary4 Mooney, born Jul 1892 in Mississippi600. 172 ii. Annie Mooney, born Oct 1893 in Mississippi600,601. 173 iii. Lillie Mooney, born Sep 1896 in Mississippi602,603. 174 iv. Willie Mooney, born Jun 1898 in Mississippi604,605. 175 v. Walter Mooney, born Jan 1900 in Mississippi606; died Bef. 1910 in Mississippi607. 176 vi. Fannie A. Mooney, born Abt. 1901 in Mississippi607. 177 vii. Nettie G. Mooney, born Abt. 1903 in Mississippi607. 178 viii. Charlie Mooney, born Abt. 1908 in Mississippi607. 179 ix. Lightfoot Mooney, born Abt. 1910 in Mississippi607.
50. Green N.3 Staton (Elizabeth2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 12 Apr 1862 in Mississippi608,609,610. Child of Green N. Staton is: 180 i. Albert Emanuel4 Staton, born 08 Sep 1888611; died 1960611. He married Valley Zaney Parks 1912611. Living in 1959 in Van, Texas.
51. Henry Clay3 Staton (Elizabeth2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 10 Jun 1864 in Mississippi612,613,614,615,616,617,618,619,620, and died 07 Nov 1947621. He married Mary Alma Germany 26 Dec 1890 in Neshoba Co, MS622,623,624,625. She was born 01 Sep 1873 in Mississippi626,627,628,629,630, and died 31 May 1964631. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, #98-98, p. 222A, Supv Dist 5, ED 51, Sheet
6A Children of Henry Clay Staton and Mary Alma Germany are: 181 i. George Norfleet4 Staton, born 17 Dec 1892632,633,634; died 28 May 1977634. He married Gussie Baucum 08 Jul 1923 in Newton Co, MS635; born 25 Jan 1902636; died 29 Nov 1991636. 182 ii. Nona L. Staton, born 06 Feb 1893 in Newton Co, MS637,638,639,640; died 27 May 1969641. She married Hugh O. Taylor 14 Mar 1923642; born 04 May 1899643,644. 183 iii. Bertie L. Staton, born 06 May 1895 in Newton Co, MS645,646,647,648; died 29 Jun 1982649. She married Hiram Billy Henry 22 Dec 1912 in Newton Co, MS650; born 09 Apr 1893 in Mississippi651,652; died 10 Jan 1966653. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, ED 51-11Supv Dist 9, p. 94, Sheet 1A #13-14 184 iv. Walterine Laura Staton, born 06 Dec 1896654,655. She married Will Tom Cooper 21 Mar 1915 in Newton Co, MS656; born 05 Apr 1894657. 185 v. James Oren Staton, born 13 Jul 1902658,659. He married Bernice Gibson 28 Jun 1931659.
53. Emanuel Jefferson3 Staton (Elizabeth2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 27 Mar 1869 in Mississippi660,661,662,663,664,665,666,667, and died 15 Nov 1950667. He married Josephine Payne 18 Dec 1890 in Newton Co, MS668. She was born 09 Jul 1870 in Mississippi669,670,671,672,673, and died 24 Apr 1939673. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, #100-100, p. 222B Supv Dist 5, ED 51,
Sheet 6A Children of Emanuel Jefferson Staton and Josephine Payne are: 186 i. Maude M.4 Staton, born 18 Sep 1891 in Newton Co, MS674,675,676; died 16 Mar 1978676. She married Henry Grady James; born 07 Jan 1890676; died 16 Jun 1976676. 187 ii. Elva Staton, born 09 Jan 1893 in Newton Co, MS677,678,679; died 11 Dec 1978679. She married Samuel Nolan James 24 Dec 1911 in Newton Co, MS680; born 21 Mar 1888681; died 29 Oct 1946681. 188 iii. Rocker Theodore Staton, born 23 May 1894 in Newton Co, MS682,683,684; died 15 Nov 1983684. He married Eliza Mae Saunders; born 25 Dec 1899 in Mississippi685,686; died 15 Jun 1973686. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, ED 51-11Supv Dist 9, p. 94, Sheet 1A #2-2 189 iv. Eva G. Staton, born 13 Aug 1897 in Newton Co, MS687,688,689; died 14 Aug 1980689. She married George McKinley Horton 04 Jan 1920 in Newton Co, MS690,691; born 19 Nov 1891692; died 07 Sep 1962692. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, Union Town, ED 51-10, p. 57, Supv Dist 9, Sheet, 9A, #144-189 190 v. Georgia W. Staton, born 05 Jan 1900 in Newton Co, MS693,694; died 17 Dec 1903694. 191 vi. Eunice Staton, born 13 Oct 1901 in Newton Co, MS695,696,697; died 17 Apr 1989697. She married Elbert L. Walton 12 Apr 1924 in Newton Co, MS698; born 13 May 1895699; died 31 Jul 1978699. 192 vii. Charlie Staton, born 02 Jun 1903 in Newton Co, MS700; died 22 Jan 1907700. 193 viii. Demos Staton, born Abt. 1905 in Newton Co, MS701,702,703. He married Geneva Tucker 16 Oct 1926 in Newton Co, MS704; born Abt. 1909 in Mississippi705. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, ED 51-11Supv Dist 9, p. 94, Sheet 1A #6-6 194 ix. Floyd Staton, born Abt. 1912706,707. 195 x. Jodie K. Staton, born 25 Jan 1914 in Newton Co, MS708; died 16 Oct 1915708.
54. Cora3 Staton (Elizabeth2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 05 May 1871 in Mississippi709,710,711,712, and died 15 Mar 1959713. She married Wiley W. Taylor Abt. 1892 in Neshoba Co, MS714, son of James G Taylor. He was born 17 Jan 1871 in Mississippi715,716, and died 20 Oct 1903717. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, #208-208 Children of Cora Staton and Wiley Taylor are: 196 i. Eula Evert4 Taylor, born 12 Sep 1892718,719. 197 ii. Bell Taylor, born May 1894720. 198 iii. Nathan Taylor, born May 1897721. 199 iv. Hugh O. Taylor, born 04 May 1899721,722. He married Nona L. Staton 14 Mar 1923723; born 06 Feb 1893 in Newton Co, MS724,725,726,727; died 27 May 1969728. 200 v. Nonie Taylor, born Aft. 1900729.
55. Andrew Jackson3 Staton (Elizabeth2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 29 Aug 1873 in Mississippi730,731,732,733,734,735, and died 23 Jun 1946735. He married Alma Pearl Jackson 03 Feb 1898 in Newton Co, MS736,737,738, daughter of David Jackson and Winniford Bailey. She was born 18 Aug 1877 in Mississippi739,740,741,742,743, and died 19 Feb 1939744. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, #97-97, p. 222A, Supv Dist 5, ED 51, Sheet
6A Children of Andrew Jackson Staton and Alma Pearl Jackson are: 201 i. Alice Elizabeth4 Staton, born 19 Apr 1899 in Newton Co, MS745,746,747,748. She married Homer Killan 09 Jun 1923 in Newton Co, MS749. 202 ii. Ada D. Staton, born 22 Feb 1903 in Newton Co, MS750,751,752,753; died 31 Aug 1958753. She married J. P. Shelton. 203 iii. Alton Jackson Staton, born 10 May 1905 in Newton Co, MS754,755,756,757,758; died 01 Jul 1983759. He married Iva Elizabeth Mason 04 May 1924; born 25 Sep 1903 in Neshoba Co, MS760,761. 204 iv. Clyde I. Staton, born 13 Oct 1907 in Newton Co, MS762,763,764; died 07 May 1994765. He married Lillian Ezell 24 Dec 1926 in Newton Co, MS766; born Abt. 1909767. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, ED 51-11Supv Dist 9, p. 94, Sheet 1A #7-7 205 v. Pauline Staton, born 14 Dec 1911 in Newton Co, MS768,769. She married J. H. Russell 03 Nov 1928 in Newton Co, MS770. 206 vi. Earl Staton, born Abt. 1915771,772. 207 vii. Hazel C. Staton, born Abt. 1919773,774.
56. Samuel Luther3 Staton (Elizabeth2 Boler, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 30 Dec 1875 in Mississippi775,776,777,778,779, and died 04 Oct 1966779. He married (1) Mary L.. She was born Abt. 1880780. He married (2) M. Loca Abt. 1898 in Mississippi781. She was born 30 Oct 1879 in Mississippi781,782,783, and died 13 Jan 1961783. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, #95-95, p. 222A, Supv Dist 5, ED 51, Sheet
6A Child of Samuel Luther Staton and Mary L. is: 208 i. Robert L.4 Staton, born Abt. 1918784. Children of Samuel Luther Staton and M. Loca are: 209 i. Earnest Oscar4 Staton, born 15 Jan 1897 in Newton Co, MS785,786; died 08 Oct 1903786. 210 ii. Arthur Norfleet Staton, born 07 Oct 1899 in Newton Co, MS787,788,789,790,791. He married Zara Cooper 06 Dec 1925 in Newton Co, MS792; born Abt. 1909 in Mississippi793. 211 iii. Clifton Otis Staton, born 08 Oct 1901 in Newton Co, MS794; died 30 Aug 1904794. 212 iv. Annie Mae Staton, born 08 Oct 1904 in Newton Co, MS795,796,797,798; died 28 Apr 1989798. She married Richard W. Johnson 03 Jan 1925 in Newton Co, MS799; born 20 Apr 1894 in Mississippi800,801; died 18 Nov 1951801. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census, Beat 3, ED 51-11Supv Dist 9, p. 94, Sheet 1A #14-15 213 v. John Otis Staton, born 19 Mar 1907 in Newton Co, MS802,803,804; died 25 Dec 1937804. 214 vi. Samuel Luther Staton, born 11 May 1909 in Newton Co, MS805,806,807; died 16 Sep 1957807.
58. William Harvey3 Boler (Green Berry2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Nov 1870 in Mississippi808,809. He married Martha J. Roney 27 Feb 1890 in Mississippi809,810. She was born Feb 1875 in Mississippi811. 1900 Simpson Co, MS Census, Beat, Vol 46, ED 94, Sheet 21, Line 85 Children of William Harvey Boler and Martha Roney are: 215 i. Grover H.4 Boler, born 14 Dec 1890 in Mississippi811,812. 216 ii. Mini Boler, born Mar 1893813. 217 iii. Ludie Boler, born Jan 1894813. 218 iv. Ula Boler, born Feb 1896813. 219 v. William Horace Boler, born 23 Sep 1897 in Mississippi813,814. 220 vi. Hopson Boler, born Jul 1899815. 221 vii. Infant Boler, born 15 Aug 1907 in Jones Co, MS816; died 16 Aug 1907 in Jones Co, MS816.
59. Thomas E.3 Boler (Green Berry2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Dec 1876 in Missisippi817,818. He married Mary I. Wood 22 Nov 1896 in Jones Co, MS818,819. She was born Sep 1878 in Missisiippi820. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census, Supv District 6, ED 58, Sheet #13, #241-241 Child of Thomas E. Boler and Mary Wood is: 222 i. Lester4 Boler, born Oct 1897 in Missisiippi820.
62. James Allen3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 05 Sep 1867 in Neshoba County, MS821,822,823,824, and died 09 Jan 1954825. He married (1) Sarah Ida Herrington 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS826,827, daughter of John Herrington and Louisa Murphy. She was born 26 Oct 1871 in Mississippi828, and died 02 Nov 1922828. He married (2) Sarah Alma Dowles 14 Jun 1925 in Newton Co, MS829, daughter of Unknown and Unknown. She was born 15 Oct 1871 in Mississippi830,831, and died 10 Mar 1961832. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census 200-200 Children of James A. Boler and Sarah Ida Herrington are: 223 i. Archie Roy4 Boler, born 22 May 1892 in Neshoba Co, MS833,834,835,836; died 20 Oct 1948837,838. He married Alma Smith 17 Jan 1915 in Neshoba Co, MS839,840; born 1896 in Mississippi\841,842; died 1991842. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, Dixon/Waldo, #51-53 World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Archie Roy, 25, Union, b 22 May 1892 in Union, Farmer, Married, Tall, Stout, Light Blue Eyes, Red Hair Neshoba Baptist Church Records: Roy BOLER was born May 22, 1872. He was the oldest child of Mr. & Mrs. Jim BOLER. He died Oct. 20, 1948. He united with the Baptist Church at Bluff Springs Aug 7, 1907. On Jan. 17, 1915 he was married to Miss Alma SMITH who survives him. In 1928 he was ordained as a deacon by the Bluff Springs Church and in the same year was elected Church Clerk, which position he held until he moved to Neshoba in 1944. Upon moving to Neshoba he united with that church and remained a faithful member until his death. Besides his wife he is survived by a step daughter and an aged father, five brothers and one half brother, 3 sisters and one half sister, a great many friends and no enemies. Roy spent his entire life within a few miles of where he was born and died among friends and many of whom had known him for more than 50 years. While perhaps not the perfect man as no flesh is perfect it can truthfully be said that in his simple faith in God,his respect for the rights of others, his devotion to his family, and his desire to be of service, stamped him as an outstanding Christian citizen. We ?? our thanks to a God of wisdom and love that such a man lived and that we had the priviledge of having for our neighbor and friend for such a long time. Therefore be it resolved that the Neshoba Baptist Church in Conference that a copy of these resolutions be written unto the permanent records of our Church and that a copy be furnished the widow and father of the deceased. Committee: W. J. HOUSTON, T.O. GULLY, Mrs. Ethie McNAIR. 224 ii. Colin Boler, born 22 Feb 1894 in Mississippi843,844; died 16 Jan 1949 in Neshoba Co, MS845,846. He married Biddie Wilson 04 May 1919 in Neshoba Co, MS847,848; born 1898 in Mississippi849,850; died 1988850. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat4, Dixoo/Waldo, #271-282 World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Colin, 23, Union, b 22 Feb 1894 in Union, Farmer, Single, Medium Build & Weight, Brown Eyes & Hair Neshoba Baptist Church Records: On Jan. 16 1949 Colen BOLER passed away at his house following a long illness. While still a young man he was called into the service of his country in World War I. He served with distinction as a combat soldier in France until he was severly gased in 1918. He never fully recovered from these wounds. Colen joined the Baptist Church at Bluff Springs early in life and at his death was a member of the church a Neshoba. To know Colen was to love and appreciate him and he leaves many friends to mourn his going. Then God saw fit to take him within his garden fair. He placed him with the others Already gathered there. His time on earth was ended. But still he lingers near. His suffering days are over. May God wipe away all tears. Committee: T. O. GULLY, Miss Margie D. VIVERETT, Mrs. R. B. VANCE. 225 iii. Myrtle Boler, born 25 Jul 1896851; died 15 Dec 1979851. She married John Olen Smith 19 Nov 1916 in Neshoba Co, MS852; born 04 Sep 1893853; died 15 Dec 1979853. 226 iv. Omer Boler854, born 28 Jun 1899 in Neshoba Co, MS855,856,857; died 22 Oct 1978 in Jackson, Hinds Co, MS858. He married Frances Viola White 19 Feb 1928 in Newton Co, MS859; born 20 Jun 1906 in Mississippi860,861,862,863; died 08 Jul 1947864. 1930 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Dixon & Waldo, Beat 4, ED 50-14, Supv Dist 7, Sheet 13b, Union & Dixon Road, #260-272, Farmer, p. 231 World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Omer, 19, RFD 1 Union, b 28 Jun 1889, Farmer employed by Jas A. Boler (also nearest relative), Tall, Medium Build, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair 227 v. Clifford Boler, born Abt. 1902865. He married Parlee Smith 25 Sep 1925 in Newton Co, MS866. 228 vi. Theron B. Boler, born 02 Dec 1905 in Neshoba Co, MS867,868; died 20 Jun 1966868. He married Thelma D.; born 03 Nov 1908868; died 28 Oct 1991868. 229 vii. Oleta Boler, born 19 Jul 1908 in Neshoba Co, MS869,870; died 06 Jan 1979870. She married Clifford J. Hardin 07 May 1932 in Newton Co, MS871; born 11 Oct 1906872; died 15 Apr 1983872. 230 viii. Clois Boler, born Abt. 1911873. 231 ix. Cleora Boler, born Abt. 1916873.
63. Annal Dorval3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 21 Jan 1869 in Mississippi874,875,876, and died 09 Aug 1951 in Neshoba Co, MS877. He married Mary Abby Herrington 1892 in Mississippi878, daughter of John Herrington and Louisa Murphy. She was born 03 May 1874 in Mississippi879,880, and died 06 Jan 1921 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS881. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census 231-231 The Neshoba Democrat, January 16, 1896. A. D. Boler appointed overseer on: Philadelphia & New Ireland road from Abe Nash house to Dixon & Union road. Children of Annal Dorval Boler and Mary Abby Herrington are: 232 i. Rufus Clyde4 Boler, born 02 Jan 1893882; died 22 Oct 1945. He married Corrie L. Hillman 18 Nov 1915 in Neshoba Co, MS883. 233 ii. Clara Ethel Boler, born 27 Jan 1895 in Mississippi\884,885,886; died 27 Jul 1959 in Neshoba, Neshoba Co, MS887. She married (1) Irby Leander Crenshaw 01 Mar 1914 in Neshoba Co, MS888; born 20 Feb 1894 in Neshoba Co, MS889,890,891; died 28 Mar 1925 in Neshoba Co, MS892. She married (2) William Spurgeon Fulton 03 Dec 1930 in Linwood, Neshoba Co, MS893; born 11 Feb 1894 in Neshoba Co, MS894,895; died 12 May 1967 in Jackson, Hinds Co, MS896. World War I Draft Registration Card: Crenshaw, Irby Leander, 23, Neshoba, b 20 Feb 1894 in Union, Farmer, Wife and 1 child, Medium Height & Build, Blue Eyes, Light Brown Hair, Precinct Neshoba World War I Draft Registration Card: Fulton, William Spergeon, 23, Neshoba, b 11 Feb 1894 in Union, Farmer, Single, Claims exemption because of Mother, Medium Height & Build, Blue Eyes, Dark Hair, Precinct Neshoba 234 iii. Fred Theodore Boler, born 08 Jun 1897897,898,899. Notes for Fred Theodore Boler: World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Fred, 21, Neshoba, b 8 June 1897 in Neshoba County, Father born Neshoba Co, Employed by A. D. Boler (also nearest relative), Medium Height & Build, Blue Eyes, Light Hair, Two missing fingers on right hand. 235 iv. Nola E. Boler, born 24 Nov 1900900; died 24 Aug 1981. She married Delton A. Jones; born 16 Jun 1905901; died 13 Sep 1980901. 236 v. James Alton Boler, born 02 Jun 1903 in Neshoba Co, MS902,903,904; died 28 Aug 1997904. He married (1) Lavonia Jones; born 18 Nov 1903905; died 21 Jun 1958905. He married (2) Avah. 237 vi. Leon Darvel Boler, born 21 Aug 1905906; died 27 Sep 1963. 238 vii. Baxter D. Boler, born Abt. 1908906. He married Myra Bell 1935. 239 viii. Winnie Lou Boler, born 25 Nov 1909906; died 29 Nov 1998 in Jackson, Hinds Co, MS. She married R. C. Jones; died 1995. 240 ix. Avis Laverne Boler, born 23 Jul 1914906; died 04 Nov 1986. She married Joseph Henry Bell 22 Sep 1934 in Union, Newton Co, MS. 241 x. Kenneth Lane Boler, born 14 Mar 1917906; died 07 Aug 1975. He married Unknown Bell.
64. Emma Elizabeth3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Nov 1870 in Neshoba Co, MS907,908,909,910, and died 1928 in Mississippi911. She married Thomas Frank Jackson 30 Dec 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS912,913,914, son of Ruben Jackson and Harriet. He was born Dec 1867 in Mississippi915,916,917,918, and died 1950 in Jones Co, MS919. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, p. 98, Supv Dist 5, ED 44, Sheet 15A,
#253-233 Children of Emma Elizabeth Boler and Thomas Jackson are: 242 i. James Carl4 Jackson, born 08 Nov 1890 in Neshoba Co, MS919. He married Flora Lucretia Yawn 21 Oct 1826919; born 1907 in Covington Co, MS919; died 1972 in Houston, TX919. 243 ii. Lenora Jackson, born Oct 1892 in Neshoba Co, MS919. 244 iii. Albert Lee Jackson, born 08 Sep 1894 in Neshoba Co, MS919; died 25 Aug 1965919. He married Eve Ola Walters; born 1901920. 245 iv. Robert Clint Jackson, born Jul 1896 in Neshoba Co, MS921. 246 v. Dewey Jackson, born Sep 1898 in Neshoba Co, MS921. 247 vi. Velma Jackson, born Abt. 1901922. 248 vii. Hattie Belle Jackson, born Abt. 1903922. 249 viii. Pearl Jackson, born 13 Apr 1906923. 250 ix. Aline Jackson, born Abt. 1908924.
66. Ellen Eliza3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born Jan 1875 in Mississippi925,926,927,928, and died 1944929. She married George Lee Houston 07 Nov 1895 in Neshoba Co, MS930, son of Joseph Houston and Mary Johnson. He was born Nov 1867 in Mississippi931,932,933, and died 1942934. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, p. 96, Supv Dist 5, ED 44, Sheet 13A,
#198-198 Children of Ellen Eliza Boler and George Lee Houston are: 251 i. Venie Lee4 Houston, born 1900935,936. 252 ii. Samuel C. Houston, born Abt. 1903937. 253 iii. G. O. Houston, born Abt. 1905937. 254 iv. L. M. Houston, born Abt. 1907937. 255 v. George Lee Houston, born Abt. 1909937. 256 vi. R. A. Houston, born Abt. 1910937. 257 vii. Garland Houston, born Abt. 1913937.
70. Walter J.3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 16 Oct 1883 in Neshoba Co, MS938,939, and died 27 Oct 1971939. He married Louie H. Burroughs Abt. 1905940, daughter of Unknown Burroughs and Mary Henry. She was born 15 Sep 1886 in Mississippi941, and died 06 Dec 1969941. 1910 Scott Co, MS Census, Beat 5, Lake, p. 327, Supv Dist 5, ED 106, Sheet
7A, #86-86 Children of Walter J. Boler and Louie Burroughs are: 258 i. Eunice4 Boler, born Abt. 1907 in Mississippi942. 259 ii. Herman Boler, born Abt. 1914943. 260 iii. Henry R. Boler, born Abt. 1929943.
71. Harvey Clifton3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 25 Oct 1886 in Mississippi944,945,946,947, and died 23 Jun 1965948. He married Emma Smith 1907 in Neshoba Co, MS949. She was born 25 Feb 1886 in Mississippi950,951, and died 20 Jul 1970951. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, Dixon/Waldo, #322-333 World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Harvey Clifton, 30, Union, b 25 Oct 1886 in Union, Farmer, Wife and 4 children, Tall, Medium Build, Gray Eyes, Light Brown Hair Children of Harvey Clifton Boler and Emma Smith are: 261 i. Archie4 Boler, born Abt. 1909952. 262 ii. Willie Boler, born Abt. 1910952. 263 iii. Ludia Boler, born Abt. 1913952. 264 iv. Clifton Boler, born 27 Jan 1914 in Neshoba Co, MS953; died 05 Mar 1914953. 265 v. James Olen Boler, born 19 Jan 1915 in Neshoba Co, MS953; died 30 Jun 1916 in Neshoba Co, MS953. 266 vi. Aubrey Boler, born Abt. 1918954. 267 vii. Quinton Carl Boler, born 10 Oct 1919 in Neshoba Co, MS954,955; died 10 Mar 1999955. He married Eloweeze Walton; born 26 Nov 1923955.
72. Aldeen Clay (Ned)3 Boler (Henry Clay2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 17 Dec 1888 in Neshoba Co, MS956,957,958, and died 20 Nov 1958959. He married (1) Unknown. He married (2) Winnie E. Gordon 24 Nov 1912 in Newton Co, MS960, daughter of Andrew Gordon and Annie Gardner. She was born 23 Feb 1895 in Mississippi961,962, and died 10 Aug 1948962. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census, Beat 4, Dixon/Waldo, #330-341 World War I Draft Registration Card: Boler, Aldeen Clay, 28, RFD 1 Union, b 17 Dec 1888 in Union, Farmer, Wife and 2 children, Tall, Slender, Brown Eyes, Brown Hair Child of Ned Boler and Unknown is: 268 i. Henry Clay4 Boler. Children of Ned Boler and Winnie Gordon are: 269 i. Gordon4 Boler, born 11 Sep 1913 in Mississippi963,964; died 07 Jan 1994964. He married Delma Williamson; born 26 Nov 1914964; died Bef. 2001. 270 ii. Henry Buford Boler, born 13 Mar 1916 in Mississippi965,966; died 13 Oct 1993966. He married Margean Battett 10 Dec 1949966; born 26 Feb 1932966; died Bef. 2001. 271 iii. Annie Ruth Boler, born 07 Feb 1922 in Neshoba Co, MS967; died 27 Jun 1923 in Neshoba Co, MS967. 272 iv. Burma Fay Boler
74. Wesley Powell3 Boler (Andrew Jackson2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 22 Sep 1869 in Neshoba Co, MS969,970,971, and died 28 Sep 1949 in Jones Co, MS972. He married Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" Cleveland 06 Dec 1890 in Newton Co, MS973. She was born Jul 1873 in Mississippi974, and died 28 May 1911 in Jones Co, MS975. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census, Beat 1, Ellisville, Vol 24 ED 58, Sheet 14, Line 24 14 September 1906 Children of Wesley Powell Boler and Mollie Cleveland are: 273 i. Buford Harrison4 Boler, born 20 Mar 1893976,977,978. 274 ii. Charlie Williams Boler, born 19 Nov 1894 in Jones Co, MS979,980,981,982; died 05 Nov 1965 in Jones Co, MS983. He married Janie E.; born 17 Feb 1901983; died 15 Aug 1971 in Jones Co, MS983. 275 iii. Velma Boler, born Sep 1896984,985. 276 iv. George Cleveland Boler, born 23 Mar 1898986,987,988. 277 v. Curtis Boler, born Abt. 1902989. 278 vi. Hudie Jack Boler, born 16 Nov 1903 in Jones Co, MS989,990; died 23 Mar 1956 in Mississippi991. 279 vii. Jessie Bartaman Boler, born 1905 in Jones Co, MS992,993; died 1956993. He married Myrtle Welborn. 280 viii. Robert J. Boler, born 13 Jan 1908 in Jones Co, MS994,995; died 17 Feb 1981995. He married Letha; born 14 Mar 1909995.
75. Charles Duggan3 Boler (Andrew Jackson2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 10 Oct 1871 in Neshoba Co, MS996,997,998,999, and died 16 Feb 1947 in Jones Co, MS1000. He married Olive Reeves 12 Oct 1899 in Jones Co, MS1001,1002,1003. She was born 18 Jun 1880 in Mississippi1004,1005,1006, and died 21 Feb 19671007. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census, Beat 1, Ellisville, Vol 24, ED 58, Sheet 15, Line
54 Children of Charles Boler and Olive Reeves are: 281 i. Herbert Haden4 Boler, born 13 Jun 1900 in Jones Co, MS1008,1009,1010,1011; died 18 Jun 19651012. He married Opal B.; born 14 Jul 19041012; died 02 Jan 19691012. 282 ii. Addie Boler, born Bet. 1902 - 19031013,1014. 283 iii. Lessie Boler, born 01 Nov 1905 in Jones Co, MS1015,1016,1017; died 19 Apr 19831018. She married Unknown Moss. 284 iv. Emma Christine Boler, born 25 Dec 1910 in Jones Co, MS1019,1020; died 23 Dec 19881021. She married Thurman L. Collins; born 22 Jan 19101022. 285 v. Forest Boler, born Abt. 19141023.
77. Fanny Alice3 Boler (Andrew Jackson2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 23 Sep 1879 in Neshoba Co, MS1024,1025, and died 31 Aug 1945 in Laurel, Jones Co, MS1026. She married Frantz Pickering 26 Nov 1900 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026, son of Robert Pickering and Celia Graves. Children of Fanny Boler and Frantz Pickering are: 286 i. Carva4 Pickering, born 11 Jan 1902 in Covington Co, MS1026; died 15 Jul 19021026. 287 ii. Captola Pickering, born 22 Feb 1903 in Covington Co, MS1026; died 17 Feb 19601026. She married Jefferson Davis Lewis 13 Aug 19251026. 288 iii. Paul Jackson Pickering, born 28 Dec 1904 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026; died 14 May 19941026. He married Myrtle Pauline Carter 30 Apr 19291026. 289 iv. Roy Mervyn Pickering, born 26 Nov 1906 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026; died 16 Nov 1967 in Baytown, TX1026. He married Salba Estelle Tally 09 May 1937 in Pineville, Smith Co, MS1026. 290 v. Lyda Mae Pickering, born 21 Nov 1909 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026. She married Mose J. Walters 02 Nov 19401026. 291 vi. Ralph Pickering, born 25 Nov 1911 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026. He married (1) Mildred Hill. He married (2) Jessie Lee Myrick 23 May 19451026. 292 vii. Windel Pickering, born 21 Jul 1913 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026; died 04 Jun 19981026. He married Erlene Grantham 19 Jul 1941 in Lexington, Holmes Co, MS1026. 293 viii. Thelma Adonis Pickering, born 30 Mar 1915. 294 ix. Marie Pickering, born 26 Apr 1920 in Hebron, Jones Co, MS1026. She married John Wilmer Lewis. 295 x. Justina Pickering, born 11 Oct 1922.
79. Tallie Virginia3 Boler (Andrew Jackson2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 18 Oct 1885 in Mississippi1027,1028,1029,1030, and died 30 Jul 1960 in Jonesboro, Craighead Co, AR1031. She married George Combs Grafton. He was born 1882 in Mississippi1032,1033, and died 19591034. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census, Beat 2, Supv Dist 6, ED 84, Sheet 24A, 467-476 Children of Tallie Boler and George Grafton are: 296 i. Agnes4 Grafton, born Abt. 19071035. 297 ii. Lois Grafton, born Abt. 19091035. 298 iii. Alvin Grafton, born Abt. 19111035. 299 iv. Rabon Grafton, born Abt. 19131035. 300 v. Dorris Grafton, born Abt. 19171035.
81. Andrew Jackson3 Boler (Andrew Jackson2, Wesley1, WilliamA Bowler, JamesB Boulware) was born 26 Jun 1893 in Jones Co, MS1036,1037, and died 23 Jun 19531038. He married Velma Elizabeth Culpepper 10 Feb 19231038. Children of Andrew Boler and Velma Culpepper are: 301 i. Unknown4 Boler. She married Herbert Jenkins. 302 ii. Unknown Boler. She married R. B. Walters. 303 iii. Virgie Boler. 304 iv. Sonny Boler.
Endnotes 1. 1870 Neshoba County, MS Census #1104-1104. 558. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 559. Betty Harkey. 560. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 561. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 562. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 563. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 564. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 565. World War I Draft Registration Card. 566. Betty Harkey. 567. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 568. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 569. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 570. World War I Draft Registration Card. 571. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 572. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 573. World War I Draft Registration Card. 574. Social Security Death Index. 575. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 576. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 577. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 578. 1920 Pittsburg Co, OK Census. 579. 1880 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 580. 1910 Cass Co, TX Census. 581. 1900 Leflore Co, MS Census. 582. Compiled & Edited by William Harold Graham Ed D, Newton Co, MS Marriage Records 1872 - 1952, (Pioneer Publishing Company 2002), 354. 583. 1910 Cass Co, TX Census. 584. 1900 Leflore Co, MS Census. 585. 1910 Cass Co, TX Census. 586. 1900 Leflore Co, MS Census. 587. 1910 Cass Co, TX Census. 588. 1900 Leflore Co, MS Census. 589. 1910 Cass Co, TX Census. 590. 1900 Leflore Co, MS Census. 591. 1910 Cass Co, TX Census. 592. 1880 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 593. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 594. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 595. Betty Harkey. 596. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 597. 1880 Holmes Co, MS Census. 598. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 599. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 600. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 601. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 602. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 603. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 604. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 605. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 606. 1900 Holmes Co, MS Census. 607. 1910 Holmes Co, MS Census. 608. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census #1080. 610. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. 611. Dwight Alton Staton. 612. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census #1080. 614. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. 615. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 616. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 617. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 618. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 619. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 621. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 622. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 623. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 624. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Book, 3-36. 625. Dwight Alton Staton. 626. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 627. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 628. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 629. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 630. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 631. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 632. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 633. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 634. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 674. 635. Newton County Marriage Book, G-249. 636. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 674. 637. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 638. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 639. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 640. James F. Cook. 641. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 642. Dwight Alton Staton. 643. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 644. James F. Cook. 645. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 646. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 647. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 648. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 649. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 650. Newton County Marriage Book, E-214. 651. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 652. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 653. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 654. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 655. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 656. Newton County Marriage Book, E-458. 657. Dwight Alton Staton. 658. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 659. Dwight Alton Staton. 660. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census #1080. 662. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. 663. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 664. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 665. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 666. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 667. Tombstone. 668. Newton County Marriage Book, 3-157. 669. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 670. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 671. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 672. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 673. Tombstone. 674. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 675. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 676. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 677. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 678. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 679. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 680. Newton County Marriage Book, E-98. 681. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 682. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 683. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 684. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 676. 685. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 686. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 676. 687. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 688. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 689. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 663. 690. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 691. Newton County Marriage Book, F-427. 692. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 663. 693. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 694. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 654. 695. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 696. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 697. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 685. 698. Newton County Marriage Book, G-335. 699. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 685. 700. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 654. 701. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 702. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 703. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 704. Newton County Marriage Book, H-86. 705. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 706. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 707. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 708. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 654. 710. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. 711. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 712. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 713. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 714. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 715. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 716. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 717. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 719. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 721. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 722. James F. Cook. 723. Dwight Alton Staton. 724. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 725. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 726. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 727. James F. Cook. 728. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 675. 729. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 731. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. 732. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 733. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 734. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 735. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 670. 736. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 737. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 738. Newton County Marriage Book, A-394. 739. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 740. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 741. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 742. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 744. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 670. 745. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 746. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 747. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 749. Newton County Marriage Book, G-240. 750. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 751. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 753. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 670. 754. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 755. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 756. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 757. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 759. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 760. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 761. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 762. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 763. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 765. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 766. Newton County Marriage Book, H-121. 767. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 768. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 770. Newton County Marriage Book, H-404. 771. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 772. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 773. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 774. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 775. Polly Staton Barrick. 776. 1880 Newton Co, MS Census. 777. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 778. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 779. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 780. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 781. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 782. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 783. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 784. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 785. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 786. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 5. 787. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 788. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 789. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 790. 1900 Newton Co, MS Census. 791. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 792. Newton County Marriage Book, G-570. 793. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 794. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 5. 795. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 796. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 797. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 798. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 677. 799. Newton County Marriage Book, G-440. 800. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 801. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 677. 802. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 803. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 804. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 805. 1910 Newton Co, MS Census. 806. 1920 Newton Co, MS Census. 807. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 669. 808. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 87, p. 43, 388-375. 809. 1900 Simpson Co, MS Census. 810. Marriage Records in Jones County June 10, 1992 - December 31, 1900, First District, Jones County Courthouse, 418. 811. 1900 Simpson Co, MS Census. 812. World War I Draft Registration. 813. 1900 Simpson Co, MS Census. 814. World War I Draft Registration. 815. 1900 Simpson Co, MS Census. 816. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 817. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 87, p. 43, 388-375. 818. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 819. Jones Co, MS Marriage Records. 820. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 821. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 822. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 60, p. 21, 144. 823. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS #144-144, ED 60, Supv Dist 2, p. 21, Beat 4. 824. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 825. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 826. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census, #200-200. 827. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Book 2, p. 496. 828. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 352. 829. Newton County Marriage Book, G-496. 830. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 831. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 832. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 833. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 834. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 352. 835. Neshoba Baptist Church Records. 836. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 837. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 352. 838. Neshoba Baptist Church Records. 839. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 840. Neshoba Baptist Church Records. 841. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 842. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 352. 843. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 844. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 845. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 846. Neshoba Baptist Church Records. 847. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 848. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 849. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 850. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 851. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 343. 852. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 853. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 343. 854. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 855. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 856. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 857. 1930 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 858. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 859. Newton County Marriage Book, H-307. 860. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 861. 1910 Scott Co, MS Census. 862. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 863. 1930 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 864. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 865. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 866. Newton County Marriage Book, G-540. 867. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 868. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 348. 869. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 870. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 352. 871. Newton County Marriage Book, J-240. 872. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 352. 873. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 874. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 60, p. 21, 144. 875. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 876. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 877. Terri Taylor 10-25-97 e-mail. 878. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census #231-231. 879. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 880. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 881. Death's 1902 - 1930. 882. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 883. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 884. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 885. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 886. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 887. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 888. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 889. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 890. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 891. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 892. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 893. Lynette Williamson Duett. 894. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 895. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 896. Neshoba County Historical Society, Neshoba County Cemetery Records, (The Gregath Company, 1987), 53. 897. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census #231-231. 898. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 899. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 900. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 901. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 351. 902. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 903. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 342. 904. Tombstone. 905. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 342. 906. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 907. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 60, p. 21, 144. 908. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 909. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 910. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 911. Joni Jackson e-mail 12-9-97. 912. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 913. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 914. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 915. Joni Jackson e-mail 12-9-97. 916. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 917. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 918. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 919. Joni Jackson e-mail 12-9-97. 920. Diana Myers 4-26-98 e-mail. 921. Joni Jackson e-mail 12-9-97. 922. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 923. Joni Jackson e-mail 12-9-97. 924. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 925. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 926. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 927. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 60, p. 21, 144. 928. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 929. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 930. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Records. 931. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 347. 932. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 933. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 934. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 349. 935. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 936. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 937. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 938. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census #192-192. 939. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 666. 940. 1910 Scott Co, MS Census. 941. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 666. 942. 1910 Scott Co, MS Census. 943. 1930 Newton Co, MS Census. 944. 1900 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 945. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 946. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 344. 947. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 948. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 344. 949. Neshoba Co, MS Marriage Book, D-541. 950. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 951. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 344. 952. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 953. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 344. 954. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 955. Tombstone. 956. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 957. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 347. 958. World War I Draft Registration 1917-1918. 959. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 347. 960. Newton County Marriage Book, E-197. 961. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 962. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 347. 963. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 964. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 692. 965. 1920 Neshoba Co, MS Census. 966. Bonnie Addy Smith, Jackson Eliot Smith, Robert Ervin Smith, Newton County MS - A Cemetery Census 1782-1995, (EBRS Publishing Co, 1997), 692. 967. Theresa Ridout, Our Links To The Past 1833-1996, Cemetery Records of Neshoba County, MS, (Neshoba County Public Library, 1998), 347. 968. Ruth Mills. 969. 1870 Neshoba Co, MS Census #11103-1103. 970. Tombstone, Indian Springs Cemetery, Outside Laurel, MS. 972. Tombstone, Indian Springs Cemetery, Outside Laurel, MS. 973. Newton County, MS Marriage Records, 3-149. 974. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 975. Tombstone, Indian Springs Cemetery, Outside Laurel, MS. 976. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 977. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 978. World War I Draft Registration. 979. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 980. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 981. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 982. World War I Draft Registration. 983. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 984. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 985. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 986. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 987. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 988. World War I Draft Registration. 989. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 990. Jessie Wayne Boler, Laurel, MS. 991. Jones Co, MS Cemetery Book. 992. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 993. Jessie Wayne Boler, Laurel, MS. 994. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 995. Hebron Cemetery Records. 996. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 60, p. 18, 133. 997. Tombstone, Indian Springs Cemetery, Outside Laurel, MS. 999. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1000. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1001. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 1002. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 1003. Marriage Records in Jones County June 10, 1992 - December 31, 1900, First District, Jones County Courthouse, 336. 1004. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 1005. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1006. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1007. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1008. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 1009. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1010. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1011. World War I Draft Registration. 1012. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1013. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 1014. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1015. 1910 Jones Co, MS Census. 1016. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1017. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1018. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1019. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1020. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1021. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1022. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1023. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1024. 1880 US Census Neshoba Co, MS, ED 60, p. 18, 133. 1026. Delores Sanders. 1027. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 1028. Delores Sanders 1029. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1030. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1031. Delores Sanders. 1032. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1033. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1034. Indian Springs Cemetery Records. 1035. 1920 Jones Co, MS Census. 1036. 1900 Jones Co, MS Census. 1037. World War I Draft Registration. 1038. Delores Sanders |
05/24/2006 02:34:46 PM